Las resumo en español.
Will BLC get a new publisher?
It is highly unlikely that BLC will ever change publisher in EU/US and we are not working toward getting a
change. We have good communication and cooperation with Funcom, even though you might not believe me in that.
¿Cambiareis de publisher (Funcom)?
Why have you not moved the servers back?
The biggest problems we have with the connections to the servers are lag spikes and packet loss, these problems are not at all guaranteed to go away just because we?d move the servers to a more central location in Europe. We also experience packet loss issues before the move. A while back we had multi homing implemented to the current servers, this gave a good result and a lot less people experiences issues to the same extent as before. Some people still have big issues and that?s why we implemented the Connection Feedback option at the end of a match, unfortunately it did not behave as intended on the live servers. We?re working on getting it fixed and live as soon as possible. We hope a lot of player with issues will use this to send us their connection feedback so that we can see where the issues occur so we can work on sorting those out. A lot of players who experience high latency do so because of bad routing and not the location of the servers. The connection feedback will help us sort issues like those. If we moved the servers we?d have to spend a lot of weeks to just get things to hopefully work at the same conditions as they are now, with implementation of multi homing and such, but with no guarantee that anything would actually perform better.
¿Por qué no habeis movido los servidores otra vez donde estaban?
Tienen problemas de lag y packet loss (y antes de moverlos también), por eso pusieron la opcion de mandar el Connection Feedback al final de los partidos, sin resultados esperados (Pero agradecen que se manden)... Están intentado arreglar los problemas lo antes posible.
Los que tienen ping alto es debido a un mal routing y no por la localizacion de los servidores.
Y que tardarían semanas en mover los servidores sin la garantía de que funcionaran mejor.
Total, que no van a cambiar los servers...
Why don?t you advertise BLC?
We do advertise but no it?s not an insane amount, there are a couple of reasons for this. The biggest one is that standard advertising do not work well for BLC in this state, the player who do stick to BLC is usually the pretty hardcore players and they are unlikely the people you recruit from standard ads. We have run a lot of ad campaigns and evaluated the results of these and decided to cut back a bit. BLC is a game that is pretty hard to get into as a new player, we?re currently looking at what can be done to improve the new user experience to make it easier for new players to get into the game and enjoy themselves.
¿Por que no publicitais BLC?
Porque la mayoria de players que juegan son hardcore, los cuales no suelen hacer caso de los anuncios... Han hecho varias campañas publicitarias y se han dado cuenta de que el juego resulta muy dificil para los nuevos y están intentando mejorar eso...
Can you combine RU and EU?
Russia and EU servers will not be combined. Innova handles publishing of BLC in the Russian territory and Funcom in EU/US. All three parties are in close contact to work together to make BLC as good as it can be on all levels.
¿Vais a combinar los servers de EU y Rusia?
No, ni EU ni US ni Rusia.
When will Astronomer finally get looked at?
I can?t promise that we?ll do changes in the manner you?re looking for, but I?ll make sure to poke Kae about having Astronomer looked over for the next patch.
¿Vais a hacer algun cambio en Astro?
Ya veremos...
Do you read the suggestion forums?
We read the forum suggestions more than we reply. When we read the suggestion forum we?re most likely to view well discussed threads since they have attracted more players which indicates that it?s something that matters and are worth looking at. Also when we?re planning to improve features we go over the suggestion forum to see if you guys have an idea around the same subject, but it is very rare that we can take a suggestion straight from the forums to implement. When it comes to Bloodline suggestions they are rarely used, even though we enjoy reading them. Our designers love making bloodlines so when it?s time to design a new Bloodline it?s not unusual that they already have a bunch of ideas of their own that they want to try out and since they know all limitations and restrictions in the codebase it makes the process smoother than to try and adapt a bloodline that is not made with these things in mind.
¿Léeis las sugerencias de los usuarios?
Léen más de lo que postean. Prefieren ver las sugerencias de hilos activos con usuarios interesados en dichas sugerencias, pero es raro que implementen las ideas.
Have you considered making 2v2 unrated in order to increase the activity in rated 3v3?
We have a lot of queue discussions at the office, not having 2v2 might increase the amount of players in 3v3, but since 2v2 is so popular we do not want to remove this option for the players. We are looking into some other changes to the queues, hopefully we have come to some conclusions soon that we can share.
¿Habeis pensado en hacer colas para 2v2 unrated para incrementar la actividad en las 3v3 rated?
Si, lo han pensado y esperan llegar a alguna conclusión pronto...
Will you release a LAN System?
There is no plan to implement LAN support for Bloodline Champions, with today?s technology it?s better for us to keep it all on our own controlled servers.
¿Vais a implementar un sistema LAN?
Will you even consider adding additional bonus daily coins to scenarios?
We do not have a plan to add daily bonus to scenarios, we are however planning a bonus coin scenario weekend in the near future to motivate people to play some scenario.
¿Teneis pensado implementar Bonus diario de BLCoins en partidas Escenario?
No, pero si haremos BLCoins boost algun fin de semana.