Football Manager 09


menuda mierda, ficho a balotelli, juega un partido, hattrick, se va con la seleccion y 8 meses lesionado, si señor gracias por joderme la temporada! xDDD
mi ekipo:


--sagna/eboue -- gallas/djorou -- silvestre/djorou ------ clichy/silvestre ---

------- Veloso/nasri(segun) --- fabregas/diaby ------------

-Walcott/Nani ---------------------------Nani/C.Vela/Van Persie

--------- Bentdner/Van Persie ---- Adebayor/Balotelli ------

intente fichar a silva pero no hubo manera...
y luego fiche a Domenico Cirscito y a Mats Hummels, 2 centrales jovencillos, que no se xq vienen un año mas tarde xDDDDDDDD
Uso tambien de la cantera a ramsey y a merida, me gusta la cantera del arsenal


Llevo al Getafe


Solo se me ocurre que hayas inscrito a 3 extracomunitarios y no tengas plaza para él. Yo en mi partida con el Barcelona lo fiche para el juvenil y lo subia para algun partido, y todo normal.


pero si criscito es italiano xDDDD


uno es italiano y otro aleman :S y si, los fiche en periodo de fichajes, agosto

ni idea la verdad xD

seguramente me los ofrecerian para la siguiente temporada y ni me daria cuenta...

ok :| me colé



Yo me referia a #332.


me ha pasado algo impresionante, estaba jugando un partido de copa con los canteranos, voy ganando 2-0, más feliz q nadie, y de repente bendtner mete un golazo, lo celebra, los comentarios lo dicen, y en el marcador pone 2-1, miro la vista general y me pone q ha sido de un jugador del otro ekipo... y vamos... ola? bugazo o que koño. he visto como lo marcaba mi ekipo y luego resulta q ha pasao algo que ni he visto xDDDDDDDD

despues del partido el juego ha petado de mala manera


Necesito un portero, Akinfeev, y a Silva como el comer, a ver si consigo sacar €€ esta temporada.

En Europa me manda para casa a las primeras de cambio, ya llevo un 4º puesto y un 3º puesto en Liga.


kenny de portero ia tienes asenjo,chico maravilla lo tengo en el chelsea xd ustari/asenjo cech en el milan xd

x cierto ma salido un delanteraso de la phuta ostia colega 16 años y con unos stats q flipas lo e cedido al numancia y cmo se infla a marcar goles el jodio se llama nse que de halomee xd

x cierto benzema en vuestra partida tiene wenos stat o k? xq en mi partida parece malisimo :S


Yo con el madrid he ganado la Liga sobradiiiisimo y la champions la 1ª temporada. con bbastantes jugadores lesionados (raul 4 meses, Heinze 2 meses, vdv 3 meses, Sneijder 3 meses, Cannavaro 2 meses...) y otros tipico de 2-3 semanas. La copa la perdi en semifinales x jugar con todo canteranos. Solia hacer muxas rotaciones dependiendo de si jugase en el bernabeu, fuera y quien fuese el rival, vamos q jugaban todos xD
Fichajes q habia exo -> Arshavin (el mejor de la temporada) y Diego (pero subia periodicamente a Kevin, Opare, Alipio y Bueno)
Bajas -> Saviola y Gago
Fichaje q tenia pero no quiso venir EL -> Agüero
Fichaje para la siguiente campaña q fiche en diciembre -> Veloso y Kaka.
La alineacion con la q solia jugar, la q mas me gustaba vamos xD:
-------------------------------------Diarra o De la red (depende dureza mediocampo Rival)
-------------------------------------Sneijder o Diego (depende dureza)

Paso de jugar otra temporada xq ya me aburre xD Volvere cuando me pase el GTA...
Y cuando me aburra lo suficiente empezare como en el 08 con un equipo pako!


Yo sigo ahí con el Mallorqueta, y me va bastante guay: voy cuarto en liga habiendo ganado a equipos como el Atlético de Madrid (5-1) y el FC Barcelona (2-0), o sea que me está saliendo el temita redondo. Eso sí, la afición se queja porque por lo visto soy bastante resultadista... ¡¡pero qué quieres con el megapresupuesto que tengo!!

Al final completé mi equipo con Emerson (< 3 millones, AC Milan), Opare (700,000 euros, R. Madrid) y Nesmachnyi (3 millones, creo que del Dinamo de Kiev). A Ronaldo le tuve que rescindir el contrato de prueba porque mi equipo médico me decía que le daban unos 6 meses de recuperación...


#341 fichaste a ronaldo de prueba? xDDD


Si alguien me puede pasar algun link por mp para descargarmelo se lo agradeceria. Gracias.


#343 Creo que no se puede hablar de pirateo aqui xD pero Busca por emule , si seguro que aqui todos lo tenemos ``original ŽŽ xD


Buenas compañeros.

