


Cobalt desarrollado por Oxeye Game Studio en colaboración con Mojang.

Enlaces de interés:

Lo puedes Pre-comprar por 9'95€ (Juego en ALPHA)

Fecha de lanzamiento para la alpha: 16/12/2011

Good reasons to pre-order:
*Alpha access! (Windows Only!)
*Support the continued development of Cobalt!
*Cheaper than release!


Pre-ordering costs 9.95€
Same computer multiplayer
Introducing the singleplayer/co-op main campaign
Introducing the level editor
Windows only


Pre-ordering costs 14.95€
Fully functional level editor
Continued work on singleplayer/co-op main campaign
Introducing in-game level sharing
Introducing more editors
Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

Gold (Release)

Buying costs 19.95€
All editors fully functional
In-game level sharing
Completed main campaign
Same computer multiplayer

Se puede jugar singleplayer, multiplayer online co-op o pvp.



Survival Mode:
Capture the Plug Mode ( "Captura la bandera" ) :
Editor de niveles:
1vs1 Drunken Duel PVP Mode:
Y mucho más:

Saludos ;)

pd: Un admin me puede insertar las imágenes pls?


Tiene buena pinta pero no compraré en mi vida nada que tenga que ver con Mojang, después del desastre que han hecho del minecraft han perdido un cliente :/


Ya podrías hacer un resumen de un par de lineas sobre lo que trata.


A primera vista no parece ni de lejos un juego que se merezca un desembolso de 10 euros o más incluso, aunque igual nos da una sorpresa.


Si pretenden que poniendo Mojang en el título crezca la confianza del posible comprador están equivocados, más bien al revés.

A ver si sale una demo o algo...


aqui un comprador menos!


Demasiados Indies ya, parece que esta de moda con el exito de minecraft


Hacer un Humble Bundle con este juego y el Minecraft haría hipermegamillonarios a Mojang.

1 1 respuesta

#8 Minecraft, un juego indie que está a 20€ ahora mismo y se vende de 2 en 2, ya te digo yo que problema de ventas no tienen, no les va a rentar hacer eso.

1 respuesta


Ahora mismo a lo mejor no, pero yo, siendo de Mojang, si veo que las ventas decrecen, sacaría el Minecraft como Bundle temporal y te digo que sería un petardazo.


Mojang es la distribuidora, el juego lo desarrolla otra empresa y no creo que lo dejen a medias como Minecraft, aun así es normal que penseis eso, yo también estoy igual. De todas formas minecraft nos da y nos sigue dando bastantes horas de juego yo no me arrepiendo de haber comprado minecraft por 10€


Todo ese odio injustificado a Mojang es ridículo y completamente sin sentido. Por mi parte esperaré un poco para observar mejor el juego.

1 respuesta

#12 Si te parece injustificado que Notch se haya reído de la comunidad prometiendo un huevo de cosas para la versión final de MC y que ha terminado en el proyecto a medio completar en la versión retail, entonces es lo más injustificado del mundo.

Al menos ahora está Jeb encabezando el proyecto y trabajando, porque Notch se merece unas vacaciones :)

Fíjate que el MC me gusta y tal, pero que no vuelvo a confiar en nada que involucre a Notch también lo tengo claro.

PD: Tampoco es plan de desviar este hilo, que lo mismo es un buen juego y tal peor lo de Mojang lo dije como un apunte de falta de profesionalidad.

3 1 respuesta
8 días después

#13 Unas Vacaciones ? que vacaciones Notch ya tenido suficientes vacaciones si no mira el resultado final de Minecraft.

Yo me siento mal cada vez que veo que Minecraft podía a mas y lo dejan a medias.

Cobalt parece entretenido esperemos como ira en el futuro...

EDIT: Ya me lo he comprado y es muy divertido :D

6 meses después

Where is my update?
July 18th, 2012, Cobalt, Updates & Patches
Hello friends!

When we decided we would start with pre-orders and alpha access for Cobalt we had only one concern – that every now and then we would not be able to update as often as we or you, the community, would like to. Right from the start we knew we had one such hurdle to overcome – getting Cobalt ready for the single player/co-op campaign.

To get the campaign we envisioned for Cobalt means a lot of tinkering with the code. For the past couple of months thewreck has been hard at work with precisely that.

The reason why we havn’t updated during this period is quite simply because on the surface, not a lot has changed. Also, some of the restructuring of the code has left a trail of minor bugs which we would have to take care of before any update.
Instead of focusing on getting out frequent, but small updates (new maps mainly) we’ve decided to push on through. We’ve realized however that we’ve made a huge mistake in this decision – not informing you, the community, about what is going on behind the scenes.

