DayZ: Centro de Información - Sigue el desarrollo al minuto

Recordad, este thread está enfocado a publicar nuevas actualizaciones o cambios, para entrar en discusiones o dar vuestra opinión sobre el estado del juego, dirigios al thread de La Hoguera, al thread ¿Por qué no te gusta DayZ Standalone? o cread un hilo aparte, ¡Gracias!


Mientras siga estando en el top10 steam como esta, no va a sacar mierda alguna


Pues a mi me sigue pareciendo lento y mal el tema de las actualizaciones.
El juego esta en un punto que es mejor no jugar, dejarlo un tiempo y esperar las actualizaciones a ver si mejoran algo porque el tema de meterse en texturas, la cantidad alarmante de chetos que hay es de locos, no hay ni un vehiculo para moverte ni ningún sitio donde almacenar cosas, servidores que se petan o reinician por culpa del truco de la caja amarilla o por excesivos clones, disparas a alguien en la cabeza y le da tiempo a devolverte el tiro porque tarda un año en morir y ahora suma los respawns que han puesto a tomar por culo...
Se que la mayoria de cosas vendrán con el tiempo porque tienen que hacerlas bien y que es mejor esperar y tener algo bien hecho que algo regulero cada semana pero para los 6 meses que lleva el juego lo veo muy verde.

Es solo una opinión que nadie se enfade que aquí hay quien defiende hasta lo indefendible.

Un saludo!

1 respuesta

#542 Hombre... indefendible no es... que para eso es una alpha. A veces se nos olvida que estamos aquí para ayudar en el desarrollo y no para jugar. Cierto que van lentos, pero si me aseguran que están tocando el motor, que con ello llegará a ser más robusto, con mecánicas mejor implementadas y demás pues oiga, habrá que aguantarse y jugar a juegos terminados de verdad.


#540 en #485 lo tienes xd, opino como algunos que mientras siga entre los top de los más comprados no van a darle caña.


El juego introduce UN PARCHE en la rama estable AL MES.

Parches sobre la marcha en la rama experimental.

Dejad la discusión de siempre sobre si sale o no sale un parche, a estas alturas todos deberíais saber (y quiero pensar que lo sabéis...) que el sistema de actualizaciones funciona así.

Si continuáis con la misma discusión en un hilo que no es el adecuado habrá que tomar medidas.

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5 comentarios moderados

Ya está bien de llenar el hilo con discusiones que no tienen nada que ver con el propio hilo.

Lo vuelvo a repetir por enésima vez, si queréis hablar de algo cread un hilo aparte, es tan simple como eso.

Este hilo es única y exclusivamente para postear información sobre el juego, con comentarios puntuales sobre dicha información. No es para crear debates de 3 páginas y mucho menos para meter mierda injustificada o intentar llamar la atención.

Llamar la atención lleva al punish, y el punish lleva al lado oscuro.

Mantengamos este hilo limpio.


Por cierto, el último parche fue el día 28 de Mayo, se me olvidó ponerlo en la lista de actualizaciones por falta de tiempo y acabo de añadirlo.

Parte de la culpa de no haberlo añadido fue que era un solo cambio y se me pasó.

Para que quede constancia la premisa de un parche al mes sigue presente, antes de mandar a tomar medidas a alguien quizá habría que aprender a hacerlo uno mismo.

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#552 Estarás conmigo en que ese último parche poco o nada aporta con respecto al contenido, y de ahí el descontento de la gente, ya que efectivamente el juego lleva desde la anterior actualización sin novedades notorias para el cliente. Y en ese sentido si que veo que los desarrolladores, el creador, o quien quiera que sea el responsable de comunicación ha cometido un error que es comprometerse a sacar un parche al mes. Ningún usuario va a estar nunca sastisfecho con una Alpha, y por eso no veo qué necesidad hay de que te marquen el ritmo los usuarios, o de establecer un calendario que no vas a poder cumplir para contentar a alguien que no va a parar de quejarse hasta que el juego este terminado (y ni eso, ya lo veremos).

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Para que os entretengais un poco y dejeis de dar la bara en este hilo con los parchitos:

Part one of our trascript with DayZ's Dean 'Rocket' Hall.

u/twelvecount: Do you see yourselves beefing up your staff to tackle the other aspects of the game like vehicles and base building in the way that you handled the hunting and zombie AI pathing?

