Final Fantasy Versus XIII


All hail glorious XIII-3.

El problema es que los recursos ahora mismo estan en XIV y no ahi :<

18 días después

El productor de la saga Final Fantasy asegura que Final Fantasy Versus XIII ha avanzado bastante

El productor ejecutivo de la saga Final Fantasy, Shinji Hashimoto, ha hecho unas breves declaraciones sobre el esperado Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

El creativo japonés ha dicho que el juego ha evolucionado considerablemente desde la última vez que se mostró, y que su lanzamiento es muy importante para Square Enix. Además, añadió que está "resultando ser un juego increíblemente sorprendente".

Final Fantasy Versus XIII se anunció en el 2006 en exclusiva para PlayStation 3, y hasta la fecha apenas se ha visto nada sobre él, lo que ha llevado a numerosos rumores sobre su posible cancelación, aunque fueron desmentidos hace poco por la propia compañía.

De momento sigue sin fecha de lanzamiento aproximada.



Como sigan a este ritmo aún terminará saliendo para la próxima generación


No ha dicho que ha avanzado bastante, ha dicho que es "sorprendente", o sea, nada.


¿Han terminado ya de rehacer los mapas por quinta vez o van a por la sexta?

1 respuesta

#515 Estan tardando por que estan porteandolo para 360 y WiiU y metiendole multiplayer como marcan los canones actuales xD


estan metiendole publicidad al juego, ke no os enterais,

7 días después

Versus XIII sigue sin existir, se cae del TGS. SQ-E Está centrada en XIV y Lightning Returns.

3 meses después

lineup de Square Enix para la Jump Festa

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, 360)
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX (PS3)
Dragon Quest VII (3DS)
Dragon Quest X (Wii U)
Gyrozetter (3DS)

4 2 respuestas

#519 Malnacido


Fuken va siendo hora de que lo asumas, doesnt exist


It keeps happening.


Antes sale el remake de FFVII que este. O si no, al tiempo xd.

3 1 respuesta

#523 Antes sale el remake del Versus que el versus xD


antes sale el versus para la wiiU que el versus.

26 días después

Dentro de un par de semanas se cumplen dos años desde el último trailer de Versus XIII que es el cuarto trailer desde que lo anunciaron hace casi siete años, volvamos a ver el último trailer para celebrarlo!


Un gracioso timeline desde el lanzamiento de FF7 hasta la actualidad para ver qué coño ha pasado con Square y comparar un poco

1997 - FF7 released, development begins on FF8

1998 - FF8 announced early in the year, demo available a few months later, included with brave fencer musashi

1999 - final fantasy spirits within/ square pictures is created , final fantasy 8 released february in japan, september in america. Squaresoft does their millennial conference - announces final fantasy 9,10,11 and showcases much better trailer for spirits within. New direction going forward is betting the farm on the movie as well as trying to get into the emerging online gaming market with FFXI.

2000- ps2 comes out , final fantasy 9 releases in the US only a couple months after it's japanese debut. , yet more footage is shown off for spirits within. Looks years ahead of anything else at the time.

2001- Summer, FFX makes it out in japan and the final fantasy movie releases world wide. It's declared a failure, square never does recover from the failed investment. FFXI still on track for a 2002 release in japan. PS2 version requires hard drive that remains unavailable in the US for quite some time.

2002- Japan gets both the ps2 release as well as the PC version of FFXI. Roughly 3 final fantasy games released in 3 years- the millenial conference goals are a success... sadly the movie took a huge hit on squares cash reserves. A lack of funds and company direction for the future results in a quick cash in project being started- FFX-2 began development early in this year in the hopes of having a new final fantasy title ready for the following year.

2003- FFXI launch continues worldwide, staggered across territories and platforms. The rushed direct sequel idea works , ffx-2 launches in both japan and the US this year. Development begins on final fantasy 12, targeting a late 2004/early 2005 release.

2004-FFXI shifts to a smaller team that makes patches and expansions , original ffxi team sent to help out with FFXII. FFX-2 team begins experimenting with an FFXIII project, planned for ps2 release in 2005/2006. Early development is literally a modded ffx-2, just to test concepts. This early production work is done entirely independent of FFXII's development. Compilation of FF7 also announced at this time.