Esta noche me bajé la demo del juego, lo he jugado y... No sé... Tiene muchas cosas, es muy complejo, pero apenas me gusta... Me encantan estos juegos, pero no sé, parece que hecho de menos como era el PcFutbol, supongo que al ser menos complejo era lo que hacia que me enganchará tantas horas, este en cambio... No disfruto, y también los partidos se me hacen estresados, no hay "modo resultado", que te lo ponga directamente ni nada asi, aunque reconozco que esta muy bien para ver como juega cada jugador, cambiar tacticas en cualquier momento etc...

He notado que los jugadores se lesionan mucho... :/ Pero bueno eso no tiene importancia.

Estoy un poco decepcionado, el juego lo tiene todo, pero como ya dijo sera la complejidad que lo compone lo que hace que no me atraiga... De todas formas le daré otra oportunidad y espero que me engache tanto como a vosotros, hecho de menos juegos de este tipo.


#345 hechale un poco de tiempo y ganas, te gustara seguro. Este juego es la evolucion de los pc futbol y de aquellos juegos que nos encantaron.

Una vez le pillas el truco no es tan complejo ni dificil creeme, tu pruebalo todo poco a poco y te enganchara xD


#345 pon el partido a la maxima velocidad sin repeticiones y ya te ira bastante mas rapido.

Por cierto, buscad a Fausto Rossi, de la Juve ._.


Una pregunta es mejor este juego al Fifa Manager 08/09? Me podriais decir en que se diferencian, aspecto grafico y todas esas cosas?

Yo es que me quede en el Total Club Manager 06 y me gustaria tener un juego de estos en el pc.


#339 Ya, pero casi prefiero una realidad mas que una joven promesa.



El fifa manager es la version "light" de un manager, mucho mas simplificado.

El FM09 es muchisimo mas completo en todos los aspectos y por ello mas complicado.

Para mi y para los que nos gusta darle al coco haciendo de manager/presi le da 100 vueltas el FM09 al fifa pero eso ya depende de cada uno.

Si buscas graficos en este juego ni lo instales xD


Graficos me refiero a menus, y cosas asi. Un simulador de manager ya se que no va a tener los graficos del crysis en los partidos xD.

Tanta diferencia tiene? No se, El Total club manager 06 tenia ligas de juveniles, sponsors, merchandising, no se bastantes cosillas.


me acaban de 'joder' bien con lo del parche 9.2.0
cuando alguno tengas noticias de un posible remedio a mi 'jodienda' MP please ;)




          Drenthe--------Cannavaro--------Pepe------------Sergio ramos

Este es mi equipo


#351 pues imaginate el total club manager refinado y con todo amplificado. Con muchas mas opciones y ya esta, si has jugado estos juegos y te gustan te recomiendo que lo pruebes, actualmente es el mejor y de mas calidad en el mercado


#354 Bueno pues habra que probarlo.


#342 Te lo juro colega... No sé, tenía esperanzas de que mi cuerpo médico me dijera que en un mesecito estaría listo y, qué quieres, en el Mallorca haría bien de 'killer', xD.

Ahora mis jugadores han bajado el rendimiento un montón. Llevo 1 victoria, 3 empates y una derrota en 5 partidos. Empecé perfecto sumando puntos contra el At. Madrid, Barcelona y Sevilla y ahora pierdo contra el Almería y empato contra el Deportivo :\

Aduriz se me está volviendo muy bueno, y a Trejo lo tengo de extremo por la derecha y me rinde mucho mejor que de delantero. Por necesidad, he tenido que subir a Opare al primer equipo y lo está haciendo de puta madre. Pero tengo bastantes jugadores irregulares, como Ngoyi o Martí.

#351 Si te gusta toquetear el tema del 'merchandising' y demás, prueba el FIFA Manager. En ese aspecto es muy completo (incluso puedes crearte tu propio estadio), pero futbolísticamente prefiero el Football Manager de lejos.

Además, que el FIFA te despista mucho en esas tareas y llega un momento en el que tienes un equipo muy bonito que pierde más partidos que el Levante, xD.


Nuevo parche Football Manager 2009 v9.2.0

Football Manager 2009 v9.2.0

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed Italian C Cup crash when C2 league not selected.
  • Fixed Crash when continuing game - TRANSFER_MANAGER::create_promotion_cash_info.
  • Fixed Crash TRANSFER_MANAGER::transfer_player.
  • Fixed Crash fixture_rules->does_player_need_registered - NULL squad_selection_rules passed in.
  • Fixed startup crash on Mac in some cases if a custom database folder does not exist.


