HoN: Noticias HoN Test Server


Había gente que lloraba en los foros porque les dolía el oído :o_o:


#840 Yo lo oigo y es bastante bastante molesto.


parche 0.2.80 test server


  • Fixed an issue where dropping them would not remove the speed boost visuals
  • Fixed an issue where picking them up (when not in cool down) would not apply the speed boost visuals


  • Damage from Curse of Ages proc from 20/40/60/80 Magic to 15/30/45/60 Physical

Forsaken Archer:

  • Base Agility lowered from 22 to 20
  • Base damage from 44-50 to 36-42
  • Fixed various skills interacting with FA's new barbed Armor skill, causing far more damage to be dealt than what was intended (such as blood hunter's alt, rampage's drag)
  • Barbed Aura will no longer proc off Splash damage


  • Can now target and affect Magic Immune heroes with all of his abilities


  • Attackspeed from Cold Shoulder increased from 10/20/30/40 to 15/30/45/60
  • Attackspeed will linger for 2 seconds after changing targets
  • Fixed an issue preventing the attack speed buff from not lasting long enough on Cold Shoulder

y el heal dl chronos ni lo tocan... pa q


no se para que le tocan el daño base a la fa


#845 Hombre, teniendo en cuenta que ahora la 3ª skill es una aura que hace que pegue más, como se la suba a niveles bajos, es lo más cheto del mundo el daño que tiene que hacer (no he probado los test server pero lo imagino), por lo tanto es lógico que le bajen el daño inicial.


o_o no sabia yo que le quitaban los esqueletos y ponian un aura lol :/


Perdón, la 3ª no, la 2º, la de Split Arrow, que me he confundido xD

1 comentario moderado

Aun así yo sigo viendo mejor subir primero 1 y 3


Los esqueletos los nerfearán dentro de poco.


Ya no saben que hacer ni con la FA ni con el ingeniero ni con el Chronos, a cada parche les cae un rework/nerf/buff


parche 0.2.81 test server

  • Experience share changes reverted (same as retail, now)
  • Pre-match time for all game modes changed from 1 minute 15 seconds to 1 minute 30 seconds
  • Fixed several interface crashes
  • Fixed advanced game mode filter on public game interface to correctly save values.
  • Fixed animations getting stuck when rewinding replays
  • Fixed rewinding tree deaths in replays

Blood Chalice:

  • No longer has deflection or takes a Shield
  • Now takes a Mark of the Novice (+3 int) and Crushing Claws (+3 str) instead (Still takes Trinket of Restoration)
  • Gives +3 Str/Int and +2 Health Regen (down from +3 Health Regen)
  • Health cost (and return after successful kill) increased from 100 to 150

Ring of Sorcery:

  • Reverted recipe changes, same as retail now


  • Fixed an issue causing some sources of damage not to properly put them in cool down
  • Updated effects and icon. Now 120% more cool.

Flint Beastwood:

  • New Hellbourne Agi hero, based on DotA's Sniper
  • Skills:
  • Explosive Flare - Deals damage in an area immediately, then gives vision over that area and slows/reveals any enemies who come within the vicinity
  • Hollowpoint Shells - Gives a chance that an auto-attack will deal bonus damage and apply a mini-stun
  • Deadeye - Increases attack range
  • Money Shot - Channels for a brief time then fires a massive shot, dealing high damage at a long range to a single target

Forsaken Archer:

  • Agility increased back to 22
  • Base damage increased by 4 to 40-46
  • This is 4 lower then what it is on retail
  • Volley range from awful/awful/decent/800 to 800 at all levels
  • Volley immobilize time from 1.75/2/2.25/2.5 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
  • Renamed Barbed Aura to Putrefy
  • Removed the damage popup numbers from appearing when a unit is hit under the effects of Putrefy
  • Aura will no longer work against self damage (Accursed Cauterize, etc)
  • Skeletons no longer apply the DoT


  • Cast time on Soul Burst changed to 1.4 seconds from 1.6 seconds
  • This is still 0.4 seconds slower than current retail client


  • Ranged pet attack cooldown from 1.5s to 1s
  • Cold Shoulder manacost increased from 0 to 40
  • Cooldown lowered from 14 to 12

Yo nunca jugue dota, en HoN llevare mas de 1000 partidas, como jugabais al Sniper en DotA?
Supongo que es un buen medio, pero yo creo que para rushear en linea a primeros niveles y luego gankear todo el rato a partir de minuto 10-12 tambien viene muy bien.


No se supone que el parche ya era para hoy? (Vamos, no he abierto el juego aun tampoco :P)


Aún es pronto en USA. Hasta la tarde/noche no caerá nada.


Yo lo he jugado de todas formas, en lane y en medio, en el dota tiene el mejor last hit del juego, vas medio farmeas, deniegas, y a lvl 6 si esta un poco tocado ya matas al de medio, o le tiras un ult para ir preparandolo y esperas al cd para meterle otro.



