hoy ESE night cup
Actually, I've got the pleasure to announce the first "EsE-ODC", which is going to take place on tuesday 15th february 2011.
Let me explain briefly what will be the program of this ODC, where 16 teams will compete.
The 16 validated teams will meet on tuesday 15th feburary, at 21.00 CET.
- All of them will be gathered in a single elimination bracket.
You will fight against each other in 4 matches, 2x15', on 4 imposed maps.
1/8 finals: dod_argentan
1/4 finals: dod_anzio
1/2 finals: dod_lennon
Finals: dod_harrington
Now that you know what to expect, you might like to know what could be a motivation to take part to this first event.
1st place: 6 purchase vouchers of X € (more details TBA) and a personalised avatar for you team made by a professional.
2nd place: 12 slots server offered for 1 month, hosted by iloGames and a personalised avatar for you team made by a professional.
3rd place: 20 slots Mumble offered for 1 month and a personalised avatar for you team made by a professional.
signup : http://www.ese-gaming.com/DODS/index.php