CoD: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

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January 31, 2013 Update for Multiplayer and Zombies

MP New Features & Feature Improvements:
Added support for Live Streaming in all Public Match playlists.
Added League Best from Season 1 to Player Card.
If you played in multiple series and/or multiple teams then your highest division and rank will be displayed. The League Best will span all seasons. If you finish with a higher division rank in Season 2 then your new League Best will be displayed after Season 2.
Added a Cumulative Daily Pool instead of a Weekly Pool in League Play. 200 Rank Points are added to a player’s pool every day. Points that are not used are rolled into the next day.
Added 2 new pages to the Combat Record (the Combat Summary and Medals).
Implemented sorting of Medals in the After Action Report.
Lowered HUD threshold for the "low health" overlay to increase player’s awareness of low health.
Added a “Go to Top” button for the League Leaderboard.

MP Issues Addressed:
The permanent unlock token text no longer overlaps the normal unlock token text when the player has permanent unlocks available but no normal unlocks available.
Fix for multiples of the same attachment being allowed on a weapon.
Fix for spawn trapping issue on Hijacked Domination.
Added SFX when highlighting medals with the mouse on the After Action Report.
Fix for missing SFX in options menus.
Button binds will no longer appear in usernames.
Fix for crossbow stats keeping.
Improvements to render clip to resolve sync issues.
Matchmaking modified to never return games outside of player’s own continent, unless the Connection Type in Search Preferences is set to “Any”
Addressed an issue where the UAV would not trigger if called in while aiming down sight.
Addressed an issue where the Master Demolition challenge did not unlock when the requirements were complete.
Addressed issue with the headshot sound not playing in final Killcams and Theater Demos.
Fixed an issue in League Play where “Career Wins” for a Series were not displayed during placement in the Lobby Career Overview.
Updated the After Action Report in League Play so that bonus points are not summed with the ladder points in points earned for the match.
Stocks on SMGs no longer allow a player to move faster while ADS than when moving normally.
Shotgun crosshairs will no longer turn red if an enemy is out of the shotgun’s maximum damage range.
Fixed an issue where bullets would not fire straight immediately after aiming down the sight while moving at the same time.
Improved turret tracking to eliminate false positives when checking line of sight.
Turrets now have smoother tracking when targeting players.
Improved bot pathing on multiple maps.
Current League Info is now getting updated properly in the Player Identity.
Manual sorting on League Teams removed as the results are now returned correctly.
Addressed multiple UI issues.
Players can no longer earn credit towards a Prestige Equipment challenge through “friendly” flashbangs, concussions, and shock charges.
Fixed Select Fire weapons reverting back to their default fire method when using certain Scorestreaks and not calling them in.
Fixed UI errors when linking Live Stream.
Score and points are no longer awarded if a player destroys their own turret in Hardcore.
Addressed an issue where players were able to plant numerous Assault Shields.
Addressed an issue where the Stealth Helicopter was able to drop below the map in Drone.
Players are no longer able to get infinite Black Hats by immediately using another Black Hat.
Addressed an issue where it was possible for a player to equip two Assault Shields at the same time.
Players Spectating a One in the Chamber game no longer earn Survivor Bonus Points.
A player can no longer earn Medals for multi-kills if they continue to kill quickly after dying and re-spawning.
Various minor map fixes were made across multiple maps.
Fix for mini-map not appearing when calling in a score streak earned in a previous round.

MP Gameplay Balancing:

Death Machine: 3 hit kill range increased.
Dragonfire: health increased, gun spread reduced.
AGR: ground speed increased, reduced machine gun close range damage.
Warthog: reduced missile delay.
Lodestar: reduced missile speed and AOE radius.
Swarm: drone re-spawn delay increased.

Hard Wired: Players with hard wired are now completely unaffected by EMP grenades.

Trophy System: increased range.

All + Silencers: reduced range.

Assault Rifles:
All: reduced idle sway.
M27: reduced amount of bullets to headshot kill at all ranges, increased 4-hit kill range.
Type25: reduced amount of bullets to headshot kill at all ranges, slightly reduced maximum hip fire spread.
SCAR: Increased 3-hit kill range. Maximum amount of bullets to kill is now 4.
SWAT-556: Penetration increased from medium to large, reduced burst delay.
MTAR: increased 3-hit kill range.
SMR: slight increase to damage so that 2 hit kills can still happen with minor penetration, headshot multiplier increased at long distance.
FAL OSW + Select Fire: increased recoil.
FAL OSW: increased hip spread.

All: ADS in and out time reduced.

SRM1216: slightly increased short range damage.

Executioner: increased medium range damage.

Players are no longer able to have an infinite Turbine.
Players can no longer break zombie pathing and avoid attacks in Nuketown.
Players can no longer stand in Quick Revives location and remain safe in Town.
Players can no longer knife jump to unreachable locations in the barn.
Players can no longer use the Jet Gun to get on top of the bank vault door.
Fix for issue where zombies will not spawn if a player stands where the quick revive machine spawns after a player hot joins a Solo match.

