parche 2.0.11
Version 0.5.38
Version 2.0.11
Added a new Intelligence hero: Empath
Empath has an Alternate Avatar, the Mage Empath
SBT-ONLY: Empath's SotM removed
Towers have had their damage normalized to have no damage range, dealing the average value all the time
Barracks, when they die, will award the killing team with 100 gold for each player. Last hitter gets no bonus gold. Applies to Casual Mode, but 150 gold per player.
Added cast-range indicator support
When casting an AoE spell, the AoE will be colored green if you are targeting within range of your hero, yellow if you are out of range, or red if you are trying to target an invalid location
When casting a direct target spell, the cursor will turn yellow if you are attempting to cast on a valid target that's out of range. Green and red still represent ally or enemy casts, that part is unchanged
Gauntlet can now double-activate his hookfist and it will go in the direction he is facing and pull anyone hit back to right infront of himself
Debuffs that are flagged for giving assists will now award an assist if they were actively on a target within 20 seconds of it dying (similar to how assist damage works)
Non-damaging abilities such as Voodoo Jester's stun will give assists correctly now
Fixed a bug that would sometimes allow players to change their vote after voting
Fixed the scoreboard sometimes showing incorrect info when a player is terminated.
Added new account icons