Guía para jugar a Yakuza 5 en japonés


Los Yakuza fans hacen lo que no hace Sega, y es que un tío enrollado ha hecho una wiki con todo tipo de anotaciones en inglés para ponérnosla al lado mientras jugamos RGG5 en japonés.


- All menus translated and link to relevant section details
- All cut scenes highlighted
- All gameplay choices transcribed and all the correct responses translated (except Hostess questions)
- All substories detailed
- All Another Drama sections highlighted with many detailed
- All Completion sections detailed
- All minigames detailed (except gambling)
- All Items listed and linked to in all other sections
- All items link to where to acquire
- All items have details on where they are used
- All items where they appear in previous Yakuza games have the same name as the most recent incarnation. I have used my own translations for new items.
- All abilities listed
- All characters listed and character details for playable and major characters
- All gameplay modes detailed.
- Most tables have column ordering
- All miscellaneous sections detailed (except Haruka’s Mithering which has the rewards detailed)
- All emails listed

I had no Japanese training when I started this task last Decemeber and this was my first attempt at a translation guide, therefore the translations won't be brilliant, but it's better than anything out there currently at this time and I am convinced that someone of reasonable intelligence with no experience of Japanese could use this guide and Platinum the game.

The walkthrough sections are written in a matter of fact way because I was hoping someone like ThePatrick who is a lot better at this thing than I would have finished his FAQ and I could thus link to or include his walkthrough. This means I transcribed who was in the scenes and what actions they were taking, but didn't capture the dialog. This means you won't get a great understanding of the story from this walkthrough, but hopefully if KHH or other sub groupers are allowed to post cut scenes in the future then I can link to their videos. You will however be able to get through the gameplay and have a general understanding of what is going on.


bien bien, dentro de poco debería salir la versión rebajada en Japón así que le rejugaré con esta guía y con vosotros


Si hacen una guia con traduccion y todo, aunque tenga que mirar cada minuto un libro imprimido, lo juego

Si no me entero de que sirve?

1 respuesta

#3 jugarlo > no jugarlo

1 respuesta

#4 Si luego me hacen un walktrough subtitulado lo juego XDDDDD

Nah, cuando tenga dinero lo jugare igualmente, es uno de los juegos que mas me cabrea

1 respuesta

#5 KHHSubs subtituló Kenzan prácticamente entero así que con suerte se pondrá en algún momento con el 5 y tendremos cosas comprensibles. <- la versión rebajada sale en diciembre pero yo creo que al final me dejaré los 60€ en la normal, los the Best estos me dan cosa.

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