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- Thor should mass counter Muta. Size is a problem. High cost, mass muta can spread/magic box easily.
Por fin se dan cuenta, y su solucion es que solo puedas hacer 1 thor, FUCK YEAH.
- Blizzard agress EMP was too strong pre 1.4.
- EMP Radius change?
Van a tocar el emp o lo he entendido mal?
#619 Seguro, no puede ser que un detector, tenga 3 spells tan buenos:
- can cast 3 spells, a dark swarmish spell with small AoE called Blinding Cloud. I was using this on Zatic's tank/battle hellions before i realized that this was a bad idea.
- Abduct was very cool - i'm bad at the game so didn't use it effectively, but the idea that you can pull a harassing colossus off a cliff or some templars out of an army (the cast range is quite wide) is nice.
- Ocular Parasite...I need to investigate more to determine if your opponent knows which unit you have cast it on (you cast it on a friendly unit causing it to detect cloaked units). You get viper at lair tech right now - my initial impression is that it would nullify cloaked banshees but that's just theory crafting.
- It feels like the type of unit that you will have a few floating around (with your army/or in base) but not use in mass. Support unit.
para mi que le cae nerf rapido, demasiado utilidad en una sola unidad que encima es detector