Developing a game with a small (pico-small) team is tough on one’s psyche, developing a game with an active community and players expecting updates even more so.
This delay in updates has been nagging on our minds and we can only hope that with this post you understand our current situation.
In the end, all we want to do is make you guys happy that you’ve chosen to support us in this endeavour

We’re going to try to better ourselves in our communication with you and hopefully you can look forward to a minor update ‘soon’.

Enough with the excuses! We also have some very good news! As mentioned in an earlier post we asked the very talented Erik Rönnblom to help us with some concepts for the game a couple of months back. He did. And then some. If we could we would invite Erik to come live with us 24/7, but unfortunately at the moment we can’t.
We’re going to release some of his concepts every now and then with new blog posts.
Below you’ll find some teasers along with ingame implementations.

Kinten, Frall and thewreck

PS Sorry for the dramatic wording, I was listening to the Tron soundtrack in an empty office while writing this.

Básicamente que tardaran un poco en la nueva update. Que espero con ansia :D

3 meses después

Cobalt v114 Alpha change-log

Hi! We have updated Cobalt to v114 and this time aside from the bug fixes and tweaks (among other things fixing a horrible memory leak which caused the game to slow down to a crawl after some time of playing), we have mainly been working on things for adventure. This means that most of the things new, you will not really notice yet. These things include hulls, lots and lots of tiles, worlds with connected instances of stages and adventure with logic for everything related to the progress of that.

You will notice hulls here and there which we added for fun in some maps, just to see how they work in practice.

The added tiles are not used in any of the current maps, but here is a sneak peak of what is to come:

Behind the scenes footage of some of the new editing stuff:

Notice that we forgot to hide the adventure button, but trying to start what is there will not work and will generate a bunch of error messages. This is a known bug.

Hit the jump for the full change log:

Change Log

Flashbangs now disable the actor hud.
Rail weapon sway less severe and snappier.
Hull and equipment slots for metalfaces as well as started work on hulls and their effects on your characters performance.
Melee slot now only holds 1 item and will replace the fist when filled.
Items that you spawn with in deathmatch and ctp are now considered special, and will not be droppable. This means that for example, in dm_desert, instead of having fist and phaser, you will have phaser, and when you pickup the force device, you will lose the phaser and only have force device.
the shadow added to pickupables on highlight is now removed and replaced with a highlighting of the rendering color.
improved bounty feedback and made the delivery color dependant on the actor.
added option in profile preferences for switching to more powerful weapons on pickup.
Punch is not “PRESS TO PUNCH” instead of release and now always charging while equipped, but the effect feedback is just temporary to indicate when it reached max.
Adjusted ai move pathfinding and handling of the plug.
Fixed sounds playing despite the game being out of focus.
Fixed a bug related to shooting protection items.
Fixed music not playing on first map
Fixed a bug that caused the map theme outdoors to always update colors even when not needed.
Fixed a number of bug that caused actors with all related tables and a lot of objects to never become garbage collected. This caused the memory to continually build up over time, eventually causing performance problems and stuttering.
Fixed a bug that made custom tileset placers appear as black boxes
Crazy physical bug post deflection fixed.
Fixed a bug regarding jumping especially while walking up sloped and over peaks which would usually trigger a jump kick making the jump a rather pityful jump instead of what it should be.
Fixed crash bug related to semi cooldown
Fixed switching back to melee after throwing plug or big items
Fixed being able to exit jet bike

1 año después

han sacado ya la opción multiplayer online de este juego?

1 respuesta

#17 No, de momento aun no Pero ya tienes la ALPHA V.123

El juego esta muy bien pero lo que le falta es multiplayer online... Esperemos que algún día les de por ponerlo.

EDIT: Esto es lo que pone en la Game pedia.



pagar 10 pavos por eso,teniendo cosas como parece una estafa en toda regla.

Y si me apuras...tiras de kongregate o armor games que hay mil asi.

6 meses después
1 año después


Sale el 2 de febrero y tiene muchas cosas

Haha, necromancy

17 días después

Si alguien lo tiene y quiere unos vicios que avise !!!

Edit: Llevo 3 horas jugando a la Campaña y solo tengo un 6% del juego xD

Usuarios habituales

  • 4RN4U
  • Arenita
  • HukymaN
  • -Power
  • Juanelex
  • charlesmarri
  • alberthoven
