HoN: Parche 2.0.30


Parche 2.0.30

  • 5 new icons

  • Fixed recipes being able to combine using items from multiple players

  • You can combine items properly using ownerless (i.e. dropped by a leaver) items now

  • Fixed a crash during loading

  • Touched up some of the Matchmaking UI

  • Fixed Grimm's Crossing teleporters so that immobile gadgets can't use it to teleport

  • Fixed lifesteal to not lifesteal on gadgets and chests. Also fixed lifesteal so it won't play a sound unless you validly lifesteal a unit. The following things are affected by this change:

  • Dampeer's Bloodthirst

  • Elder Parasite

  • Hungry Spirit

  • Symbol of Rage

  • Whispering Helm

  • Vulture Lord's Tornado now goes through trees and cliffs


  • Aura radius to 900
  • Activation radius increased from 450 to 600

    Barrier Idol
  • Radius from 500 to 600

Elder Parasite

  • Damage taken reduced from 20% to 15%

Frostfield Plate

  • Aura radius from 1000 to 900

Logger's Hatchet

  • Reworked slightly
  • Activates to throw an axe at target enemy creep or neutral
  • 600 Range, 30s cooldown
  • Deals your attack damage to target on impact
  • Can still target a tree to kill it and only has a 15 second cooldown if targeting a tree
  • Retains passive


  • Now has a short 500ms cooldown when toggled on

Nome's Wisdom

  • Aura radius from 800 to 900

Nullfire Blade

  • Upgraded version has infinite charges
  • Cooldown increased from 12 to 20 seconds

    Plated Greaves
  • Radius from 450 to 600

Homecoming Stone

  • Fixed a bug where you can infinitely disarm a tower with Post Haste

-Added visual timer on the item so you don't have to select the minions to see their lifetimes

Refreshing Ornament

  • Aura radius to 900

Restoration Stone

  • Mana cost reduced from 375 to 300

Runed Cleaver

  • Now can be used to cut down trees

    Shield of the Five
  • Radius from 450 to 600


  • Made it unbind the target it's used on
  • This stops it from causing derps or people flying all over the screen randomly
  • Fixed Pebbles graphical bug

- New Intelligence Hero: Martyr

  • New Gold Collection Alternate Avatar: Golden Pebbles
  • Flux now sides with the Legion!


  • Sear is no longer an Attack modifier


  • Mana cost of Comet from 95/110/125/140 to 110/120/130/140
  • Aurora duration from 14/16/18/20 to 14 seconds
  • Void Rip cooldown from 45/45/45 to 70/60/50


  • Mana cost of Harden Carapace from 90 to 50
  • Harden Carapce Magic Armor from 5/10/18/35 to 8/16/24/32


  • Snot Storm armor reduction from 1/1/2/2 to 1/1.5/2/2.5


  • Added a visual timer for Corpse Conversion minions


  • Heavy Weight damage from 25/45/75/115 to 25/55/85/115
  • Heavy Weight stun duration from 0.3/0.7/1.2/1.5 to 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5
  • Shockwave Magic damage for additional units from 35/45/65 to 35/45/55
  • Shockwave Magic damage from corpses removed

Blood Hunter

  • Fixed mod exploits with Blood Sense


  • Take Cover duration reduced from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 to .25/1/1.75/2.5


  • Focus Buffer from 150/300/450/600 to 125/250/375/500


  • Time Leap movespeed slow from 10/20/30/40% to 22/28/34/40%

Corrupted Disciple

  • Script cleanup for Electric Tide

The Dark Lady

  • Taint Soul mana cost from 35/45/55/65 to static 35

  • Illusory Veil duration from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6


  • Changed Spider Mines to not trigger on siege units


  • Reworked
  • Cull
  • Now always manaburns
  • Damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 100/160/220/280
  • Manaburn is now 7/14/21/28% on all targets hit, Fayde gains mana equal to half the mana burnt
  • Burning Shadows
  • Now always stuns
  • Manacost lowered from 85/105/125/145 to 85/100/115/130
  • Damage and stun are the same
  • Scythe/Shadow Stance
  • Removed
  • New ability: Deep Shadows
  • Target an area, summoning shadows there for 5 seconds
  • Shadows slow enemies by 15/20/25/30% and increase Fayde's movespeed by 15/20/25/30% while they are inside of it
  • Movespeed modifiers linger for 1 second
  • Reflection
  • Now has treewalking
  • Now grants Fayde 1200 clearvision while stealthed by Reflection
  • This sight lingers for 2 seconds after exiting stealth


  • Optimized his Magnetic Surge and Discharge by removing superfluous checks & improved algorithms
  • Tweaked Magnetic Surge & Discharge pushes to be more accurate
  • Reduced the sound on his Polarity Swap modes by a factor of 4
  • Made Discharge give assists
  • Dampened Flux's & Steam Flux's walk and regular attack sounds
  • Fixed tooltip on Release to show radius correctly
  • Made Discharge unbind so it stops interacting with projectiles very (VERY) poorly

Forsaken Archer

  • Call of the Damned Skeletons TP with FA
  • Split Shot reworked to basically be ranged cleave
  • Main target takes full, 2 additional targets take 14/21/28/35% damage


  • Infernal Instability grants 40 Movespeed at all levels instead of 10/20/30/40
  • Grapple slightly increased touch radius to 80 from 75
  • Enfeeble is no longer an Attack Modifier
  • Capped the charges on Enfeeble to prevent rollover
  • Fixed a bug with Gauntlet Blast where it was waking people up incorrectly


  • Life Void damage healed from 10/20/30/40% to 15/20/25/30%
  • Added visual timer to Summon Malphas


  • Inner Light from True Damage to Magic Damage
  • Inner Light radius from 250 to 300

  • Tower attacks may now proc Whirling Blade


  • Fixed Eruption to play the animation correctly


  • Matraxe now has a small cooldown after activation on it
  • Quake stun duration from 1/1.5/2.0/2.5 to 1.75/2.0/2.25/2.5
  • Fixed his attack animation not playing while he has Arcane Shield up (before absorbing a spell)


  • Fixed his Mirage Strike illusion from spamming attack commands
  • Fixed the Mirage Strike illusion playing the "ZING!" charge initial sound twice if the unit is invulnerable before the illusion gets a chance to attack


  • Fixed Volatile Pod visual lasting for 1 second more than it should.


