BF: Nuevo Battlefield 1943.


interesante... espero ke se parezca al BF1942 ,por cierto solo se vendera por descarga digital?




BF1943 hay que entenderlo como una apuesta de EA/DICE: contenido minimo, reduccion de costes de distribucion y precio reducido. Si tiene aceptación, pues meteran mas contenidos.


llevo eyaculando ininterrumpidamente unos dias, hasta que consiga parar esto no podre postear, cambio y corto.


#513 que basto eres :D


#512 han confirmado eso de que si tiene aceptacion meteran mas contenido? no lo he leido por ningun lao pero staria bien que lo confirmaran.

lo digo por que MUCHA peña se compraria la primera descarga por sus 20 euritos y luego exigirian mas mapas etc por la misma pasta y lanzarian insultos varios en cuanto ea pusiera 3 o 4 mapas mas por otros tantos leuros, se negarian a pagarlos y patapam servidores de los mapas nuevos vacios o llenos solo los 4 primeros dias.

ha pasado.



Al parecer eso es lo que se comenta, como siempre tiene el grado de veracidad que le quieras dar a una entrevista.


Yo como lo veo si lo pensais bien 20 euros por solo 3 mapas me parece hasta caro,no se como lo vereis vosotros,mas pensando q si lluego sacan otros 3 mapas y te quieren cobrar 20 euros mas,pues ya me diras,el negocio del siglo.

Hasta las expansiones de los juegos llevan mas mapas que el propio 43 al mismo precio,no se,habra que analizarlo si compensa.

3 simples mapas no se,no se....


#517 Total luego solo se juegan 3 o 4 xD


No te preocupes Dhamon ,hacemos una porra y te lo pagamos, a 10 centimos ya tienes tu BF43 XD


#516 todo contenido de pago ya sean 5, 10 20 o los euros que sean fracasan al no poder hacer rotaciones con mapas normales. Salvo q sean de mapa unico, que requiere un mapa especialmente bueno y aun asi juega mucha menos gente.
#518 ya veras q futuro tiene si de 4 mapas 2 son malos.


sino sacan más mapas posteriormente, algún mod aparecerá.


De momento y con la experiencia del 42 (osea si se parecen los mapas), Iwo Jima y Wake son mapas excelentes, Guadalcanal me gustaba menos pero a dia de hoy siguen habiendo servers exclusivos con ese mapa.



como dice #520 cuando sacan mapas de pago suelen ser jugados por 4 y criticados por 100, muchos de los cuales ahora esperan el 43 como agua de mayo pero bueno eso es otro tema...

ojala lo saquen sea la caña y luego saquen mas mapas de pago o no y la peña se los pille y todos seamos felices y comamos perdices...pero con estas cosas no hago castillos en el aire.

el 43 por ahora es lo que es 3 mapas por 20 euros = unos cuantos meses de diversion asegurada hasta que la novedad pase o el bad company llegue... que si que yo soy el primero al que la WW2 le mola mas pero prefiero pecar de cauto que de ingenuo y por mucho que se quieran exprimir los 3 mapas, mucho zumo no creo que den...poco mas que una demo larga.


Quizas saquen un creador de mapas.. y ya vereis los renders del 42 :D



ajjaaj eso eso, y si sacan luego expansiones por 20€, si no merecen la pena no seamos tontos y saquemos provecho de nuestros modders que son mas baratos y de mismo nivel.


Lo que si que NO han dicho es que vayan a sacar un editor de mapas o un SDK de desarrollo, asi que no creo que permitan mods/ampliaciones por el momento...


lo cual no es ninguna buena noticia, si sacaran un editor de mapas fijo que en "poco" tiempo tendriamos unos cuantos mapas del 42 rulando por los servers...

en fin que en su dia aunk gratis ya hicieron algo parecido en el NAM sacaron algun mapa del 42 (tb del pacifico ) con las mejoras del motor del nam (vegetacion mas que nada) la peña jugo un par de meses y lo aparco pero tenia su gracia la verdad.


