

Buenas, tengo un problema al conectar con y no me deja acceder.

Tengo los dos juegos originales con cdkeys originales, firewall de windows abierto el puerto 6112 y los puertos del modem del 6112 al 6119

Alguien sabe que me falta?

PD: He probado con el Diablo2 y tampoco me conecta (ambas cdkeys originales )

PD2: He resteao el modem varias veces


Prueba a conectarte a los servidores americanos o de asia, en caso de que te conecte este es tu problema:

There is a restriction on the connection you use to reach That means that this connection was detected violating the terms of use in one of the manners described below.

  • Spamming text in the chat channel (often associated with bots)
  • Repeated attempts to use an invalid CD-Key
  • Repeated use of third-party programs (hacks) � these include but are not limited to sending bad packets, flooding the server(s), and the use of hack programs

Restrictions of this nature can last form several days up to two weeks. Technical support does not have access to the reason a specific restriction was put in place or the length of time the restriction is for. We also do not have the ability to remove the restriction. The only thing I can recommend is trying to connect every couple of days to see if the restriction has lifted.

Usuarios habituales

  • atom
  • CoK3