BF: EA muestra Battlefield 4 a puerta cerrada


Podría ser la primera guerra mundial. La ww2, la de corea....

#92 Ese chiste ya me lo han hecho.
Será que no hay variedad de armas y vehículos en todas las guerras del siglo pasado.

1 respuesta

#91 La cuarta mejor, tambien con piedras y palos.

2 respuestas

#92 Si bueno lo siguiente es el chivalry 2.0 xD


La mejor, la del Golfo, como en el Desert Combat, con sus Apache, Hind, A-10, F16, F14 biplaza, F117, AC-130, SU-35, T-90, Abrams, MLRS, SCUBs, Shilka, Black Hawk, AH-6 (y por supuesto, con Armada)

Ni muy moderno, ni muy antiguo. Sin tantas polladas tecnológicas para mancos. Simplemente, lo clásico

1 1 respuesta

#94 Alguien que entiende lo que intento decir.

1 respuesta

Pues yo quiero un 2143 :)

1 1 respuesta

Battlefield 4 Gets Frosbite 2.5 Engine – Destruction 4.0, Tessellation, Dynamic Weather Affects

In our previous article, we mentioned how the next generation Battlefield 4 would utilize 80% of the Frostbite engine’s power compared to 30% utilization in Battlefield 3. The new Frostbite 2.5 engine would feature much more enhanced visuals with PC being the lead platform for the game. According to the details, Battlefield 4 would maintain a steady 60 FPS on 720P resolution on both next generation consoles which include the PS4 and Xbox 720 which is a slight bit of a disappointment since earlier rumors suggested 1080P/60 FPS target for the next-gen consoles. However, the next generation consoles including the PC would get 64 players while the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 would stick to the default 24 player setup which is currently seen on Battlefield 4.

Frostbite 2.5 would be a complete overhaul of the current Frostbite 2.0 engine with DirectX 11 compatibility only on PC. Furthermore, the game would feature Dynamic weather effects such as rain, sandstorms, fog, haze and would be totally random. Each map would get these dynamic weather effects and would change depending on the variable conditions. As you may have noted, the cover image shows a glimpse of these weather effects such as rain. Battlefield 4 would also bring back the much renowned and upgraded Destruction 4.0 system to the game which would offer destructible environments and buildings which we saw back in Bad Company 2. PC versions would benefit from compute power which would render these dynamic destructible effects much more realistically. Furthermore, all of the environment including water, terrain and characters/NPC would make use of the new tessellation technology implemented inside Frostbite 2.5.

Battlefield 4 – Set in China During 2020, Maps, Weapons Confirmed

The game would be set in 2020 but maintains a modern day setting featuring China and USA as the main infantry factions. The single player section of the game would be around 5-6 hours long in which there would be 2 campaigns of the PLA factions and would bring back the renowned animation effects of Bad Company series. Just like Battlefield 3′s Capsian border where the main tower collapses at the end of the game, a map would be based in Shanghai China at the end of which the Orient Pearl tower would collapse. Not much single player details were given but there are a ton of Multiplayer details such as the maps which include:

  • Diaoyu Island

  • Tiananmen

  • Shanghai Bund

  • Xizhimen

  • Xizhimen Rush

These are only a few of the total maps featured in Battlefield 4. Weapons such as the famouse Chinese J20, Y20, Xianglong would appear in the game along with those from other factions. Two of the confirmed tanks include M1A2 TUSK and PLA Type 99 each featuring their own set of customization options such as laser guidance and armor piercing rounds. Best thing that’s mentioned in the leak is that Air Combat zone would be further increased giving much more room for dog fights with jets.

Commander system as expected is definately making a return to the game with the leading commander Providing fire, recharges and UAV detection support to their team. Skill system has also been overhauled. According to the leak, Micro-transactions would be available in the game but they won’t affect the balance of the game at all and are entirely optional which is great to hear. As for DLC’s, the game would get after a while a map pack which would bring four further maps to the game which include:

  • Power station in Dalian

  • Daqing oil field

  • The great wall of China

  • Wake Island (Classic Battlefield Map)

In my Battlefield 4 teaser video post i mentioned that if even half of these features came true, Battlefield 4 would be an absolute beast of an FPS. With today’s leak, things are hyped up on my end and im really looking forward to GDC 2013′s announcement of DICE’s upcoming gem aka Battlefield 4.