Rocket: So that is what we have been doing over the last three months. It is one of the reasons that development had seemed like it had slowed. The studio is now about 160 people we had a team building event last weekend. It is kind of crazy to see everyone in one spot. I guess the big news that we’ve been telling here at E3 is that we’re actually moving to a new engine. It is called infusion. So that is going to allow us to do DirectX 10 and 11. It is going to allow us to do dynamic lighting, which means no more flashlights going through walls, proper dynamic shadows, stuff like that. So it really kind of opens a lot of possibilities for us and I think it is going to allow us to deal will a lot of those issues. We had to decide, did we want to do a lot of little short term fixes or did we want to focus on the architecture. Given the success of the early access we felt like we really had to invest in the future.

Q: With the new engine is it based on your current tech or is it a complete rip out of everything and rewriting it?

Rocket: It is a complete rip out of everything, but we’re definitely leveraging existing tech. So if you look at Bohemia as a studio they actually acquired a great number of other studios, so really were kind of looking around and taking up tech that is available there and mixing it into the engine, rewriting new stuff from scratch that we want to do as well.

Q: When are you looking at getting the new engine into experimental and then pushed out to stable.

Rocket: It will kind of come in a modular fashion over time.

u/twelvecount: This one is specifically addressed to Dean: What are your thoughts on the recent successes of Early Access and what effect do you see it having on indie gaming in the near future?

Rocket: The most awesome thing about it is it allows you to really alter your scope for developing a game. The example I use is KSP. When those guys were developing it, it has quite a small scope. If they had completed it completely and then released it, it would have had a very small scope. The fact that is released early means that when it a big success they were able to adjust the scope so the game could become so much bigger. It is kind of the same with DayZ and o lot of these other games. It allows really risky propositions to get made. Which I think is one of the most fantastic things about early access. However there are definite problems for the consumers and developers when it comes to early access. We are only just starting to see some of those problems now.

Q: Do you think that DayZ was released to early?

Rocket: There was sort of a physiological and emotional barrier for us in getting is out in a year. We needed to go away. We’d been crunching for a long time we needed to go away at Christmas and spend time with our families. We really needed to cross that barrier ourselves. If you stay out of the public to long, I think we would have lost a lot of good will with our core audience. Our core audience, I think they are happy with the progress. They see us tackling the big issues, going at the architecture, those kinds of things. I think that those people understand that. If we focus on, I guess, the wider audience you are never going to make them happy. I think the release time was good. I think that we committed to too low a price initially. I think the Planetary Annihilation model, pricing it very high so you get much smaller numbers might have made more sense, but the problem was we committed very early. I don’t know, I might be wrong with it. I kind of feel like if we’d have been able to restrict the audience a little bit, we thought about restricting the number of keys, but that seemed quite unfair.

u/phobus666: What's the status of internal testing 64-bit servers?

Rocket: It’s done. It’s tested and I think the test is totally successful.

Q: How much does that help you add entities to the world?

Rocket: It is kind of like breaking through to another level. It allows us options for future architecture. If we didn’t do it there is a lot we can’t do. We’re stuck within the RAM boundaries that we have. We were hitting those when we started introducing physical terrain, started introducing navmesh, increasing the number of items, things like that. We’re pretty much bound at the moment in terms of performance, with some RAM boundaries. 64 Bit does really necessary help us with performance. It opens the doors for once we deal with the performance issues we can then triple the number of loot spawns, triple the number of zombies and animals.

u/phobus666: How far are they with implementing new navmesh (pathfinding)?

Rocket: The AI pathfinding has been written. We’re using an open source solution, navmesh along with …detour. It’s a very, very smart open source solution that’s been developed. I think the guy who is developing that now works for Star Citizen, so he’s pretty good. That is actually done. What we need to do now is writing the routines that allow the zombies to use that navmesh system. We’re also wring in that their navmesh system…so that dynamic objects like other players, zombies, and physics can actually be included in that navmesh. This is all provided by that open source system. It is pretty exciting for us. We have been focused on fixing the bugs in the current experimental build. We are actually very hopeful that any day now we will be pushing out an update. Unfortunately, the time difference is making it very difficult for us to talk with the team, but their committed at the moment to pushing out an update for the rubber banding issue that is on experimental. We’re very excited for when that is going to happen because that means we can finally get all of the new stuff that is there now on stable.

u/NikoGT: Most doors in real life have simple locks on them, but in DayZ doors do not currently have the ability to be locked. Will exterior doors be equipped with basic locks by full release? If so, will they be destructible by zombies and players? What other things would/will you add to lockable doors if they are introduced?

