Dota 2 Test Build Update - March 21, 2012



  • Added Lycan!
  • Enabled Shadow Demon in Captain's Mode.
  • The Stable version is now updated to the Latest version.
  • Added All Random game mode for private lobbies.
  • Alchemist: Fixed Acid Spray killing couriers.
  • Batrider: Fixed Flamebreak not having an aoe targeting cursor.
  • Beastmaster: Fixed Wild Axes killing couriers.
  • Bounty Hunter: Fixed illusions procing Jinada's critical strike.
  • Clinkz: Fixed a bug with level 2 Death Pact not gaining the .5% damage buff.
  • Mirana: Fixed Arrow getting blocked by Linken's Sphere.
  • Morphling: Added timer to Replicate that shows up as a buff.
  • Outworld Destroyer: Fixed Astral Imprisonment stealing Intelligence from illusions.
  • Outworld Destroyer: Fixed Astral Imprisonment being castable on Warlock Golem.
  • Queen of Pain: Fixed being able to dispell Shadow Strike
  • Razor: Fixed Static Charge damaging friendly units and towers. Note that towers can still proc the ability.
  • Razor: Fixed Static Link damage from being purgable.
  • Shadow Demon: Fixed attack animation time
  • Shadow Shama: Fixed Serpent Wards having instant attack point (instead of 0.3)
  • Storm Spirit: Fixed attack projectile speed
  • Sven: Fixed Storm Bolt not stunning nearby targets if the primary target became magic immune while the projectile was traveling.
  • Venomancer: Fixed being able to dispell Venomous Gale, Poison Sting and Poison Nova
  • Warlock: Fixed Golems having incorrect magic resistance.
  • Weaver: Fixed Time Lapse forgetting its history when upgraded
  • Witch Doctor: Fixed Death Ward projectile speed being too slow
  • Fixed Diffusal Blade's mana burn effect going through Magic Immunity.
  • Units that are smoked can now be revealed by magic immune enemies.
  • Fixed some abilities having incorrect durations against creep heroes (like Dismember).
  • Fixed Disruption being castable on Warlock's Golem.
  • Fixed gold over time being very slightly off sometimes.
  • Fixed Smoke of Deceit not showing movement speed in the stats area
  • Fixed Fountain projectile speed being too fast
  • Fixed Furbolg attack point being too high
  • Fixed Black Drake projectile speed being too fast


  • Added setting for ambient creatures in the Advanced Video Settings.
  • Advanced Video Settings is now versioned and will automatically update this release
  • Undroppable items are no longer put in the stash when near the fountain.
  • Items will no longer move when they are attempted to be picked up by a unit with a full inventory.
  • The courier can no longer pick up certain items (Aegies, Rapier).
  • Hooked up XP graph button.
  • There is now a different ring effect for the primary unit when you have multiple units selected.
  • Fixed second courier not being controllable if enabled by a courier
  • Fixed bug where you could cast your ultimate by pressing either the Ability 4 or Ability 5 keys, on a 4 ability hero.
  • Added setting to draw hero icons as default in the minimap. Alt will show X's and O's.


  • Increased bot ability usage reaction time by about 50%.
  • Fixed bug where bots would pick up or destroy teammates' items on the ground.
  • Increased bot desire to defend their base.
  • Fixed nasty bug that would often cause bots to idle in their current location when wanting to go defend.
  • Bots now get an added desire to attack a hero that Bane has Gripped.
  • Bots no longer random their heroes. They will now try to build a somewhat reasonable team comp based on hero role, stuns, and melee/ranged, and do so over the entire hero selection phase.
  • Reworked bot lane selection logic. They should be smarter about which lanes they select, and who they pair with.
  • Changed how human pings affect the bots' desires to push/defend. Should be more consistently powerful now.
  • Bots in lanes with carries will try to avoid stealing their farm.
  • Fixed a few cases where bots would oddly try to cast abilities at neutral creeps (such as when pushing or defending a lane).

-Improvements made to some of Shadow Demon's effects.

Nuevo heroe lycan


todos los servers petados, aun no he podido crear una partida para probar nada xD

1 respuesta

#2 Eso es asi siempre, tiene muuuuchos menso seres, yo despues de 20 o 25 min he encontrado server
P.D los bots han mejorado bastante, en maxima dificultad pierden el culo pusheando

Usuarios habituales

  • Lolerpopler
  • FouNNdeR
  • miLo_
  • dan1kkk