Welcome to DreamHack Eizo Open: Bucharest (best shit ever) 20-21 October all competitors! Time to decide the forth Champion of the season and who will be qualified for the Grand Final with 550 000 SEK at DreamHack Winter 2012.
The competition at Romania will not only have 150 000 SEK, two direct slots to the Grand Final at DreamHack Winter 2012, it will aslo conclude the the ranking and the 12 qualifications slots. The DreamHack Summer Champion MaNa is returning to Eizo Open and will face the top of the leader board coming to Bucharest: Stephano, Ret, Nerchio, TheSTC, TargA and NaNiwa. They will all be challenged and have a run for the championship, the money and the last points for qualification.
Same style that DH Valenshia
Lista completa de mankers- Pulse desRow - Protoss
- Team Acer Nerchio - Zerg
- Team Acer Bly - Zerg
- Team Acer ParanOid - Zerg
- Mindfreak eSports TargA - Zerg
- Team Liquid Ret - Zerg
- Team Liquid TLO - Zerg
- Western Wolves StarNaN - Protoss
- Western Wolves Ziktomini - Zerg
- Western Wolves SortOf - Zerg
- Alien Invasion Seiplo - Protoss
- Mouseports Protosser - Zerg
- Alt-Tab.Gaming Sage - Protoss
- Alt-Tab.Gaming CENSURE - Zerg
- Alt-Tab.Gaming SonG - Terran
- Asus ROG Elfi - Protoss
- Team Empire Mista - Protoss
- Team Empire BeastyQT - Terran
- Absolute Legends DeathAngel - Zerg
- Fnatic Rain - Terran
- Fnatic Harstem - Protoss
- Fnatic NightenD - Protoss
- Fnatic Naama - Terran
- JookTo - Zerg
- TOP - Terran
- VINES - Protoss
- InCa - Protoss
- Evil Geniuses Stephano - Zerg
- Team Alternate Cloud - Terran
- XMG XlorD - Zerg
- Mionix NaNiwa - Protoss
- Sleep - Zerg
- Mousesports MaNa - Protoss
- 4K funkay - Terran
- Quantic theSTC - Terran
- monchi - Protoss
- Slapstick - Protoss
- n0ise - Terran
- BarCraft Bucharest eXeFreakdmg - Protoss
- Alien Invasion tbeen - Protoss
- IMG AureS - Terran
- IMG jeysen - Protoss
- robih - Protoss
- Tendoi - Terran
- Alien Invasion
- LowLandLions PoYo - Terran
- Serral - Zerg
- FeverClan Ancestor - Protoss
- Zeny - Protoss
- Syn3rgi Tish - Protoss
- Barcraft Bucharest bAppsMacheji - Protoss
- Hardware Arena Gaming Sleeep - Protoss
- Alien Invasion Tarra - Protoss
- Vasacast Evaner - Zerg
- Vasacast StarEagle - Terran
- Mad Cow Gaming Darkthorn
- NewRoSoft ZeroSkill - Protoss
- NewRoSoft RaNgeD - Protoss
- BarCraft Bucharest Andrei - Zerg
- Ion - Protoss
- SGi Kensho - Protoss
- Syn3rgi NomaD - Zerg
- Qnatek Giantt - Zerg
- poInT - Terran
Hilo TL: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/2012_DreamHack_Open/Bucharest
Resumen, el 21 de Octubre veremos un Stephano-TheStc que puede estar bien