Por ese motivo hay que ser cauteloso, los intereses comerciales son importantes para EA/DICE, yo con el BF43 veo una oportunidad de una segunda parte de un gran juego como lo fue el BF42, pero soy consciente de que el planteamiento es diferente y en otras ocasiones ya nos han defraudado.


haber si hay suerte! y podemos ver un gran juego como fueron el bf42 y el bf2


Mas datos:

Los chicos de BFHQ van a DICE a probar el 1943 y aqui estan sus conclusiones ademas de algunos screenshots alguno interesante (una thompson en una barcaza, XD)+ un Q&A con DICE:



No lo pintan mal.


esta deluxe , haber que tal esta la jugabilidad


Bueno, ganas de que salga el juego, pero por ahora ya hay dos cosas que no me molan:

Moreover, the system of unlimited ammo and regenerating health worked very well. After Heroes, it felt more natural and the game doesn’t get less challenging because of these new systems. Instead it adds to the intense gameplay which means that you don’t have to hide or run across the map to find new ammunition. The focus is 100% on action.

1º: Regeneracion de la vida (tipo COD 4)
2º: Municion infinita

Aun no se sabe si se podra o no tumbarse en el suelo, espero que si, que si no ahi iria la 3ª ....


Pero por lo general pinta bien. Habra que adaptarse.


Sacado del Foro del BF1943:

Q.Is Battlefield 1943 a WWII game?

A.Yes, it is set during WWII. Mainly on Island maps.

Q.How many players is Battlefield 1943?

A.24 players online

Q.Is Battlefield 1943 strictly a online game?

A. Yes.

Q.I heard this is a arcade game, is this true?

A.Yes, it is a PSN and Xbox 360 Arcade game avalable via download only. Also it will be on the PC.

Q.How big will the file be when downloading Battlefield 1943?

A.It is said to be 350mb.

Q.Will there be a demo of that game?

A.Yes. A trial version will be available once the game comes out. PC status of the trial is is unknown though as is what the trial version will feature. But Both PS3 and xbox 360 versions of the trial will be available when the game launches.

Q.What gaming Engine is it using?

A.Frostbite engine. Similar to the one used in bad company.

Q.Will it still have destruction of buildings and enviroments (like battlefield bad company)?

A.Yes! It even goes further by allowing FULL destruction of buildings.

Q.How many maps is there?

A.3 maps. Wake Island, Iwo Jima and guadalcanal

Q.Will There be vehicles?

A. Yes! Tanks, light vehicles and fighter planes there a class system?


Q.What classes can I choose from?

A.Scout(has sniper rifle and TNT and sword if you are japanese, beyonette if american) Rifleman(has semi-auto rifle and rifle grenades as well as a beyonette) and infantry(has sub-machine gun, wrench for repairing vehicles/melee as well as a bazooka).

Q.How much will it cost?

A.Since it is a small game, it will cost between 20-15 dollars.

Q.How does the health and ammo system work?

A.You have unlimited ammo and regenerating health. Ammo when it runs out, Has a replenish timer and health regenerates only when you are not getting shot at basically.

Q.Which factions are there?

A. Imperial Japanese army and American Marines

Q.Will there be downloadable content?

A.There is no plans for any, but things could change.

Q.What game modes will there be?

A.Conquest, head on conquest! Which means both sides have uncapturable bases and must capture flag points and hold them until a ticket system runs out to win. many planes are spawning on the maps?

A.Five, two per carrier and one at a controlled base.

Q.Is there modern warfare vehicles in the game?

A.No, this game is historically correct in that sense at least.

Q.Is there a commander like previous bf games? (excl. bf:bc)


Q.How long is the average game do you think? are we talking 2142 / bf2 conquest games?

A.Typical Head-On Conquest round time of 15-25 minutes.

Q.In 1943 what will the american Sniper have for a melee weapon?

A.The American sniper has a long bayonet, M1942, pretty similar to a short sword.

Q.What is the Jap. sniper melee weapon?

A. A sword

Q.The Jap. and Amer. rifleman what will their melee be?

A.The riflemen have shorter bayonets mounted on their rifles

Q.Will be able to spawn on the squad leader like in BF2?

A. We have improved squad support in 1943. Four man squads, with the option to spawn on any squad member instead of flags. You can either join open squads or create your own squads by inviting friends.

Q.When people get kicked from the squad......if the game is full, will they be kicked from the match for someone else to play?

A.The way it's set up now you can't kick people from squads, and you'll have to remake the squad (which is fairly simple). For squads you create yourself you just put set them to Private so only people you invite can get in.

Q.Could you Please clarify the team chat issue?