  • Phil Jagielka is no longer described as a GK on the player profile screen (when player pictures are disabled).
  • Goalkeepers no longer included when working out the worst passing statistics for the team information screen.
  • More variation in number of games played by players playing for clubs in inactive nations.
  • Adjusted Scottish cup attendances.
  • Fixed "Mistakes led to 1 goals" feedback string in motivation information.
  • User can no longer reject a transfer offer via the Transfer Centre if his club is bankrupt.
  • News about reserve team bans being extended now sent to first team manager.
  • Assistant manager match analysis now shows if a user takes control of a team who didn't have an Asst Man, and then employs one.
  • Human managers with Belgian nationality now have both Dutch and French as their languages.
  • Fixed contract issues with newgens in certain nations like Scotland where they weren't given a proper contract.
  • Prevented assistant manager from saying a player had played a poor game riddled with mistakes if he had a good rating still.
  • Stopped non-managerial staff members being marked in landmarks as "Manager leaves " when they take on a manager role at another club.
  • Fixed Osasuna newgen youth cities of birth to be in the right local region.
  • Adjusted attendance for English Conference playoff final.
  • Community Shield pitch no longer has terrible pitch condition in the first season.
  • Spanish B team managers can now move players from C/U19 teams.
  • Stopped the board rejecting request to relay the pitch when it is in very poor condition.
  • Fixed bug where national team human manager is unable to filter/sort his player search after clicking on the Scout Recommendation column to sort the players.
  • Fixed bug where squad numbers could not be changed for players on the main squad number selection date, in leagues which allow a max of 100 numbers.
  • Players in the reserve team but marked as not available for the reserves now do not get picked for the reserves.
  • Players now come back from holiday a bit earlier for pre-season.
  • Players on loan at the start of the game have their days to gain nationality set for the season before.
  • Newgens have the club join date set correctly.
  • Players who used to play for Toronto FC (pre-game start) have days to gain nationality for Canada rather than USA.
  • Fixed bug that would allow you to pick players for the Olympics that break the overage player rules causing the squad to become invalid later and be force re-picked to meet the rules by the AI.
  • Stopped Brazilian State leagues being counted in clubs highest and lowest league position records.
  • Stopped players basic valuations from jumping significantly after matches.
  • Ensured managers are appointed quicker towards the end of the season.
  • Fixed some amatuer contract offers resulting in paying the player wages.
  • More changes to increase the number of sacking/manager movement.
  • Stopped human controlled teams coaching staff from having thier contracts automatically renewed.
  • Fixed issue on Job Status screen which resulted in screen being very slow when loading up.
  • Made changes to help prevent managers at very top clubs from taking up international manager jobs.
  • Fixed issue which prevented 'B' clubs from appointing new managers.
  • Made changes to help prevent players who have been declared to play for reserves from playing in GK positions.
  • Adjusted attendance changes for promoted/relegated teams.


  • Fixed bug where players who moved on a free after a loan spell (pre-game histories) did not have the fee shown on the player career history screen.
  • Fixed issue where club badges were sometimes not coming up on network clients.
  • Re-enabled to "Overall" summary line in the Finances-Salary screen that was not being displayed.
  • Live league table for Croation First Division now shows correct table when the league enters the 3rd round of matches.
  • Fixed duplicate skin entries on the Preferences screen.
  • Fixed Hall Of Fame record stats not appearing on manager's history panel.
  • Made the sub-header graphics different to the header graphics.
  • Fixed bug where person achievements would sometimes not appear when clicking on a club row.
  • Fixed team/player profile box not appearing on administration news item.
  • Manager Information screen now always shows correct league and cup wins for the current club.
  • Match widgets are now slighty transparent.
  • Match widgets can be minimised.
  • Fixed classic View camera selection changing when browsing off screen and going back when viewing a saved match.
  • Added ability to set view to TV or Classic in pre-match screens.
  • Fixed "Play" text at half-time when a tactical chenge is made, then cancelled.
  • Fixed incorrect string in error dialog when attempting to save a tactics file with a duplicate name.
  • Yellow card match notifications should no longer get "stuck" on screen.
  • Fixed tooltip for 'Tactics' when a match is running within TV View.
  • Fixed some layout on the assistant manager feedback floating widget.
  • Fixed tactics button not appearing sometimes in 'TV View' during a match.


  • Prevented unnecessary budget alteration news while takeover is in process.
  • Adjusted contract type and wage given to Danish youth players.
  • Adjusted part-time wages in Denmark.
  • Adjusted Indian season ticket prices.
  • Adjusted new stadium financing for MLS clubs.
  • Adjusted youth wages for Northern Ireland and Wales.
  • Adjusted Brazilian club finances.

Board Confidence

  • Fixed fans being "disappointed that a player has played so few games for the club" when they have been ineligible to play any matches.

International Management

  • Stopped user being able to take sole control of U23 team when adding new user.
  • Fixed occasional international bio string mentioning a young player 'trying to make the step up' when he is yet to establish himself at youth level.
  • Fixed headline " Represents " on international roundup when player actually played for youth side.
  • Fixed rare instance of international manager watching a match to look at a player for his next squad when the player is already an international for another country.
  • Fixed bug where some overage players can be selected for U21 finals.


