Y entonces por qué soy yo la moderna? ;_; si es Harlan!
por cierto, atentos al partidazo de mañana: http://www.mediavida.com/foro/22/lvp-division-honor-scii-jueves-2100-447588/19
lol @ la entrevista con ryung
What do you mean you don?t mind losing to Protoss?
Today, Vines opted for the upgrade style Protoss which everyone knows is OP. I?m sure he just a-clicked his well-upgraded units but I had a hell of a time controlling my units against that. I tried really hard and to be pushed back so easily despite that, it actually made me feel better. That?s why I wasn?t affected for subsequent games.
A mi solo me gusta la música oldschool. Yo soy un tru masterrace mientras en vuestros atrofiados cerebros rebota el wub wub wub wub wub wub wub
#7869 Pues yo prefiero escuchar todo tipo de música, poder ir a conciertos de cualquier tipo y poder integrarme en cualquier ambiente e_e.
2012 GSL Season 3 Up and Downs Group D
(T)Hack <Entombed Valley> (T)Virus
(P)Seed <Dual Sight> (P)MC
(T)Tree <Metropolis> (Z)Zenio
(T)Hack <Antiga Shipyard> (P)Seed
(T)Virus <Ohana> (T)Tree
(P)MC <Daybreak> (Z)Zenio
(T)Hack <Cloud Kingdom> (T)Tree
(T)Virus <Atlantis Spaceship> (P)MC
(P)Seed <Atlantis Spaceship> (Z)Zenio
(T)Hack <Metropolis> (P)MC
(T)Virus <Daybreak> (Z)Zenio
(P)Seed <Entombed Valley> (T)Tree
(T)Hack<Antiga Shipyard> (Z)Zenio
(P)MC <Dual Sight> (T)Tree
(T)Virus <Ohana> (P)Seed