Improvements to Screecher and Zombie pathing outside of the Town.
Zombies no longer have trouble pathing through the in Diner if the player plants the Riot Shield near the edge of the hatch.
Zombies no longer have difficulty attacking the player if they are spinning while looking at the ground.

Zombies no longer have trouble pathing to players crouching in corners.
Zombies now path correctly to players that have planted a zombie shield in the corners of the tunnel.
Zombies are now able to hit players crouching near the warehouse by the power station.
Zombies will now properly path towards players that have planted zombie shields.
Zombies are now able to path to players standing on the railings in Farm.
Zombies are now able to path to players standing near the Power Switch.
Zombies are now able to path to players standing near barrels in the Warehouse.
Zombies are now able to path to players standing near the edge in the Warehouse.

1 respuesta

Gracias ;)

1 respuesta

Reyzell ya habia creado un hilo muy apañao del parche. Estoy con el movil y no puedo poner el enlace


edit: fail


#1322 #1321


#1319 algun consejo de armas, que clase creariais? para un nivel 25 mas o menos

1 respuesta

soy yo o el arma esa nueva es una chetada del 15, se han cargao el gameplay?

1 respuesta

#1326 Pues para empezar y estar a ese nivel te aconsejo mp7 y vector (sin accesorios) hasta que te hagas el prestigio. Y de ventajas La bota y chaleco, dureza, Destreza. Granadas no llevo, quizas no sea la mejor combinacion pero ami es la que mas me gusta.


para cuando un promod de este juego?? =/

1 respuesta

#1329 Nunca, no hay modtools para hacer mod y no hay server code para hacer plugin.

1 respuesta

#1327 no eres tu, es 1 chetada impresionante, espero que en el futuro la bajen y solo este así ahora para vender el DLC.

P.D.- me han dicho que ahora con el parque que sacaron el silenciador con los subfusiles no merece la pena, es cierto?


#1330 pos valla bullshit


Alguna web donde comprar Blackops2 para pc por menos de 30 euros?

Encontré esta web pero creo que lo de pl/eng es que no puedo jugar en Europa o no se .


EDIT: Fail :ninjaedit:


Soy el único que ha dejado de jugar a este cod porque es repetitivo a más no poder? Joder, llevo solo 270 horas de vicio y estoy cansado, en cambio por ejemplo el BO y los otros tranquilamente llego a las 600 horas.


En serio los dlc cuestan 60 euros?....

1 respuesta

#1336 cuestan 15€ cada uno y son 4 si compras season pass 50€ (uuuuu menuda rebaja), vamos un timo como cada año

1 respuesta

#1337 Me gasto 70 euros en un juego y luego me piden 50 mas para poder jugar otros mapas ,no lo entiendo.


No compréis ni un dlc a la basura de activision, porfapls.

#1340 Por supuesto que no, ni en el COD ni en ningún lado.

1 respuesta

#1339 En las competiciones se utilizan los mapas del dlc??

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la gente tiene algo en contra de tocar los joysticks o que, por que esque ni se mueven


No tiene que ver mucho con call of duty pero no se donde ponerlo jaja
Estoy pensando en comprarme estos cascos y me gustaría saber si con estos se escucha el juego y las voces por los cascos ,porque e leído muchas rayadas sobre el usb ,no seque ,también veo que no tienen el cable verde que tienen todos los otros cascos de ps3 que no se para que sirve.

No hay que comprar nada mas para que funcionen verdad?

2 respuestas

#1342 en principio no, yo diria que funcionaran bien


#1342 El audio de la TV se escuchara en los cascos si conectas el cable rojo y blanco con el conector que te trae la ps3 de serie


es normal tener auriculares 7.1 (Tritton Warhead que me tocaron aquí), poner en opciones el Supercrunch y seguir sin escuchar los pasos en el juego? Esque no me parece normal poder escuchar los tiros con silenciador que vengan de media distancia y no los pasos :S

ya nose si es el juego o los cascos, por cierto hablo de la versión Xbox 360.

1 respuesta

#1345 El BO2 los sonidos de los pasos no se oyen a no ser que lleves la ventaja que los hace obvios, a mi no me gusta pero es así, como compensación han hecho que los pj digan gilipolleces como "baja confirmada" "va cegadora" "mi polla es to'gorda" para que los escuches.

1 respuesta

#1346 ya decia yo XD gracias por responder :)


Un juego fps que no tiene el sonido de los pasos... es que es un sinsentido xDDDDD


Los pasos se escuchan, no digáis tonterías, la cosa es que si vas andando, se escuchan poco, si vas apuntando o agachado no se escuchan apenas, pero si vas corriendo se escucha a kilómetros

Que no se escuche tantísimo como en el CS o el Promod, pues si, es evidente.

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#1349 si los pasos corriendo se oyen perfecto, ahora si vas andando pues obvio que no se oyen tanto