  • Fixed incorrect number of apps in "...and has performed well in the appearances he has made in an shirt this season." string.
  • Improved selection of media sources for lower league news stories (fixes reporting on teams outside their remit).
  • Fixed chairman name not appearing in news string regarding aniversary of B team clubs.
  • News of managerial appointments now sent to inbox when human is unemployed.
  • Offering a player who is on the transfer list to clubs results in a news item suggesting you transfer list that player.
  • Fixed League Round-Up wrongly stating that 4+ goals from a player in a big victory 'was not enough'.
  • Praising a players recent form no longer generates contridictory player and manager interaction responses on a players profile.
  • Fixed default action taken by club on player injury/illness while user is on holiday not being described in inbox message.
  • Web addresses no long start with a capital W in www.
  • Improved news item chain when releasing a player on a free while he is in contract negotiations with another club.

Press Conferences

  • Fixed player occasionally referring to male manager as "her" in player reaction.
  • Fixed user being asked about defending their title crown when not the top division.
  • Fixed press conference refering to a dismissal influencing 'a game you were leading but went on to lose' when team was drawing at the time.
  • Fixed issue where media thought tie was two-legged if the match was moved and played at a later date than usual.
  • Fixed question about players being at loggerheads still being asked over a year after original occurance.

Board Takeovers

  • Slightly decreased likelihood of getting a tycoon takeover.
  • Ensure manager gets a clean slate for board requests when a new chairman takes over.


  • Allowed players with a future transfer arranged to be given a squad number.
  • Stopped you being allowed to transfer or loan list players who also have a non-playing job at your club.
  • Helped increase number of south American transfers into Spain.
  • Helped ensure clubs replace sold GK's in a quicker manner so they aren't short when transfer closes.
  • Stopped bidding clubs repeatedly offering long term loan offer for same player.
  • Ensured scouts at lower division clubs start looking at lower standard players quicker when assigned.
  • Stopped humans being able to sell poor players for silly fees.
  • Changed feedback for rejected loan items news item to not state silly loan fees and instead state player not available for loan.
  • Stopped Ability to sign transfer listed (Not listed for loan) players on loan with no wage contribution.
  • Allowed squad rotation squad status below the premiership.
  • Another fix to help prevent inflated transfer fees for some players.
  • Put some changes in to help increase the number of co-ownshership deals in italian football.
  • Made changes to help increase number of recently released youth players find new clubs.
  • Stopped some clubs rejecting loan offers and quoting lack of wage percentage as reason, when in fact they just don't want to loan the player to that club.

Network Game

  • Fixed bug in network games when user is always forced to new screen if he has been forced to continue.

Low Detail Match Engine

  • Fixed bug whch would sometimes cause a substitution to be made very early in the match for no reason.



  • European Cup group winners now always play 1st leg of next round away.
  • Fixed some qualification problems where sometimes a team in 2nd place would qualify for the Champions League group stage directly instead of the team in 1st place.
  • Moved Euro Cup squad selection date for group stage a week later (from the 2009/10 season).
  • British referees will not referee games involcing british teams.


  • Added Club World Championship 5th/6th place playoff.


  • Correct australian teams in 2008 Asian Champions League.
  • Asian Champions League now takes place every year (a fix made for another issue in 9.1.0 caused it to not take place sometimes).
  • Wellington Phoenix are now eligble for the Asian Champions League.


  • Fixed bug were new signings in Austria were not being registered for matches properly.


  • Fixed bug where Belgian First Division winner in first year doesn't get any news items about being champions.


  • Youth contract players not allowed to play in competitive matches.
  • Fixed bug in some state competitions where if a team wins both opening and closing stages, no landmark would be added.
  • Updated Sao Paulo State Championship TV rights and prize money.
  • Trial days are now held after the first season.


  • Fixed reserve team fixture venue not being opposite of first team fixture venue.

Czech Republic

  • Fixed a problem with the Czech Cup cup draw around 12th July where the game would take a long time to make the draw.


  • Improved transfer values in Denmark.
  • Fixed FC Amager not participating in the Danish Cup.


  • 3 players aged 18 can now play in English U18 matches
  • Improved end of season scheduling for English FA Cup and Premier Division for seasons after 2008-2009.
  • Players on loan from clubs outside of england no longer count towards the maximum of 5 players in the matchday squad rule.
  • FA cup draw fixed.
  • Saturday evening English Premiership matches should kickoff at 17.30 instead of 17.15.
  • Fixed Blue Sqaure Prem playoff number of Subs and Final at Wembley.
  • Fixed league playoffs semi finals 2nd leg home advantage.
  • Improved selection of English Premiership television matches.


  • Removed player registeration from Finnish League Cup.


  • Teams in UEFA Cup don't always have their league games moved to Sunday for TV if they are not playing on the Thursday before.
  • Fixed not all First Division teams playing last round of league matches on last day of season due to a German team reaching Champions Cup final.