  • Cast time on Soul Burst changed to 1.4 seconds from 1.6 seconds
  • This is still 0.4 seconds slower than current retail client

entiendo bien esto, q es 0.4 segundos mas lento q antes? xq joer, mira q el ulti tardaba, q te pones a lanzarlo y te comes de todo como no tngas bkb. ahora va a ser ir al bar, tomarte una cerveza, volver y stun/disable a ss. o salir corriendo antes de q castee, ahora q tarda casi medio segundo mas


parche 0.2.82 test server

  • During modes that use alternating pick (banning draft, banning pick, etc), once a player selects their hero it will instantly switch to the other team (rather than waiting the remaining time)

  • Each player now has 40 seconds to select their hero, from 30

  • Transition time between banning and picking is now 15 seconds, from 20

  • The time after the hero picks has been reduced from 2 minutes to 45 seconds

  • Hero selection time in all pick reduced from 2 minutes to 1 minute

  • tweak/clean up effect and add sfx to Blood Chalice and Striders

  • fix projectile orientations

  • fix attacking buildings and towers without sight of that building or tower

  • fix duration of deny animation glow

  • Added effect/animation for Tundra's Cold Shoulder

Forsaken Archer

  • Reverted the Aura back into Split Fire, same as in Retail.
  • Note to the testers: We appreciate all of the feedback and help on this, but we are not happy with where this is, so we are not comfortable putting it out there for the general public. We are going to keep these numbers the same as retail for now since we don't have the time to test anything more detailed right now. Stay tuned till next patch for more iteration!

Mr Beastwood

  • Added better sounds and voice/picksound
  • Slowed down his turnspeed slightly
  • Exploding Flare reveal removed, radius reduced from 350 to 300
  • Hollowpoint wont double hit gadgets anymore
  • Fixed tooltip on Money Shot
  • He will now gloat and say "Headshot!" when killing someone with Money Shot
  • Fixed state on Money Shot so you can't inifinte reveal someone

Cuándo se hace disconect se pierden PSR?


#860 Si se hace en partidas de Stats si.

¿Para cuándo el parche con el nuevo héroe?

11 días después

Rework para kraken y deadwood fresquito.


parche 0.2.83 test server

- Darkwood Vale removed

  • Added new map: Grimm's Crossing

  • New Armor system for Towers added

  • Tower Armor is now based on what heroes on that team are alive

  • Scales smoothly from 100% normal armor with everyone alive to 0% when everyone is dead

  • Example: 5v5, 2 players die, Tower armor on the team with the dead players from 18 to 10.8 while they are dead

  • Only active on Grimm's Crossing for now

  • Pets and Summons are new deniable

  • Fixed a potential crash on the chat server that occured when a user was not able to be resolved during a clan invite.

  • Fixed an issue where players were able to invite other players to their clan even if the targetted player was already in a clan.

  • Cleaned up some of the error messages to properly represent the error occuring

  • Fixed an exploit where players could set d_drawAreaAffectors to true, and they could see the effect of Madman's stalk in action while he was invisible. This cvar will only work on practice games or replays from now on

  • Added global announcer sounds anytime Kongor is slain

  • Fixed drag selection of flying units (Tundra Bird or Courier)

  • Spectators can now view the shop

  • Fixed shop error messages not showing up when shopping from the main shop panel

  • Fixed spectator gold/min inaccuracies when players sell items

  • Little fix for the tiny icons in spectator mode

  • New Effects for minotaur and catman

  • Update Frostburn tooltip to show max of 3 charges, instead of 5.

  • Updated effects and sounds for several items like Blood Chalice, Puzzlebox, and Striders

  • Updated sounds to several heroes

Blood Chalice

  • Cooldown from 25s to 35s


  • Agi Steal from Curse of Ages removed


  • Range of Keg lowered from 1000 to 800
  • Turret no longer does individual bullets, now does 7 'waves' of damage once a second over 6 seconds. Everything hit by the wave takes 25/40/55/70 damage, is pushed 25 units away, and is slowed by 7%, stacking up to 5 times for the slow.


  • Enfeeble no longer has charges set to 0 when attacking creeps, only when hitting heroes
  • Enfeeble duration incresed from 3s to 4s
  • Now steals 1% of anything hit's total damage per charge and gives that damage to gauntlet for the duration of the slow/steal
  • Max charges from 50 to 35


  • Grace of the Nymph now also increases the target's Movespeed by 25/50/75/100
  • Stun range lowered from 1200 to 900
  • Speed of the projectile lowered from 1100 to 1000
  • Infoheight changed so the healthbar isn't on her face

Sand Wraith

  • Fixed targeting

El día que nerfeen el slow q hace el árbol q tira el DW, será un gran día. Para mi es una skill muy cheta por el coste de mana y cd q tiene.

El resto de los cambios parece que están bastante bien, el kraken tiene que ser más entretenido ahora, aunque han cambiado totalmente el ulti y ya no servirá para gankear igual, ahora parece otro zephyr la verdad -.-

Los nerfs de engi y nymphora ya era hora de que los hicieran, y por lo que leo ahora están algo más nivelados (habrá que ver en la práctica).


Vaya rework del Krakken no? Splash pasivo y ahora la ralentización va con skill, más tipo DotA


Joder el kraken ahora tiene una pinta un tanto bruta no??

Ulti como el del tempest mas bien , la pasiva que no gasta mana.. la ola lanzable otra vez.. Y lo de estampar enemigos contra las cosas bien usado tiene k ser la ostia xDD


la ola es tipo gust de zephyr?
y que se supone que le han cambiado a dw, que el ulti empuja?


Siguen sin tocar las striders, y el chalice dando 150 de mana, pues vale.


mmm me parece un poco chetilla la pasiva del kraken.. se parece mucho a la del gladiator.. ya me veo krakens mid rayando a splashes xD


esta gente no tiene termino medio,de un kraken que no aportaba ninguna diferencia a una bestia parda submarina, y el nerf al deadwood es importante, bajada de dmg al ulti, sin daño en el stun,pushback en el ulti, clearcutting cambiada a algo raro que no hace sinergia con como es el personaje,etc