DotA Allstars v6.52b


6.52c Changelog

  • Changed some bounty values on Transmuted neutral creeps when using Hand of Midas
  • Significantly lowered Ancient of Lore and Temple of the Damned�s armor and increased their HP regeneration (15->5 armor, 2.5->20 HP/sec)
  • Fixed a minor bug with Juxtapose
  • Fixed some bugs with -pm
  • Fixed a bug with capturing a rune using a Bottle from a leaver
  • Fixed a minor bug when trying to form Satanic on courier.
  • Infest now properly dispels buffs when you go in a unit
  • Fixed Marksmanship hotkey
  • SinglePlayer�s test commands -lvlup and -refresh now work for multiple heroes
  • Siege units now get a minor bonus when the respective range rax (Temple of the Damned/Ancient of Lore) is destroyed
  • Fixed Meepo with Aegis of the Immortal
  • Fixed some aggro problems with one of the scourge neutral camps
  • Fixed an issue with buying an item on a unit as it was dying that resulted in a tome version of the item appearing
  • Fixed multiple Dagons with different levels not sharing cooldown
  • Fixed a bug with Sandstorm that caused various game glitches with Blackhole and Spectral Dagger
  • Fixed a potential suicide issue with Fatal Bonds
  • Fixed a minor glitch with Maelstrom triggering Perseverance�s cooldown
  • Improved cast range and cooldown on Plague
  • Changed Soul Rip allied damage to hp loss to prevent it from dispelling consumables
  • Improved damage progression on Slithereen Crush
  • Fixed a bug with Morphling in -dm when spawning with melee bashers
  • Fixed the recent Morph not transfering stats at proper speed at levels 2 and 3 (DonTomaso)
  • Increased Howl�s duration
  • Fixed a bug when combining -sd and -du game modes
  • Fixed -music from affecting other players
  • Removed leaver hero icon when using -kickafk
  • Lowered Bounty Hunter's Wind Walk cooldown
  • Fixed an exploit with Time Walk
  • Fixed an old rare bug involving Sprout and Spirit Bear
  • Fixed a potential bug when healing with Bottle near the fountain
  • Fixed a bug with captured rune not expiring when using allied shared Bottle
  • Fixed a bug with Spirit Bear dying with bottle in -dm

PD: no puedo editar la cabecera.


6.52c :S


Psss.. Sigo diciendo que cambien el nombre de la Daga porque de escape tiene lo que yo te diga

Tienen que poner la botella como estaba antes que ahora apenas de da para sobrevivir.

Y por dios, nose si lo abreis notado o soi yo que soi totalmente negro pero el daño base de unos cuantos heroes a disminuido considerablemente...

tkm bss cta


#3 Desde la 6.52 se llama Kelen's Dagger (Ya le quitaron el 'of Scape' desde esta versión)


#4 es bueno saberlo thx.


#2 edito por 6.52c

#3 lo que mas note yo fue la bajada de armadira del sand king.

16 días después

y yo k me apetece bastante un nuevo heroe xD....

11 días después

ahora version 6.52d

6.52d Changelog

  • Fixed a major exploit that has been discovered very recently

Notes: Both 6.53 and the official map translation project (Korean/Chinese/Russian for now) are almost ready.

#9 Esa clase de gente es tan atrapada que no tienen ni tiempo a aprender un minimo de ingles,que se le va hacer.

Me niego creer que vaya haber un Dota de 5 caminos, aunque algo d eso he oido, como tambien de un modo que se llamara " -mt " Mega Towers.


#8 que quiere decir eso? que los mapas van a estar en coreano y esas cosas? ffs

Por cierto, para caundo la dota de 5 caminos?