  • Fixed Greek European playoffs.


  • Fixed Dutch Eredivisie Schedule.


  • Fixed Israeli National League Toto Cup Semi-Finals venue.
  • Updated Israeli State Cup schedule.


  • Fixed domestic suspensions not being enforced.

Nothern Ireland

  • Fixed Prem division league split bug.


  • Fixed Prem playoff draw.
  • Updated First division prize money.
  • Fixed age limit error for U19 matches.
  • Made it a little be easier to sign Non-EU players for Norwegian clubs in Premier or First Division.


  • Fixed Polish FA Cup round 1 and 2 draw.
  • Fixed correct team not being entered into the Champions League.


  • Adjusted prize money for the Portugese Cup.
  • Teams start the second stage of the Portugese Second Division on half the points they managed in the first stage.


  • Added winter break for reserves competition.
  • Fixed Serbian cup draws.


  • Fixed Spanish 2nd Division B kick off times.
  • Stopped B Teams playing in Spanish cup.


  • Fixed Playoff draw to First Division Elite.


  • Fixed Turkish Cup away goals rule.
  • U23 player match day requirement for Premier Division amended to U23 club home grown player match day requirement.

United States

  • Stopped American and Mexican teams playing each other in the NACL.
  • MLS teams now dont qualify for Copa Sudamericana.
  • Senior Development players at the start of the game now are paid the correct wage.
  • Stopped players at human managed clubs been waivered without them asking them to be.
  • Fixed not be able to give players squad numbers after using auto pick.
  • Staff members no longer can be offered Developmental, Senior Developmental or Senior contracts.
  • The second Designated Player only counts $365,000 towards the cap instead of $415,000.
  • Removed the minimum release clauses for players playing in the USL 1 and USl 2.
  • The Super, Supplemental and Waiver drafts are always held.
  • Stopped user been able to offer non Designated player contract with Designated player wages, and offering a Designated player contract with non Designated player wages.
  • Improved AI teams waivering players due to give Senior contracts to players on Generation Adidas, Senior Dev or Dev contracts forcing them over the squad limits.
  • When running the USA league in view only mode the Designated and International players are not released and available on a free transfer e.g. David Beckham.
  • Squad bonus news item now reports the teams correct finishing position.
  • Fixed Players in the drafts can sometimes not be picked.
  • Teams no longer passing in the first couple of rounds of the draft.
  • Player Rights no longer are retained when a player is waived unless they were drafted in the current seasons draft.
  • Player Rights no longer are retained when a player is sold to a non-MLS team for money.
  • Top four teams in the overall standings qualify for the Superliga.
  • Stopped players squad numbers been removed from teams after every MLS match.

Football Manager 2009 v9.1.1

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed startup crash on certain Mac configurations.

Football Manager 2009 v9.1.0

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed crash when claiming the same player from the MLS Waiver Draft more than once


  • Adjusted the fitness/condition of virtual players.
  • Adjusted attendance increases for big teams after winning leagues.
  • Adjusted expansion capacities of new stadiums built in the game.
  • Adjusted the effect of a new stadium on club attendances.
  • Stopped holiday option applying for jobs at lower division clubs when the user is in charge of a national team.
  • Stopped players been delighted to have signed a new contract when they are just out on loan.
  • Tweaked the assistant manager's monthly training report to better reflect the changes of player attributes.
  • Reduced player condition drop in the off-season.
  • Adjusted the attribute assignment when filling in blanks for researched players in the database.
  • When a user takes control of a club which had a player/manager, the player/manager now leaves the club instead of reverting to just a playing role.
  • Adjusted friendly attendances for matches involving big clubs or rival clubs.
  • Don't get asked to appoint club captain immediately when taking over a club if the season is over already.
  • Fixed Fastest Goal club record not updating.
  • Stopped manager who sets "International Player" experience having more caps and/or goals than the record holder(s) of that nation.
  • Fixed Dutch virtual players showing the Dutch language twice in their list of languages in the player personal profile.
  • Detail Level now remembered correctly for reserve competitions after loading a saved game.
  • Fixed bug where user would sometimes not be able to team talks to be controlled by assistant manager.
  • Non-player transfers are not counted towards highest fee received and spent records.
  • Friendly internationals now count on the players position played in screen.
  • Fixed bug which meant being able to speak French wasn't enough to gain Belgian nationality.


