HoN: Parche 2.0.37


Parche 2.0.37

  • You are now able to view other chat channels in the time period between the lobby countdown and the game's start

  • You can now hold shift to drag and drop shop items into the quickslots

  • Pause functionality cleaned up on the backend

  • Vast and unending interface memory reductions

  • Fixed account switching not clearing clan / buddy list

  • Fixed Frostwolf Skull projectiles with alt avatars

  • Added Baby Taunt

  • Added new Gold Collection Alt Avatar: Leprechaun Blacksmith

Disassemble business
Charged Hammer no longer allowed
Geometer's Bane no longer allowed
Iron Shield allowed now
Wingbow allowed now

Barrier Idol

  • Fixed its active buff so it will reduce SuperiorMagic damage as well

- Added a New Hero: Emerald Warden


  • Fixed Sear & Harkon's Blade so they will stack


  • Fixed Demonic Pathogen spreading to nothing if you manually spread it when no valid targets are around.
  • Added a timer when the Demonic Pathogen is in "pre-spread mode"


  • Fixed his Frenzy's multicast application from going through Magic Immunity

Blood Hunter

  • Tweaked his silence so it's scripting is better

The Dark Lady

  • Made Cover of Darkness application go through invulnerability


  • Fixed Rotten Grasp from applying the immobilizing+damage over time if the target gets pushed out of the Rotten Grasp


  • Tweaked Release slow scaling (again), thanks to Habile
  • Tweaked Magnetic Surge so it won't have any collision problems at certain distances
  • Tweaked Discharge so it won't have any collision problems at certain distances


  • Added Grapple double-tap functionality as a single button press to E
  • Fixed Enfeeble & Harkon's Blade interaction so they now stack


  • Fixed buildings being turned blue while Forced Evolution was on.


  • Fixed a fog bug with his Mirage Strike


  • Fixed a bug where if you used Flurry and immediately queue up Cannonball, Pandamonium will appear to be "frozen"


  • Fixed role/description
  • Fixed LODs
  • Fixed Leech so it's not true damage
  • Fixed Draining Venom so that his infested minion receives the attacking debuff application when that minion is an ally.
  • Fixed Draining Venom so that it applies the correct state level now
  • Fixed Parasite + Homecoming Stone bug when Parasite latches on the target on the same frame the unit teleports
  • Fixed Parasite being both dead and alive at the same time with Infest

Puppet Master

  • Fixed enemies of Puppet Master being able to teleport to Voodoo Master with Post Haste

  • Tweaked his Stampede when it completes


  • Fixed her alt avatar not playing the proper cast sound when she uses Shadow to summon her illusion

  • Fixed Toxicity & Harkon's Blade so they will stack


  • Made him not magically stand up if he dies during his Cold Shoulder


  • Made Gust do damage to ancients
  • Ancients are still immune to the push portion of Gust

me comprao el blacksmith!! me encanta jaja its me blacksmith!

2 1 respuesta

#2 parece estar muyy chulo xDDD muy gracioso =3 jej!


Disassemble business
Charged Hammer no longer allowed
Geometer's Bane no longer allowed
Iron Shield allowed now
Wingbow allowed now

esto no funcionaba antes? xD

que fail no? pense que simplemente mirarian si el item tenia recipe o no para dejarte desmontarlo :\


Por el amor de dios dejaos de xorras y miraos el baby taunt k es la reHostiaaaaa


se pasa xDDDDDDDD cuanto cuesta?


Yo también me lo he comprado :). 1800 silver coins o 600? gold coins

1 respuesta

Joder menos mal lo del deadwood... ni con la tablet te salvabas...


Joder, estoy hasta la polla ya... Siempre que sacan un nuevo heroe se me peta el juego cuando esta actualizando, obligandome a desinstalar y a bajarme el instalador con la nueva version, pues todavia no han subido el nuevo instalador.


#7 En realidad son 560 gold coins o claro tambien 1800 silver coins.

Hasta ahora no e visto el nuevo taunt dentro del juego , no se si comprarme el nuevo taunt o farmear silver coins para el "Leprechaun Blacksmith" , tengo 56 goldcoins y 944 silver coins :qq:

1 respuesta

He tardado en comprar el leprechaun sabes... xD


#10 te ves capaz de sacarte 900 coins en 6 dias? O.o vicio maximo xD

1 respuesta

Pero el taunt ese sirve para algo?
Te da algún stat o simplemente es para hacer el bobo


si, te da moneditas... y sale un sonidito en plan total ownage

en principio era solo para beta buyers, pero ya te lo puedes pillar, lo que pasa a dia de hoy no tiene sentido, la inmensa mayoria de gente lo que hace es tirartelo cuando estas a 50hp o asi y luego te mata

skilled y tal xD


Vamos, que es una pijada


Después de regalar dinero a todo el mundo (2000 monedas) la inflación ha llegado a Newerth...


Esque como S2 se vio obligado a recompensar a la gente por todo los problemas inmensos de los servidores que a tenido durante un largo tiempo , pues han pensando y han dicho , "Tubimos que regalar mucho dinero por eso y ahora no nos compraran coins durante un corto tiempo , ahhhhhh ya se , pongamos un nuevo avatar de coleccion carisimo con silver coins , asi o lo pillan con gold coins o se gastan casi toda la pasta que les regalamos y nuevamente nos tendran que comprar mas coin, FCK YEAHHH !!!! "

#12 Son unos cuantos inmortals y annihilation al dia nada mas, isi.

Usuarios habituales

  • GarhU_
  • ViLLa6
  • miLo_
  • ReloaD1010
  • IlithieN
  • xTr3m1S
  • Skelus