Rocket: We’ve been looking at doing doors in DayZ and how we implement them. I think probably Project Zomboid has a really good implementation of doors and windows. So the Zombies will path through door and the window, but they will sort of pile up around the door and bang at the door until it breaks. We are looking at how we work in lockable door and lockable containers as well. So we’ll develop a prototype of that.

u/NikoGT: How many zombies do you plan to have on the map at once at the end of development? As a reference, how many are currently on the map now? Also, are there any complex AI features the zombies will be having in the future? For example, will you be able to hide from a zombie's line of sight to hide, distract a zombie with sound/light, find loot on zombies, etc.

Rocket: I would say that we are looking at probably increasing the amount of zombies by a factor of somewhere between five and ten of what we currently have now. We need to have our multithread, multicore implemented for that. Every new thing we are developing we are developing with multithread and multicore in mind. An Example being the pathfinding and later the zombie behavior. We are looking at being able to implement the stuff from the mod. You can distract zombies through throwing stuff, noises, placing a radio on the ground and talking through it. That kind of stuff.

u/NikoGT: What is the current status of persistent items? What items do you plan on making persistent, and how soon will we see some form of it on experimental?

Rocket: Persistent items has been something we have been prototyping. We’ve prototyped the a couple of times and tested them on the experimental severs. That will continue. It is something that we have tentatively planned for the end of June update, but we just need to see how we go with the current bugs with the current build that we have.

u/NikoGT: A few months ago you released a roadmap. Have you finished at the pace you were expecting, or are things taking longer than expected? What features are ahead of schedule, which features are behind schedule? Are there any major milestones that have changed?

Rocket: We are kind of on track in terms of development with the road map, but we’re not on track in terms of delivery to stable. So we are continuing to develop at the pace we’d like, but we’re not getting what we have developed through to stable. So there is something we need to improve on a bit. I guess that is kind of expected.

u/NikoGT: Are world containers, such as refrigerators and cabinets, going to be persistent objects, much like a tent in the mod? Will the items I put into one of these objects stay like that after a server reset, acting as a permanent storage place? Also, by full release, will refrigerators actually cool down objects and refrigerate them, opening the door for spoilage?

Rocket: World containers are working sort of as a prototype. We need to go through all of the building and add them to the map. At the moment refrigerators are attached as a model inside the building, not as an actually entity. We need to write a script that is going to place world containers in all of those positions.

u/NikoGT: Will sleep and fatigue be a feature of the game? Will players have a need for sleep like the need for food and water?

Rocket: I’m not really sure what the status with that is. That’s up to our lead designer Peter as to how we implement that. Basically it is something we want to implement at the engine level and not the scripted level.

u/NikoGT: Are drugs still planned for the game?

Rocket: Drugs are still planned. Same with Alcohol.

u/NikoGT: Will there be non-lethal weaponry?

Rocket: Non-lethal weaponry is also planned.

u/NikoGT: A while back you mentioned new player races. When are those going to be implemented?

Rocket: Those are in progress. Actually to get some high definition reference we have actually taken picture of a few members of the development team. Their likenesses are going to be put in game and they look pretty cool. Including adding hair and stuff like that.

u/NikoGT: Of all the features you will be adding between now and final release, what are you most excited about, and why?

Rocket: I think barricading is going to add a massive amount to the game. So that’s something that I really want to see come through.

u/NikoGT: Will it ever be possible to craft arrows from sticks for the improvised bow?

Rocket: It will be possible to craft arrows from sticks and the improvised bow.

u/NikoGT: When traps are implemented in the future, will they be a persistent item? Also, will it be possible to craft "shotgun tripwire" traps, or anything similar to that?

Rocket: Traps are planned pretty much in line with what we have got with the mod.

u/NikoGT: Will barricading by physics based? Will I be able to take the tables and chairs in a building and literally drag them in the world to block doors, or will I build barricades in front of doorways?