  • Team History screen tables now remember scrollbar position when moving between teams
  • No more unnecessary spacers on the Quicklinks bar when unemployed
  • No more invalid column error in player trials history
  • Edit boxes scroll to the cursor
  • Transfer listing a player on a team tactics screen now updates the status flags for that player
  • Fixed bug where swapping players with light and serious injuries on the tactics panel caused both players to show in the serious injury colour
  • Fixed bug where shirt numbers on team tactics panel were clashing with the background colour
  • Managers of B clubs now have the option to allow assistant manager to take control of friendlies
  • Fixed the stadium condition information label which was showing "unknown" for several stadiums
  • When viewing the draw for the Euro Cup group phase, the groups are now shown correctly
  • Fixed home/away floating panels not remembering positions.
  • Standardised layout of motivation, team ratings and match stats floating panels
  • Removed player condition from key player widgets when viewing previous matches as highlight data does not contain condition data
  • Fixed missing match time when viewing previous matches.
  • Added home page menu item to bookmarks menu.
  • Characters no longer sometimes print twice after a key press in full screen mode
  • Fixed competition news icon indicator link going to inbox.
  • Altered colour of cannot play status icon for non injuries and suspensions
  • Any player sent off whilst the user is changing tactics is now removed from the pitch panel
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes when changing captain in a match the wrong player would be shown as captain on the player ratings panel
  • Fixed bug which would cause the past meetings table to become sorted incorrectly
  • Fixed bug where the tooltip on the captain selection panel would say 'Vice-Captain' for all entries below the vice captain
  • Fixed bug where some people’s names on the club favoured personnel list would be underlined when they could not be viewed
  • Fixed players not playing as strikers being listed on the milestones list during a goal drought
  • Fixed bug where players in a reserve team were shown on a squad screen regardless of the filter set.
  • Fixed contradictory player status icon saying player reacted negatively when he reacted positively.
  • When substituting the captain on the pitch and at the same time bring on the club captain it will now always automatically select the club captain as capain.
  • Fixed display bug which could mean some English players with Scottish eligibility didn't show on their profile.

Match Viewer

  • Fixed some kick animations not being played
  • Animations (e.g. kicks, saves, headers, tackles) now synchronised better with actual ball contact
  • Fixed possibility of commentary being displayed half a second early unintentionally
  • Match time slider can now be used to view the whole match and not just highlights
  • Removed assistant feedback link from the match screen when team has no assistant manager present
  • Tweaked the assistant feedback for tactical suggestions on opposition instructions at the start of the match
  • Fixed assistant manager commenting on language barriers when most of the team is of same (foreign) nationality
  • Tweaked the assistant manager feedback levels based on attributes
  • Fixed some kit clash issues
  • Fixed bug where user isn't taken back to a highlight in split view after making tactical changes
  • Fixed bug where if a human watching a match leaves, then comes back, the match time slider was not showing the correct highlights/periods
  • Added prev/next highlight buttons in highlight slider as separate buttons
  • Behaviour of team name links in match screen is now consistent across views
  • Fixed not being able to go to Tactics screen at half time in extra time in TV view
  • Fixed text difference "TV View"/"TV Mode"
  • Fixed injury times in the TV view match report widget not fitting properly
  • Fixed links in offence notifications
  • Fixed linesman’s flag appearing in pop ups for fouls
  • Fixed a bug when a tactical change made during a match highlight would sometimes cause the match highlight to disappear from the match time slider.
  • Fixed a bug where the team stats panel on the match screen would sometimes not update if the user paused the match then switched to this panel.
  • If user views highlights of an old match in the middle of a current match, the current match shows the correct kits in 3d when the user returns
  • Fixed user not being able to go to tactics screen at half time in extra time in TV view
  • Fixed layout of goal update widget
  • Fixed mismatching hint text for tactics button in TV View
  • Fixed floating widgets jumping when setting up TV View
  • Tactics buttons in TV View go to team talk at full time
  • Added hints to the TV View tactics buttons
  • Fixed replay speed slider not being visible on classic view
  • Added replay speed to TV View
  • Fixed "Live" button not updating when dragging highlight slider to non-highlight area
  • Exits replay properly when user sets playback to live using method other than "Exit Replay" button
  • Fixed scoreboard showing wrong data during match setup when viewing matches from Intro screen


  • Fixed half time whistles and some other sounds occasionally playing twice when watching a match


  • Fixed game freeze when user joins a network game using an empty IP address
  • Fixed bug where a match between two human managers may not carry on after a forced tactic change is made

Manager/Player Interaction

  • Can no longer train goalkeepers to rifle in free-kicks unless they are a free-kick taking goalie (e.g. Rogerio Ceni)
  • Can now discipline players in your reserves and U18's for being sent off in a match
  • Fixed problem if a player outright rejects learning a new PPM, you then have to wait a long time before you can request that they learn a new PPM

Player Happiness

  • Players on loan no long get low morale because they are transfer listed at their parent club
  • Stopped players who are declared for a nation appearing to be interested in playing for another nation.