A.If you choose not to join a squad then you are in team chat. But if you are in a squad, Squads can either be in private squad chat, or remain in team chat.

Q.Say your tank gets hit with a rocket launcher, does the tank health regenerate?

A.No regen on vehicles. Engies fix them with their wrench. There are also the classic repair stations in some places.

Q.How many people can be seated in landing craft and How much armor does it have (landing craft)?

A.One driver, two MG gunners and three people in the hold (these can use their weapons).There are four landing crafts on each carrier and on Wake there is one or two placed in the lagoon.
They're pretty heavily armored and can stand a tank shell. They're more vulnerable to planes so the two guys in the MG seats needs to stay sharp.

Q.Do the japanese sniper carry a arisaka or a german Kar 98?

A.The Japanese are using a German K98 instead of an Arisaka. This choice was made not out of ignorance but rather because of budget constraints and we could not afford to build the correct rifle. We had a German rifle and had to go with it.

Q.Are 24 players enough,For the maps the size of most Battlefield maps there are too many areas where just not enough action happening.

A.You're right about the size of the classic BF-maps and 24 players on the original Wake Island would be a cascade of fail. But it's also important to keep in mind that the maps are built specifically for 1943 - we only used the old maps as reference and in many cases we have added or taken whole features out.

We did a lot of testing early on to get the right size. Me and Gustav (our gameplay designer) used to sit with a stopwatch clocking each other and the time it took to travel between bases to get them absolutely right. A good conquest map needs to hit that sweet spot: far enough to make vehicles useful, but short enough to keep the tempo up.

I think we did a pretty good job and hit that spot, but of course that is ultimately up to you guys to judge when you get to play it. long untill it comes out?

A.Summer 2009

Q.For fighter planes, I was just wondering how well the Frostbite engine will do on the PS3/xbox360 as far as control, maneuverability, and targeting?

A.You use both sticks, one for pitch/jaw and one for rudder. Amount of throttle effects turning radius and there is a sweet spot where you get optimal turning, meaning it does require skill without being insanely hard to stay in the air.There is a tutorial level where you can play around with all the stuff on your own to hone your skills. This includes planes. will spawning be handled?

A.Three different ways to spawn in BF1943. Auto (close to the action), Flag (of your choosing) or Squad (any member).

Q.will you be able to spawn on somebody that's in a vehicle?

A.If there is a free seat in the vehicle, yes.

Q.What sort of PS3 trophies 1943 will have?

A.For the 360 version it should be limited to 12 achievements that add up to 200 GS, as per Microsoft rules regarding all XBLA games, right?We do have trophies. They are similar to the 360. But we also have our own awards, postcards and stamps.

Q.What are we going to see in regards to what frostbite 2.0 can do in Battlefield 1943?

A. I'd call it Frostbite 1.5 since we started before BFBC2 did, you'll get buildings destroyed tot he foundation, but not like BFBC2 awesome Destruction 2.0! We have tried to make it better and with less issues than BFBC1.

Q.Will there be blood in the game?

A.No, BF1943 will not have blood.


Q.How much will it cost?
A.Since it is a small game, it will cost between 20-15 dollars.

-Espero q no hagan la conversion 1 dolar = 1 euro, si no es asi saldra por 11- 15 euros.


Esto es una broma...



No, veremos como funciona el sistema. Lo de la vida me molesta mas...

De todas maneras, lo importante de este metodo es la carencia de subida, es decir, si la recuperacion de la barra es rapida o lenta.


Hombre eso de la vida , estaria bien que lo cambiaran.


#538 Tranquilo que cambiar poco van ha cambiar :D

Seguro que la conversion €-dolar la hacen como ellos saben, 20 dolares = 20 € :S

PD: Aun no se sabe si se podran tumbar los soldaditos??

Q.What are we going to see in regards to what frostbite 2.0 can do in Battlefield 1943?

A. I'd call it Frostbite 1.5 since we started before BFBC2 did, you'll get buildings destroyed tot he foundation, but not like BFBC2 awesome Destruction 2.0! We have tried to make it better and with less issues than BFBC1.

Esto mola, a ver como se lo curran :D Sera como el RED FACTION GUERRILLA?(porque aqui tiene competencia !!! :D )


A lo mejor la vida es como la del cod. Aunque supungo que la recuperación sera muchísimo más lenta.