Vamos que habrá que renovar el PC.


Un mod de 50e de salida + micropenes +dlc´s + suputapremiun gg EA

Por cierto eso de la destruccion 4.0.. spripteo puro y duro arrastrado desde el bc2 q ya no alegra ni a un mono subnormal. "dynamic" destructible effects much more realistically -> donde he leido esto antes..

2 1 respuesta

#99 Lo mejor de todo es que ni siquiera se ha anunciado oficialmente la fecha de lanzamiento y ya están hablando de DLC. Cuidado que si lo incluyen en el juego final igual no ganan dinero suficiente...LAMENTABLE

7 1 respuesta

"Commander system as expected is definately making a return to the game with the leading commander Providing fire, recharges and UAV detection support to their team."

Its something... Por ahora.

1 1 respuesta

Hate, hate, hate, lo comprareis todos. ^^

6 1 respuesta

#95 La coña no significa que no te hubiese entendido.


Esperemos que la destrucción sea la realmente prometida en BF3.

1 comentario moderado

Yo no sé vosotros pero yo no voy a caer con los micropagos y DLC's solo salir el juego y al año saquen el premium.

Edito: Según 3Djuegos premium desde el primer día.



Por lo visto el tema que trata de las consolas en dichas supuestas filtraciones no es del todo cierto pero ya esperaremos a ver que dice DICE al respecto el día 26 de Marzo.

A mi sinceramente me parecen datos que podrían confirmarse ya que aún siendo parte de ellos inventados tienen su fundamento en imágenes del Teaser que salió por ahí sin el logo de BF4 a más de 3000px de resolución.


Bua me va a medio-alto el 3, a tomar por culo seguire jugando al 3 :(


2020? ya empezamos a la bo2 ....


#100 da igual, la gente lo comprará como borregos y pagará por todo como siempre, yo me niego a darle un duro más a EA desde hace tiempo


#10 porque Bo2 es una mierda técnicamente hablando.Bueno, y como juego también


yo esq no se q esperáis de un juego la verdad, juego al bo2, CS y al bf3 y cada uno me entretiene de una manera diferente y ya esta. No espero super gráficos para jugar y pasar el rato. Si tengo pasta o me apetece me lo compraré y si no pues que le den, cada uno hace con su dinero lo q le da la gana y no por ello es uno un borrego por comprarlo o es un tío super listo por no comprarlo.
que queréis que os digan del juego? tendrán que venderlo y poner cosas novedosas aunque sea mentira o queréis que os digan? que va a ser mas de lo mismo?a ellos solo les importa vender...


#102 Yo no lo voy a comprar por muy bonito, bueno que sea ya que paso de EA y su forma de timar a sus compradores comprándote el juego, la expansión y gastarte 70 pavos para que luego uno se gaste 50 pavos y tengo lo mismo que tu e incluso más con el premium... Yo no vuelvo a picar ni nada con esta gente impresentable, que sí sabe hacer juegos, pero de marketing, son bastante excasos. Desde que me ha pasado eso con el battelfield 3, decidí no comprar nada de esta gente.


Creeis que la PS4 será capaz de mover el juego con la mierda de hard que monta? Supongo que una vez más será el pc el que marque el horizonte.


ptm , tanto dlc y ostias , un puto spec mode o brecorder , de eso ni hablan. Esto empieza a codearse al máximo.


espero que no lo compre nadie


Y voy yo, y me creo que no os lo vais a comprar.


Frostbite 2.5 would be a complete overhaul of the current Frostbite 2.0 engine with DirectX 11 compatibility only on PC. Furthermore, the game would feature Dynamic weather effects such as rain, sandstorms, fog, haze and would be totally random. Each map would get these dynamic weather effects and would change depending on the variable conditions. As you may have noted, the cover image shows a glimpse of these weather effects such as rain. Battlefield 4 would also bring back the much renowned and upgraded Destruction 4.0 system to the game which would offer destructible environments and buildings which we saw back in Bad Company 2. PC versions would benefit from compute power which would render these dynamic destructible effects much more realistically. Furthermore, all of the environment including water, terrain and characters/NPC would make use of the new tessellation technology implemented inside Frostbite 2.5.

Sold con ese parrafo pero x50



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