  • Fixed bug where the wrong host for the next Confederations Cup was being announced
  • Stopped repetitive "Backs manager to win new contract" news item after every game when manager is near the end of his/her contract
  • Fixed player bio talking of player having 'done well to come back from serious injury' when the injury wasn't particularly serious
  • Fixed match report bug which states that the match 'started tentatively' for the wrong team
  • Fixed some grammatical errors in strings
  • Fixed some female strings
  • Stopped players who don't needing registering from a squad complaining about been excluded e.g. European Champions Cup
  • Fixed crash when adding custom Journalists/Media sources for Clubs that don't get loaded into the game.
  • Stopped player facing former club news coming up unless the player was at the same time as the current manager for sizeable time.
  • Stopped personal news item about taking action over player going AWOL being sent to the league news screen.
  • Fixed bug where preferred move training news items could randomly repeat when loading a savegame.

Press Conferences

  • Don't ask question about long gap between games for non-active sides
  • Will no longer be asked a question about needed to spend money to gain success outside of transfer windows
  • Questions about who will win the title come up less frequently
  • Questions about who will win the title not asked when destination of title has already been decided
  • Fixed fairly rare occurrence when journalists would ask a follow-up question that had already been asked in the same press conference
  • Fixed instance of user being asked who will win the title too often
  • Fixed rare instance where journalists would think a score draw was 0-0
  • Stopped people from having to interrupt their Christmas dinners to take a press conference
  • Assistants now answer opposition dangerman questions
  • Fixed bug where extra time and penalty goals not shown in player reaction to post match press conference
  • Fixed bug where AI manager could rarely attend a pre-match press conference twice
  • Fixed bug where Assistant attending press conference would be asked the same questions in consecutive conferences quite often
  • Fixed bug where the PR reactions weren't showing after your assistant takes a press conference
  • Made sure you always attend a new job press conference before any other type of press conference
  • Stopped big players responding to comments from small club managers
  • Fixed defender being chosen as possible threat in a question
  • Stopped summary news item saying the human was in a bad mood when he gave positive answers.


  • Sell-on fees cleared also when the next transfer includes no cash
  • Stopped relegated teams offering players well below their asking prices
  • Stopped teams make a loan offer for a player despite the fact that he will be injured for the next 4 to 5 months
  • Stopped clubs repeating same transfer offer over and over again with no sign of giving up or improving offer
  • Stopped clubs initially bidding basic value for key/first team players if no asking price has been set
  • Stopped clubs who haven't previously bid on a player from bidding below previously rejected offers of the same type from different clubs
  • When a club reject loan bid due to low wage contribution but user is offering to pay 100%, the real reason is that the buying club is a divisional rival
  • Stopped Chairmen inappropriately accepting bids because they are "too good to refuse" at high reputation clubs
  • Fixed teams reject original offer for a player but after an enquiry they will accept less


  • Fixed a bug when managing Tottenham, scout reports on Jermain Defoe would suggest he "would be a good signing for most League One sides"

Managerial Sackings/Appointments

  • Fixed clubs hiring and firing 3 times in 5 days due to manager contract expirations
  • Ensured managers who have had a poor start but given time by the board don't get fired once they have been there a short while and are gradually improving the terrible league position

Club Reputations

  • Club reputations rising instead of dropping properly when a team gets relegated


  • Young players on part time/amateur contracts in youth teams now get youth training instead of full/part time
  • Stopped players making any position training progress when injured.
  • Fixed bug where preferred move training news items could randomly repeat when loading a savegame.


  • Fixed wages asked and wages allowed for Israeli players aged 18-21 in Israel
  • Fixed low reputation player rejecting contract offer as he wants a more lucrative salary, but he is being offered exactly what he is asking for


  • Fixed custom expenditure setup in the database from spiralling when renewed
  • Adjusted cash balances of inactive clubs with sugar daddies
  • New MLS kit sponsorships only to start after the first season
  • Adjusted MLS wage budgets to allow budgets higher than the cap
  • Tweaks to club bankruptcy limits and chairmen willingness to cover losses
  • Enabled loans setup in the DB to have future repayment start dates in the game
  • Adjusted building costs of new stadiums in developing countries
  • Adjusted stadium sponsorship deals for new stadiums
  • Adjusted the high end wages in France
  • Adjusted the level of extra wage budget board will allow at rich clubs if requested and accepted
  • Adjusted the Belarus league ticket prices to better match the values set in the DB
  • Fixed Huddersfield season ticket prices and sales to revert to normal levels after the first season where season tickets are on special sale

Board Takeovers

  • Non-active clubs now have chairman changes listed on their history landmarks panel
  • Improved board takeover frequency and balance
  • Fixed issue where board members weren't moving/leaving clubs properly, previously identified by corrupted club records e.g. Bobby Charlton at Man Utd
  • Increased chance of ambitious directors becoming chairmen at other clubs
  • Improved selection of nationality for tycoon chairmen
  • Slightly reduced reputation boost for consortium and tycoon takeovers
  • Fixed bug where B clubs where having board takeovers.


