Dota: Update: performance improvements



Made significant performance improvements to model loading and rendering.
Added iG to the Hall of Fame.


Fixed a bug where a Blink Dagger could be used post-stun even if it should have been disabled due to damage.


Settings dialog sliders no longer go to 11.
The loadout screen now shows how many items you have for each slot (so you don't have to page in and out of each slot to find items).
The Gold and XP graphs will now update immediately when a broadcaster opens them.
The Shop combine tree is now animated.
The center item in the combine tree now shows purchasable border.
The buyback indicator in top bar displays for 10 seconds.
Pinging dropped items now prints the item to team chat, similar to rune pinging.


Beefed up Lifestealer's Open Wounds debuff effect.
Beefed up Luna's Lucent Beam impact a tiny bit.
Made some visual tweaks to Keeper's Illuminate projectile so it behaves better when moving across different altitudes.
Slightly enlarged accuracy debuff effect for Keeper's Blinding Light.


Added new lines to several heroes.


Added Dragon Knight bot.
Added Skeleton King bot.
Fixed invisible bots getting stuck trying to place wards.
Fixed Earthshaker not considering using Enchant Totem to interrupt channels.
Juggernaut will no longer try to attack when using Blade Fury, he'll just move to his desired location.
Lina should now use Laguna Blade more appropriately (less killstealing of low-health enemies).
Bots should now be less likely to bail on a neutral farming target that has a tiny amount of health left.
Fixed bug that caused bots to select the wrong item to drop.
Fixed bots always assuming that humans were pushing a tower (rather than farming it) if they were in-lane late-game.
Fixed bug that was causing too much avoidance from Radiance.
Fixed bug where Lina wouldn't use Dragon Slave when pushing or defending a lane.
Fixed towers still causing avoidance for a few seconds after they've been destroyed.
Bots now better estimate how powerful they are relative to the enemy team.

No hay heroes aún, pero esto alomejor arreglar los crash de juego que tienen algunos usuarios


solo esto??? :/


Por lo que leo al principio ¿Dejará de pegar tirones al principio de la partida cuando vaya cargando héroes? A ver, a ver :d



Análisis de Cygormatt:


ahi sale el item que hice en la lista de items de phantom lancer, merciless spear, pero no se si eso significa que lo meteran en el juego o que jaja!

1 respuesta

#6 Tambien sale mi daga del bounty hunter :D, 'bountyhunter_knife'


bua! que pasada la de items que va a haber, para encontrar alguien que tradee lo que quieres va a ser la polla de complicado, al menos al ritmo que me caen a mi los items, que casi que hasta no subo de nivel, no me cae una mierda xD



1 respuesta

#9 Al final lo han sacado? Creo recordar que lo vi en steamworkshop. Es un pasote.


porque valve porque quieres exprimirme todo mi dinerooo :D


Pues han rehecho como pega el Pudge y a mi desde esta última actualización parece un paraplégico, hace como q va a pegar, recoge el brazo antes de dar la torta y sinembargo esta funciona igual.

Parece q hagas un cancel-attack aunque simplemente realices un ataque normal. Es un poco estresante pq de no ser por el dinero o la "!" q salta no sabes si le has dado al bicho o no.

1 respuesta

#12 yap y si lo tienes enfrente hace cosas extrañas XD y no sabes si esta creepeando o no es raro


No es mucho esperaba mas....estoy un poquito mas decepcionado cada dia :s

1 respuesta

Bueno para lo que queda esperate dos dias mas xD


#14 te aburres mucho eh? gtfo y vuelve al lol y al hilo de deportes, no se te aperdido nada aqui yonki :D


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