2005- Sony announces the PS3, bluray "you will want a second job" etc. Microsoft releases xbox 360. Upon seeing the specs of the ps3, the small ff13 team is given the opportunity to create a tech demo with what they think they can do. Not having anything ready to go and with the "advent children" movie recently released, they slap together a "real time" demo of the opening cinematic of FF7 using character models from the advent children movie. Everyone seems very impressed by this and wants a remake of the game. Final Fantasy 12's expected release is delayed twice this year, finally settling on an early 2006 release. Tetsuya nomura , having finished with kingdom hearts 2 and advent children moves on to create his own final fantasy game. Early work also begins on a follow-up to FF11, a new MMO in the final fantasy universe, with the XIII team done their tech demo , nomura ready to go on something new AND the MMO, a project is put forth to create a next gen game engine capable of producing that ff7 demo on a ps3.

2006- Compilation of FF7 ends up being a pretty good success for square, and so , with FF12 finally released worldwide work begins on the crystal toolset and some basic design is ready to go for FF13. Nomura also moves on to make his own concept, instead of just being the character designer he is taking on a bigger role , directing and writing much of this new games content. The bigwigs decide this new company focus needs a central name and direction and the compilation of FF13 fabula nova crystalis is born. Comprised of final fantasy 13 (now officially announced with a brief trailer) , FF versus 13 (with it's own short trailer later in the year) and FF 13 Agito for handheld devices. Fans largely assume 2007 and 2008 will each have their own new final fantasy adventure...

2007- Unfortunately , developing their own engine proves much more difficult then square expected , as well the PS3 ends up not being as powerful as they were lead to believe. Final fantasy 13's CG movies are largely finished by the end of this year because the scenario design is finished. Due to delays in engine development , actual game creation fails to commence for the entire year. Trailers showing 15 seconds of new footage for Xiii and Xiii versus each surface. Agito kind of disappears.

2008-The crystal tools/white engine is finally ready to go but more dilemmas occur- the traditional method of developing an RPG is to do it chronologically , so large portions of the team are mismanaged and game elements are finished very slowly. Perhaps release of the game may have been planned for late 2008 , instead it's delayed until at least 2009. Because of this , it's decided internally that FF14, the previously untitled MMO project needs to release in 2010. Versus 13 likely had it's scenario design finished at some point in 2008, but with XIII and XIV now internally announced and behind schedule, nomura is in no hurry and likely wasn't given a full team to work with. The final portion of FF7's compilation releases in north america- Crisis Core. Development of Agito is shifted to psp only.

2009- FF14 is officially announced to the public at E3, planned as a ps3/pc release in 2010. A playable demo of FFXIII is released at long last to many cheers but it heralds in a horrible truth- the game will only JUST make it out in japan this year. Near it's japanese release it's announced for worldwide release in march of 2010. Due to it's long and expensive schedule, development is handed to tri-ace to create a sequel for release in 2011 in the hopes of recovering as much cost as possible. Again, Nomuras team gets the shaft and resources are pooled into rushing ff14 out the door as soon as possibly to start making money on it as well.

2010- Final Fantasy XIII finally makes it out the door for everyone to play. Upon release, FF14 is welcomed as the weakest final fantasy game in history and is branded a pariah of an online game. Squares execs cause a shake-up , some people leave, others are promoted and an immediate plan begins to 'save' ff14 and re-launch it , but this time it's decided there's no rush. Do it right and make money back instead of releasing a giant turd. In the meantime, agito 13 gets re-named final fantasy type 0 and is scheduled for release the following year. Nomura's team is forced to go back to the drawing board with many concepts after the resounding complaints of "no towns , no gameplay variety" pointed at XIII. The scenario remains the same but I get the feeling whatever gameplay was in place at this time got scrapped.

2011- Development on the actual gameplay present in versus XIII begins, hence the OP's lengthy trailer from this same year. It's the first time the games been anything more then storyboards and notes and CG movies. FF14 gets a re-development pipeline aiming for re-launch in january 2013. Subscription fees are waived while the game is being fixed. FF type 0 finally releases on PSP, due to the dead market outside of japan , no english release is planned. FFXIII-2 releases, and fails to sell as much as square was expecting but it still makes money.