  • Fixed some Hints and Tips
  • Fixed Danish Tutorial headline
  • Updated Credits


  • Players can now gain Hong Kong citizenship
  • Fixed Brazilian player is considered as Home Grown for an English side despite only joining them six weeks ago
  • Fixed bug where a Non-EU player wouldn't want to gain British nationality



  • East Timor get placed in a valid group in Asian Under 20 Championships Qualifiers
  • African Cup of Nation hosts for 2010, 2012 and 2014 added
  • Paraguay South American U-20 2009 hosts
  • Fixed CONCACAF World Cup Qualifiers being played on the wrong dates in the first season causing fixture clashes with league games
  • Vietnam now doesn’t qualify directly for Asian Nations Cup 2011 as they take part in the qualifiers
  • Fixed Asian/Oceania World Cup Qualifying playoff for 2010 World Cup clashing with club league fixtures
  • Fixed International friendlies incorrectly played 13th August 2008
  • Correct age rules used when picking squads for U21 European Championships
  • South American U20 Championship winners now get an achievement added

North America

  • Correct teams now entered for the CONCACAF Champions Cup in 2008


  • Fixed North Korea host the Asian President's Cup.


  • Australian Institutes should not receive any compensation when Youth contract players move.
  • Fixed bug in A-League (regular season) where wrong team is mentioned as the winner of the competition


  • Bulgarian TV revenue update.


  • Updated Croatian First Division, Second Division and Cup schedules

Czech Republic

  • Amended Czech Summer Transfer Window


  • Fixed Danish Premier Division scheduling clashing with the Euro competitions


  • Fixed there being no TV games on the last day of the season in the English Championship
  • Fixed duplicate 'long term loan' rule sentence in the rules screen for the Blue Square North/South
  • English Conference leagues now deduct 10 points for teams going into administration
  • Community Shield no longer called the "Community Shield Final"
  • England's away game against Andorra in September 2008 should be played at Espanyol's stadium
  • Should not have to register players for reserve team matches


  • Players are now correctly cup tied for european competitions


  • Premier/ Division 1 schedule update
  • Finnish Cup third round added


  • French transfer window changed to 01/09/2008 for the first season
  • French cup match squad must have no more than four non-EU players
  • French League 2 maximum two non-EU players in squad
  • 5 subs can be named in French cup until 1/4 finals, 7 from 1/4 finals onwards
  • French league cup final set to Saturday 25/04/09
  • French National schedule updated
  • French loan rules updated
  • Fixed French U18 Cup amount of subs
  • Ligue 1 Midweek TV dates added


  • Updated Greek Prize Money


  • Fixed Icelandic league dates


  • Indonesian Prem/First schedule updated


  • Promotion/Relegation Play-off Matches 1 leg 2009/2010 onwards
  • Israeli Leagues minimum Stadium capacities changed
  • Fixed transfer window


  • Updated Coppa Italia Serie C Third Round Schedule
  • Avellino's 3 point deduction cancelled


  • Fixed an issue which sometimes qualified the wrong team for the NACL


  • Fixed incorrect text being used for maximum number of non home grown players rule
  • Removed home-grown player match rules for Norwegian 2nd division


  • Fixed teams being allocated to the wrong Romanian Second League Group


  • Changed Premier Division squad rule to U21 instead of U20 and moved the age check day to 31st December


  • Fixed Scottish Second Division relegation playoffs are played on the incorrect dates


  • Last 4 sets of fixtures not played at the same time
  • Changed the display order of Singapore competitions

South Korea

  • Fixed duplicate and incorrect disciplinary rules for South Korean competitions


  • Fixed Spanish 2nd Division B - Promotion playoff to 2nd Division draw


  • Added prize money for Swedish Premier League teams


  • Fixed Turkish teams not being able to sign Foreign based U18 players with Turkish nationality
  • Turkish B-style feeder club relationships now send more players on loan each year

United States

  • Allocation funds from sales outside the MLS are now correctly awarded
  • Fixed an issue which sometimes qualified the wrong team for the NACL
  • Fixed wrong prize money in US Cup
  • Increased AI teams interest in players inside the Superdraft
  • Generation Adidas players no longer require the user to offer them a contract as they now get give one automatically
  • Stop players requesting contract clauses that can't be offered in the MLS
  • Stopped teams signing players from the Development League when the player hasn't already been in a draft
  • Designated players no longer reject terms they ask for
  • AI teams should increase their transfer activity to sign Designated Players
  • Stopped AI teams from going over the squad restrictions


  • Fixed bug where a team may get a Uruguayan First Division championship achievement both after winning the Playoff match and the Championship match
  • Basáñez removed from Uruguayan Second Division

joder q de arreglos, eso es un parche y lo demas son tonterias xDDD

#357 gracias por pegarlo, pero pq pones tambien el parche 9.1.1 y el 9.1.0? que asi ocupa medio kilometro el texto xD


se me fue el copy paste soz xd


Mirad esto, es la puta ostia, intento fichar a Pato, les mando una oferta de 21M, y rechazan, les mando una de 50M (sin pagos mensuales ni ostias), y mirad lo que me mandan: