La beta de Dreams se retrasa a 2017


El nuevo proyecto de Media Molecule del cual llevamos bastante tiempo sin oir novedades y que estuvo ausente en la reciente PlayStation Experience, retrasa su beta al próximo año.

It’s getting close to the end of 2016 and it’s time to let you all know that the beta trial for Dreams won’t be starting this year. We are sorry for being a bit quiet of late and for disappointing people not being at PSX, but sometimes you have to just shut the doors, take the phone off the hook and hunker down and that’s exactly what we have been doing!

Now I know it may be difficult to hear, and delays make us sad too. However Dreams is Big. Really big. I mean, we always knew we were a bit crazy, but the enormity of it has taken even us by surprise. And rather than cutting corners we are staying true to our vision – that Dreams isn’t just about drawing, or sculpting, but also game creation, storytelling, animation, music and sound, all rolled into one whole beautiful PlayStation game.

We are well on the way, and have had a really productive year. We have ticked off many big tasks including implementing a working rough cut of the full feature set, starting the QA/developer version of the trial and making good progress on the game campaign we are making within Dreams. The results we are getting in the studio are truly amazing but we have a bit more to do before we share it with the world. We don’t want you to have to squint through a haze of bugs or unfinished features, so we’re going to share our progress with you all in the New Year!

And so though it means a bit of a delay to the beta trial, rest assured we are working as hard as ever! We are going to keep hunkering down, and will use the energy from you all to get through our work as quickly as possible!

Recordatorio de que tenemos hilo hype en el foro.



Pensaba que saldría este año, pero llevo sin actualizar el #hype burrada de tiempo, porqué no hay NADA. Algunos gunplays de VR que no aportan NADA y vídeos de MM haciendo el amigo invisible en plan hipster profundo. A ver como avanza, pero mi interés ha ido disminuyendo a marchas forzadas.

1 respuesta

#2 Si te interesa, en su canal de youtube suelen subir vídeos cada poco

1 respuesta

Una pena, tengo ganas de ver lo que es capaz de hacer la gente con esto xD


#3 Know it. Pero mira sus videos. Novedades muy escuetas. Hace meses que no suben nada de Dreams nuevo. Sólo cuelgan que paridas ultimamente.


Esto tiene un tufillo a no mans sky que tira para atras.

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