  • Cannonball stun duration from 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25 to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25


  • Tormented Soul manacost increased from 50/50/50/50 to 50/55/60/65

    Pollywog Priest
  • Added visual timer to Voodoo Wards

Puppet Master

  • Cleaned up scripting for Puppet Show
  • Fixed the Puppet Show's target from spamming attack commands every frame since it messes with pathing
  • Voodoo Puppet health from 450/700/950 to 500/750/1000
  • Voodoo Puppet decreased damage amp from 160/180/210 to 140/160/180
  • Voodoo Puppet overkill damage is still transferred to target, but not amplified

  • Fixed a mod exploit


  • Vanish no longer loses 'Flurry' when Invisibility is manually disabled


  • Fixed her Grapple from interacting badly with Bubbles's Take Cover


  • Added a targetradius for the tooltip of Poison Spray
  • Removed 10% movement slow from Toxicity
  • Toxicity is no longer an attack modifer
  • Toxicity's regen disable from 40/60/80/100% to 20/40/60/80%


  • Demon Hands manacost increased from 75 to 80

  • Mesmerize manacost reduced from 165 to 130/140/150/160


  • Lightning Rod damage from 5/7/9/11% to 3/5/7/9%

  • Chain Reaction manacost increased from 100/125/140/165 to 120/135/150/165
  • Impalement manacost increased from 95/120/135/155 to 115/130/145/160
  • Agonizing bonds damage reduced from 80/145/205/265 to 80/140/200/260
  • Agonizing Bonds targets lowered from 3/5/6/7 to 3/4/5/6
  • Agonizing Bonds pull radius reduced from 650 to 600

  • Added a visual timer to Call of the Winter to check summon's lifetime
  • Cold Shoulder is now always 600 range


  • Fixed a super duper rare long range Javelin of Light bug

War Beast

  • Added visual timer for his Summon Hellhounds


  • Power Drain rescaled drain from 20/40/60/100 mana per second to 25/50/75/100

Lo más destacable a mi parecer:

  • Buffazo a la nullfire.
  • Pequeño buff a la refresher. (restoration stone)
  • Cambio intersante a la Logger's Hatchet y a la Runed Cleaver.
  • Pequeño buff al accursed carry (xD)
  • Bufito al armadon.
  • Nerf bastante importante en mi opinión al Behemoth.
  • Nerfito al bubbles y al chipper.
  • La nueva fayde pinta bastante bien.
  • Buff importante a la Forsaken Archer.
  • Nerf al slither bastante perry.
  • Nerf importante al thunder.

Que pasada la nullfire blade con cargas infinitas,do want!


Alguno tiene imagenes de los nuevos icons/heros? lo digo porque no voy a poner el ordenador solo para verlos por curiosidad xD


porque ese pedazo nerfeo a andromeda?


xq no tienen ni puta idea! y la siluete/el nomad sigue haciendose imortal como kien se compra unas pipas


Yo me cago en la puta hacha de los cojones, me gusta jugar con Keepah y van y me tocan los huevos, me tiran los arboles desde su puta casa.


cuando cambiaron el nombre al runed? xD


en el 2.0.29, si mi memoria no me falla


Chiquito nerf al torturer jojojo


Veo algunos cambios sin sentido mother of god -.-


al behemoth lo han mejorado menos en este aspecto T_T : Shockwave Magic damage from corpses removed

lo demas esta guay podras hasta subirtelo 1-3-2 y estunear bastante decente con la 2nda , yupi :D.

Por cierto que desde el parche creo que no he jugado, el hatchet esta wapo? xDD

#12 ah que wapo xDDD y no puedes pegar hachazos a la gente??

1 respuesta

#11 el hatchet esta muy bien xk puedes hacer 2 atakes seguidos, el tuyo y el del hacha, puedes hacer 2 lasthit a la vez si estan muy bajos de vida dos creeps o matar al tipico arquero de la torre q se queda a 1 hit si no te dio tiempo de darle antes xd

1 respuesta

Y petar ojos del keeper a distancia (es q es overisimo XDDD).


El nerf de bubbles era necesario, antes podias tranquilamente tirar de concha + pk para escaparte de cualquier sitio. Ahora es más dificil hacerlo xD

1 respuesta

#14 Ahora ningún bubbles se pillará PK porque ahora pierde su sentido, podrás usar las perras para algo mejor.

El keeper ahora ha perdido casi toda su utilidad. Los ojos del keeper ahora son crap.


Yupiii... se acabaron los eyes metiditos en una esquina que se quedan ahi toda la partida por no tener nadie en tu equipo que tenga skills que tiren árboles.


lol acabo de leer que ahora en practica no se pueden spawnear los alt avatars y no lo han puesto en el changelog O.O

1 respuesta

No mencionas el nerf a torturer para mi bastante basto xd

1 respuesta

#18 no se por q consideras eso basto


#17 pues no entiendo eso, yo antes de comprar uno lo miraba en practica

1 respuesta

#20 y yo, pero es s2, que te esperas?
Tienen unos venazos...

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