(( sorry x estar en ingles pero esk lo acababa de escribir en zP y no tengo ganas de volver a escribirlo :s ))
In Spain this year we had the first LAn organized by people from, it was in a gaming centre in Madrid, was called BBIG LAN (name of the centre) a NON-BYOC lan with small prizes which gathered a good amount of spanish teams.Here you can check pics and results from last year:
We have more details about the 2nd edition, it will be again a non-BYOC lan the details of the gamign centre are:
The syte offer some more than food machines to have a lunch. The gaming ccentre is in the middle of madrid so you can get there by car, bus subway etc. Calle Andorra 65 Local C, Madrid (Zona de arturo Soria):
26 PCs with 100 fps 4 sure
AM2 4200+
2GB ram DDR2
graphic cards: X1900GT/8600GT
monitors of 19” TFT LG
logitech keyboards
mouses A4TECH 710/718
or you can connect your mouse/headsets/etc...
The date will be on the first weekend of may, 1,2 and 3th of May, Friday,Saturday and Sunday, are hollidays in Europe because of the worker's day ^^ (allmost in .es .fr and .rus)
In addition to this, there is also a living room with sofa and set consoles, home theater and a screen of 42”. In big events, like will be this, they put another screen of 32" at the reception desk and connected to the PC central to broadcast the matches, very useful to deliver the items and the rest participants can follow them.