Rocket: Barricading will be physics based. I think a good reference to go to for how we are looking at doing that is Dead Linger. They have a very good barricading system. Great zombie type game on Steam, early access as well. That has been a very big source of inspiration for how to approach Barricading.

u/NikoGT: You recently said you are planning on removing the action menu system entirely. Please give us a few examples (other than chopping down trees) of ways you will be doing this. Opening doors, gathering items, starting a car engine, opening a world container, etc.

Rocket: Changes to the action menu are planned.

u/-PA-Mikhail: Any new revolutionary ideas for your future games apart from Airport simulator and Mountaineering simulator?

Rocket: The first games might be quite simple. The idea is to setup a studio and find some really good people to some work at the studio. You need kind of a simple game to put together to get the juices flowing. I am really fascinated by Space Station 13 and the idea of context gaming, really rich experience very much inspired by EVE online. I really want to explore that in the multiplayer space. I think to get to that point there is a lot that I need to learn and assemble a team together as well.

The video will be posted as soon as it is edited. Most likely tomorow night. However, I wanted to get the trascript up as soon as posible.

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El desarrolol va muy lento, espero que agilize por que el tema coches lo veo mas lejos que el final de la crisis


#554 Yo no pretendía dar la brasa. Por mí como si se queda el juego en Alpha para siempre, lo tengo más que amortizado. Dicho esto, me parece tan lamentable leer quejas infundadas (bienvenidos a internet) como leer comentarios que parecen escritos por la abuela del desarrollador de turno o por el accionista de la empresa.


Dean Hall ‏@rocket2guns

Rubber banding issue confirmed fixed in internal. Now planning deployment to exp to confirm then onto stable

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¿A qué se refieren con lo de exp (experiencia)?

1 respuesta

#559 Experimental... rama experimental.

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#560 Ah joder... espeso estoy :palm:


A alguien le ha llegado la actualización que menciona #558 ? Me da a mi que nos han vuelto a tramear :)

1 respuesta

#562 ami se me actualizó sobre las 12:00 entré y me ponía arriba a la derecha 0.45.XXXX, pero como era de esperar no había ningún server en pié y me salí luego reinicié pc y cuando se me abrió steam el Dayz volvió a descargar algo, cuando terminó entré y la versión había vuelto atrás ahora me sale 0.44.XXXX y salen servidores todos con password de la v0.45. No entiendo nada :S


Brian Hicks (@Hicks_206) twitteó a las 12:34pm - 18 Jun 14:

FYI Maintenance today will be a bit extended as we prepare back end changes for the update.

Aver si sacan aunque sea el changelog



Originally we planned to release the 0.45, currently on experimental branch, to stable today. However feedback from experimental identified a flaw in a newly designed system to handle player movement. This causes the server to, when faced with complex geometry, come up with a different acceptable pathing result than a client. When the server and client have differing states, the server “wins”. Therefore the place your client lets you go gets “reset” and you warp back to your position.

This is very frustrating as I am sure those testing on experimental will know. We know exactly the problem that causes this, it’s not a bug in a traditional sense but a problem with the approach we used. Currently that approach is being rewritten.

What we did do was merge in some changes to 0.44 that enhance security. There are some loopholes in the game that have not been utilizing our client-server architecture and we will continue to work on these to reduce the impact of hacking and exploiting in the game.

EDIT: que no cunda el pánico! esto es de hace 2 semanas xD (menos mal). En principio sigue planeada para hoy la actualización.

1 respuesta

#565 Para hoy es la de la caza y todo eso? :O

1 respuesta

#566 Sep





CHANGELOG: 0.45.124426 - Live now

Known Issues:
Crash caused by burned meat duplication
Camera can clip through walls
Occaisionally zombies are spawning at the same spot they died
Extremely rare crash when a player throws item
Player's next character will not be saved into database if he disconnects after death