2012- FFXIII-2 releases internationally, does pretty well for itself, work begins on FFXIII-3. Over the course of the past year, development on versus has been progressing well but it's not going to make it out until at least 2013. Recently, ff14's re-launch also suffered a minor delay and it is now aiming for march of 2013.

2013- Spring will see FF14's relaunch go off with some success , as well as a japanese release of lightning returns and by the summer time we'll get it over here as well. High possibility of a playable demo for Versus -XIII being included with it. I also STILL believe that it will release on both the 360/ps3 in every market outside of japan. Japanese release of the game is possible for december of next year. Remember people- ps3 sales haven't even hit 10 million over there - they will NOT be porting it ps4.

2014- worldwide release of versus 13/ probably retitled FFXV by this point or just final fantasy versus is guaranteed. I'd say if it isn't out by the end of this year it's been cancelled and square isn't the type to cancel a game with that much money sunk into it. With any luck, this year will see an expansion for FFXIV , having gained new success with the realm reborn release.

2015 and beyond- by this point a ps4 will be out , and with any luck after the debacle that engine delays brought THIS generation, we'll have seen a Nextbox/ps4 final fantasy game built in a similar fashion to how agni's philosophy was made.


Mas de dos años ya esperando el juego... Que lastima.

1 respuesta

#528 2 años dice.



Al final va a ser peor que el caso Duke Nukem Forever este juego...madre mía.


¿Quien sabe?, podrían dar el pelotazo y anunciar que el juego saldrá para PS4... Lo cierto es que si finalmente va a salir para PS3, deberían anunciarlo pronto, muy pronto. A no ser claro, que a PS3 le queden 2 años de vida util, en términos de lanzamientos.

Podría salir también para Vita, eh?

1 respuesta

#531 Un juego en el que se han dejado trillones de yenes y que es la vergüenza y hazmerreir de la industria no va a salir en una portátil muerta o en una consola que aun no existe, como mucho saldrá en 360 / Wii U también.

1 respuesta

Si sale para ps4 más que pelotazo sería hijoputismo puro y duro.

1 respuesta

#532 Eso depende del dinero que exista de por medio. Pues a Gravity Rush le paso lo mismo, aun que sea proyecto interno. ¿Qué mejor forma de disparar las ventas con esto?, al menos en Japón xD.

Que si, que yo tampoco creo que salga para Vita, pero al margen de la suposición, estamos hablando de un proyecto que sigue en desarrollo para PS3, al margen de la multiplataformidad, o se anuncia pronto o se pisaran los talones con la nueva generación. Puede que mi concepto sea erroneo, pues no me veo a Square lanzando un triple A, a comienzos de otra generación, como lo veo yo.

#533 Bueno, si te compraste la PS3 por este juego, si, pero no sería ni la primera ni ultima vez que ocurre en la industria algo similar.

#535 xDDDD, con DLC en exclusiva para Nvidia Shield.

1 respuesta

Implicando que esto no sea Final Fantasy XV para la próxima generación.

1 respuesta

#534 Pues es la tradición xD

Final Fantasy XII - JP March 16, 2006 / NA October 31, 2006
PlayStation 3 - 11 de noviembre de 2006

Final Fantasy IX - JP July 7, 2000 / NA November 14, 2000
PlayStation 2 - March 4, 2000

1 respuesta

#536 LOL, NA, lo desconocía xD. Aun así tienen que anunciarlo pronto, y por ahora en el siguiente festival "no esta confirmado", salvo sorpresas, claro esta.

Creo que Square se esta repartiendo mal los recursos, estan con FFXIV, Luminous probablemente FFXV, y a todo esto con FFXIII-3 para PS3/360... Nomura no puede estar en todos lados, y suponiendo que no estén currando en otro posible KH. Así que o el versus ha cambiado de manos o bien el proyecto avanza 10 lineas de código a la semana.

Supongo que este año saldremos de dudas, a mi el proyecto me sigue fascinando, y espero que no lo tiren por la borda.


Ojeando posts pasados mis esquemas decían que Versus XIII salía aquí el 2013 con un 100% de seguridad pero claro, para eso había un lanzamiento japonés en el 2013

Falle el tiro (╯°Д°)╯︵

1 respuesta
26 días después

#538 O quizás no



Tenemos goty 2013, bien.