Joer un un futuro dota de 5 caminos? o_O ...

alaaa k fuerte.... bueno creo k en cierta parte lo haran para contrarestar lo de k por 2 lados siempre vayan 2 heros y por 1 solo 1 hero... eso estaba un poco mal de siempre en 5 vs 5.. pero el dota es dota anios acostumbrado a esa forma de juego .... da mucha colera k te la cambien xD... me muero por ver como seran los 5 vs 5 cada uno por un camino... MOLARa creo X3 ... y habran muchos miss xD


sacaron un dota de 5 caminos hace unos añios para el dia de los inocentes xD claro era una basura de mapa pero tenia 5caminos xD

8 días después

Nueva versión 6.52e que arregla los bugs con la 1.22 :D link como siempre en


Pues eso xd


Editar la nueva version con nuevo heroe incluido. version 6.53

  • Added a new Sentinel Hero (Goblin Clockwerk)

  • Localized script text to allow cross-language compatibility

  • Completely reworked and improved the way RD hero picking is done

  • Imported a temporary rune model to replace the default one until the death animation in 1.22 is fixed (thanks PGRu-Unexpect3D)

  • Reworked Lycanthrope a bit

  • Removed the "undroppable while in cooldown" mechanism added a long time ago to prevent item abuses. This mechanism is no longer needed as of Warcraft patch 1.22

  • Improved Fire Panda's movement speed per level

  • Observers and replays now see a $ symbol above a dying creep when a player gets gold for killing a unit

  • Improved Drow's Marksmanship slightly

  • Increase AOE on Dispersion

  • Lowered Soul Keeper's base movement speed and increased cast point

  • Improved Stifling Dagger

  • Improved Open Wounds a little

  • Decreased Mana Void's cooldown

  • Lowered Infest manacost

  • Fixed a minor bug with the order of the heal and damage operation on Purification when combine with Aphotic Shield on a nearby enemy

  • Fixed a bug with Magic Immunity and Haunt

  • Fixed a bug with Song of the Siren and Berserker's Call

  • Fixed a bug with selling Aghanim's Scepter

  • Fixed a minor bug with Soul Assumption and buying items

  • Fixed a bug with Magic Immunity and Strygwyr's Thirst

  • Fixed Berserker's Call interaction with Neutrals at night

  • Fixed Stout Shield hotkey conflicting with Kelen's Dagger in the Goblin Shop

  • Fixed a bug with Shackles and Berserker's Call

  • Fixed a bug with Magic Immunity and Sand Storm

  • Fixed Mana Leak to not trigger off of Exort/Quas/Wex

  • Fixed -ah for observers

  • Added Tavern colors (218144)

  • Added a new blink animation for Antimage

  • Improved Magic Missile cast effect (170262)

  • Added a visual effect for when Dispersion is damaging units

  • Improved Shapeshift animation (186555)

  • Improved Chaos Knight's Blink Strike cast effect (222605)

  • Added new icon for Ethereal Jaunt (227376)

  • Added a visual effect when Necrolyte regains mana with Sadist

  • Swapped icon positions of Sange and Yasha in the recipe shop

  • Added a new Balanar hero story (by Grujah.Noob)

  • Added a new Lina Inverse hero story (by Wyvernoid)

  • Added a new Medusa hero story (by Inferno[DK])

  • Added a new Sand King hero story(by Yousuckatdota)

  • Added a new Shadow Priest hero story (by miel09)

  • Added a new Warlock hero story (by Inferno[DK])

This version marks the first official simultaneous multi-lingual release. The first round of translated languages includes Russian, Korean and Chinese. More will be added over time. I'd like to thank Danat and DonTomaso for their dedication and support to this project. This would not have been possible without their contributions. Thanks to the following translators for their work as well: Aschen, Heintje, Etc., RiiNoA, zhangx05053, Sodoes, NightMare, Attly, c.lucifer, Orange_soso, Kua, Kaka, Sprite93, Danat, Vizakenjack, Lego-, Magot, PeaceHeaver, ill-Lich, Kariy, ptizza, Vanger, John Doe, CuPaKy3, Johny

The main feature of these translations, aside from being translated of course, is that the maps are compatible with each other. That means, I can have only the English version on my computer and then join a game where the host is using the Russian map without needing to download it. The Russian players will see the language of the map they downloaded, and I will see my own language. The core game code is what is used to authenticate the map as official and the strings are externalized from this. The same is true for replays. You can watch any 6.53 replay, regardless of the original language, using only your one map. This will make sharing replays worldwide a seamless process.

Usuarios habituales

  • _SePHiRoTH_
  • carapuchovo
  • g4sb0
  • _LuZBeL_
  • GarhU
  • Stryck4
  • ZaOSoMo