Actions: Added cancel current player action on self and on target back to gear configuration
Actions: Added cancel current player action on self and on target back to data and character configuration
Actions: Added cancel current player action on self, on target and on items back to actions themselves
Actions: Added new animations for drinking from pond and well actions
Actions: Igniting fireplace depends on wind strength and rain
Actions: Salmonellosis is curable with antibiotics
Actions: Emptying large magazine will split ammo in adequate amount of smaller piles
Actions: You can sharpen a bit badly damaged blades using stone
Actions : You can tear few blank pages out of a book
Actions : You can go fishing (ponds and lakes for this moment)
Actions : You can drink whole bottle at once
Animations: Clapping now possible while crouching
Animations: Binoculars transitions added for crouch and prone.
Content: Garage office building loot spawns added
Content: Doors on vehicle wrecks now show name in scroll menu so users are able to know which door or boot they are opening/closing.
Crafting : You can craft improvised fishing rod using long ashwood stick and rope
Crafting : You craft and break down leather courier bag
Crafting : You craft and break down leather backpack
Crafting: Splitting long ashwood stick into thirds
Crafting: Breaking Courier bag down into materials
Crafting: Breaking Improvised backpack down into materials
Crafting: Breaking Splint down into materials
Gathering : You can collect wood from bushes and trees and also search for kindling in woods
Gathering : You can mine stones from some smaller boulders
Gathering : You can dig up worms from ground
Gathering : You can search for apples
Gathering : You can skin and quarter animals
Gear: Road flare configuration
Gear: Road flare animation
Gear: Configuration of fireplace items and crafting recipes for them
Gear: Crafting recipes for combine/split firewood and stones
Gear: Added flare particle effects synchronization on server
Item: AKM attachments (folding buttstock, rail handguard, plastic magazine), AK rail handguard allows the attachment of a flashlight and a bipod
Item: Animal pelts added (Wildboar, Rabbit, Cow, Pig, Deer)
Item: Improvised Backpack and Courier bag made of fur, recipes added.
Items: Road Flare, Fishing hook, High Capacity vest, Longhorn pistol, AKM butt stocks, AKM magazines added to loot spawns
Items: Chernarus Police uniform (pants, jacket, cap) added to loot spawns
Items: OREL special Police unit uniform added to loot spawns
Items: Gorka Military Pants added to loot spawns
Items: Various meats configs
Item : Improvised fishing rod config
Item: Fishing hook config
Item: Fishing bait config
Item: Worm config
Localisation: Door names added to string table.
Server: Animals spawning
Server: Initial implementation of dynamic server events

Actions: Added conditions to crafting recipes
Actions: Wooden sticks are stackable, crafting recipes with sticks modified to take stacks into account
Actions: Catching some rain action, doesn't add water to a stomach
Actions: Removed 'isUsingSomething' variable from player's stored variables
Actions: Deconstructing improvised backpack produce wooden sticks in actual quantity required to craft it
Actions: Fireplace sound effects fixed
Actions: Fixed addressee of the messages in ignite fireplace action
Action: Changed frying time to 30s
Action: Higher probability to light fire in the wind
Actions: Splitting ruined ammo won't create a pristine stack
Actions: Bow loading action fixed
Actions: Firewood splitting action fixed
Animations: Fixed an issue where some animations were not interrupted with a death animation, when the player died
Animations: Eating, drinking, crafting animations states are now correctly connected to death states
Animations: More animations are now able to be cancelled(crafting, pills, injection)
Animations: Some basic movement with binoculars is now possible in raised pose
Config: Binoculars ability to be placed into holster
Crafting: Splint recipe fix
Gear: Changed firewood model
Gear: Road flares to last 15 minutes
Gear: Adding parameter to geometry lod to resolve alpha sorting
Gear: Road flare cannot be lit after it's has already been used
Gear: Road flare quantity is not showing in inventory for now (removed till they able to be stacked)
Gear: Added cooking subclass to other meat configs
Gear: Model filename changed for burned fillet
Items: Shoes become damaged after falling from height
Item : Long ashwood stick inventory size increased, can be placed on back
Item: Improvised short bow inventory size
Item: Binocular inventory size changed
Item: Closed tuna can, lack of inventory image fixed
Item: Closed sardines can, lack of inventory image fixed
SFX: Fixed configuration for fireplace flame sound effect
Spawns : Bugged crossbow bolt
VFX: Helicopter crash site smoke particle effect initialization
Actions: Bow loading action fixed
Actions: Firewood splitting action fixed

Me pondré en brevs con la traducción.


Ya tenéis la traducción completa de la patch note en el Plan de desarrollo y Listado de Actualizaciones.