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Como Harstem gane a Stephano me retiro de la vida. Ha estado ganandole todas las partidas que han estado jugando durante este ultimo mes, seria muy injusto.
bueno chicos, ya estoy en la LAN. Dentro de un rato streaming, de momento tenéis que conformaros con HSC.
t appears that the shield battery was once part of the StarCraft II game engine prior to the game's release.[3] In 2008, Karune stated that the shield battery would not be available in multiplayer games.[4] It did not appear in the Wings of Liberty product.[5] In September 2017, Blizzard stated that they were looking into bringing the campaign shield battery into Legacy of the Void multiplayer, as a 75 mineral structure that can recover allied shields even as they are in combat. The addition of the shield battery was tested in the testing matchmaker.[6] At BlizzCon 2017, it was announced that the shield battery would become a standard structure in multiplayer matches.[2]
#45 Tienes alguna deficiencia cognitiva que te impida descubrirlo por ti mismo o algo? Todos lo han visto sin problemas.
Al SC no les ganaremos, pero seguro que si nos ponemos a jugar al futbolín ese al que le están dando les meamos.
#55 Creo que fisicamente ya llegó al limite, no se puede estar mas calvo. A no ser que empezase a perder pelo del resto del cuerpo