[BLC] Pregúntale a los desarrolladores


Los developers de Bloodline Champions van a contestar a algunas preguntas que le hagan los usuarios del foro en este hilo. Dado que solo dejan 1 pregunta por usuario, he pensado que podríamos plantear las preguntas por aquí y luego mandarles todas las preguntas en un solo post en nombre de la comunidad de Mediavida. Si en lugar de querer hacer una pregunta os gusta una pregunta de algun usuario, por favor quotearle diciendo que quereis plantear la misma pregunta y así verán que es una pregunta solicitada.

Os animo a preguntar alguna pregunta de la cual realmente querais saber la respuesta y os dejeis de troleadas como: '¿When you will nerf Glutton? Stan lok pls'.

Mi pregunta: Will you release a LAN System? If so, When you will release it?


Mi pregunta ha sido algo parecido a... Sois conscientes de que el juego tiene problemas con la retención de jugadores y la low playerbase. ¿Cómo tenéis pensado arreglarlo? ¿Estáis haciendo algo para arreglarlo?

Si alguien quiere preguntar y no sabe inglés que lo ponga por aquí y yo mismo lo paso al hilo oficial.

1 respuesta

#2 Buena pregunta y muy espinosa. ¿Se sabe cuando las responden?

1 respuesta

#3 para el miércoles, para el weekly #20.


A mi me gustaria saber si tienen pensado algo en el tema de desarrollo de graficos, nose como un nivel mas de calidad, y sobre todo haber si me ponen ya una opcion para quitar el v-sync me jode mucho ver que estoy capado a 60 fps cuando tendria que ir a 180-200. gracias


Han contestado a unas cuantas preguntas, al parecer han recibido demasiadas y las irán poniendo poco a poco...


Las respuestas la verdad es que no os van a gustar...

PD: Al menos han respondido a la mia y en parte lo que quería saber thunder


No es para nada lo que esperaba, pobrecitos tienen el futuro más negro que nada, y esto viniendo de mi boca...

Es una pena pero bueno, si quieren seguir con Fuckcom pues allá ellos, suerte con ello :)

2 meses después

Están haciendo otro Ask the Devs ...

Solo 1 pregunta por usuario y en inglés. Responderán en el siguiente weekly (1 Agosto).

La mia, al igual que la de thunder, es esta: Is a sequel to Bloodline Champions in the works yet?

1 1 respuesta

yo preguntaria si tienen pensado en añadir algun torneo o por qiue quitaron el KTK, pero me da pereza xD

1 respuesta

#9 Ya vi alguna pregunta referente al cese del KtK... Con suerte la contestarán xD


#8 siento desilusionaros xD

Is a sequel to Bloodline Champions in the works yet?
No, we’re not working on a sequel to BLC.

What made you go away from the once so holy core principle of a "no grind" and "100% pure skill" based game* to a bastardized version with the introduction of gems, traits, medallions and grind to acquire these?
It didn’t work. We sent out surveys and analyzed other games and came to the conclusion that we had to add something that gave people the chance to customize their play style and give them a feeling of progression to keep them around long enough to learn the game. We’re not saying it solved all the problems, we know there’s still a lot of things to work at.

Are there any plans or at least initiatives to make people play more rated 3v3 (in teams) than solo match making and 2s? There are some suggestions on the forums to motivate people to play more 3s.
Solutions to this issue are being discussed at the office pretty frequently and to be honest we still have not come up with a solution we’re comfortable with. We’ve checked the suggestions forums but it feels like most suggestions are aimed towards the hardcore players and forcing people into the 3v3 que and we do want everyone to enjoy the game. A lot of people brought up this questions so we’ll do our best and put some more time into it to try and find a better solution than the current one.

When will there be dota mode in blc ???
There won’t, when the project began there were thoughts about doing a Dota like game mode but during all playtests everyone just ended up fighting each other because it was more fun so that’s why we removed the creeps and other distractions from the game. Might do some other game mode some day though, but we say: let the Dota guys do Dota, they’re really good at it.

Are you going to abandon the game and give community modding tools so we can make the game prosper as funcom can't.
None of our tools are user friendly enough to give to a community, you can’t do much new without also doing code. ProgrammerarN doesn’t even want to get near the map editor and he’s been around here for quite a while now. In addition, we can’t “just” release the tools, the whole system needs to support modded content for it to work.

Any plans to make it possible to watch outdated replays? The current system completely break replays with just even minor patch changes.
There’s no plan to do a replay viewer for outdated replays cause it would be a lot of work. If you want to view old replays you can do it by downloading the installer, patch up to the patch the replay is from and then cancel further patches. Open the client (not loader) and click the “replay” button in the right corner of the log in screen.

Why do you think playerbase is such an issue for BLC, and do you have any idea/plans in the works to attempt to address it?
Right now we focus our work into making it easier for new people to get into the game. This includes things like reworking the tutorial to be quicker and some changes to parts of the GUI for example.



  • Comunidad: ¿Vais a hacer algo bueno?
  • SLS: No.

Usuarios habituales

  • bazoo
  • m3l0
  • thunder_
  • xankla
  • hamai
