HoN: Nueve héroe: Lodestone



Dr. Repulsor stood back and looked over the creation in his laboratory. The golem made from magnetized stone and steel was complete and ready to be brought to life. He watched as Hellbringer completed the ritual to summon forth the demon that would power the construct and bring it to life. The Eldritch runes etched into its frame would hold the creature eternally in place. While it may lack the intelligence of Chronos, the new soldier would be the first of many demon powered war machines.

The ritual was completed as planned and the Doctor watched with glee as the essence of the demon fused with the gears and metal frame of his creation. Repulsor reached down and threw the final switch, charging the shell with electricity and starting the steam pistons within. The drill on its hand began to slowly twist and it's eyes glowed purple.

“A side effect of the electricity intermingling with the demonic Eldritch energy” mused the mad scientist as he leaned in towards his creation.

Hellbringer stepped forward, “The demon is resisting the bonding more than we predicted.”

“No matter. It is still within acceptable parameters,” replied Repulsor as he overlooked the instruments connected to the table.

Suddenly the dials began to spike, fluctuating wildly with energy. The Doctor moved to try to correct the flow of power, but it was too late. The drill arm on the machine roared to life and shattered the table beneath it. In a mindless rage, the demon within lashed out, destroying the instruments all around him. The Doctor retreated quickly to his personal machine and charged the magnets while Hellbringer stood behind the ever present Malphas.

Seeing the other demon enraged the bound creature even more and he flung himself at the winged beast. As Malphas began to call upon his infernal power, the war machine exploded outward and launched itself toward the demon. The machine plunged the spinning drill into the heart of the summoned demon, destroying it and sending it back to Hell.

Repulsor took advantage of the momentary distraction and before the machine could pull itself back into the fray, he locked the magnets onto the metallic exoskeleton.

“There is a reason I made your frame from lodestone, demon. You may resist, but in the end I will always be able to control you.”

The entrapped demon raged and hissed, but eventually fell still, trapped within the magnets of Repulsors’ war chair. He glowered at the Doctor, but eventually yielded.

“Don’t worry Lodestone, I will soon unleash you against our enemies. They will learn to fear your power and you can extract a measure of revenge with each and every one you kill.”

The demon smiled inside its shell at that thought. Someone would pay for what was done to him-- for turning him into this abomination. Soon, Lodestone would be unleashed upon the world!

Lodestone is a melee strength ganker and initiator hero that sacrifices his own defenses and strips enemies of theirs.

Rocket Drill




Lodestone, the ingenuity of the Hellbourne forces, is coming to Newerth in the upcoming hero spotlight.


Que diseño mas sosete, pero bueno. Se sabe si piensan bajar un poco a Solstice?


lo de solstice es una burrada en early, ese ulti que atonta y que de noche cuando cargas sea invis... XD

Pero vaya un nerf al ult y a la carga y adiós soltice, no lo usará ni peter

1 comentario moderado

Pregunto aqui por no abrir otro hilo, que no se donde va esto:

A la hora de updatear el HoN no me detecta que hay un parche nuevo, se logea (si es que lo hace) y no puedo jugar. Alguna solución a este problema?

PD: He probado reparando la instalacion y poniendolo en modo compatibilidad con Windows95 pero nada.

PD2: Solstice esta mas cheto que el copon, 6 partidas jugadas y 6 veces que lo he visto reventando, luego veo sus skills y no me sorprende.

1 respuesta

#5 yo pienso que no está tan op

Yo las veces que lo he jugado, la mayoria si tenia un buen solo destrozabamos la lane, pero un solstice no gana una partida él solo. No es como mk cuando lo sacaron, que hacía un burst dmg de la leche a nivel 4 y antes del min 15 ya llorabas para poder conceder xD


Quiero jugarlo ya! me encanta!


Dios que cheto el anchor! me mola


a ver si le bajan, porque vaya telita de heroe... se les ha ido la manita

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