HoN: Parche 2.0.8


Parche 2.0.8

- Units in the fog of war will no longer block pathing

  • This means that if you are clicking to move through a juke spot and an enemy is in the fog, blocking that path, your hero will still attempt to follow that path until you see the enemy hero, rather than run around the long way

  • This includes stuff like fissure or other movement blocking gadgets
    - New Kraken alternate avatar: Crustacean Kraken

  • Added new account icons

  • Moved the concede and pause options slightly

  • Added a confirmation box when you call a concede vote

  • Removed snow from Caldavar

  • Players can now right click the "Auto-Connect" checkbox to remove all chat rooms from their auto join list

  • Doing so will also leave each auto join channel they are currently in

  • Fixed the UI acting like spectators could vote on remaking

  • Fixed spectators being able to vote on kick votes

  • Each team now has a 5 second cooldown between any vote call

  • Any global votes fail immediately if enough people vote no

  • Players will now automatically be placed in a group channel when they do team matchmaking

  • When a player joins a group the group channel will automatically have channel focus

  • Fixed the editor deleting the /resources/ folder inside of a map archive when you save

  • Fixed a crash after playing 2+ games in a row

  • Fixed a crash within the hero compendium

Geometer's Bane

  • Recipe cost increased from 500 to 1200
  • Now "Order Disjoints" when used
  • This means someone who queues up a spell or attack on the user has that order canceled when it is used


  • Boom dust ranged decreased from 600 to 500
  • Boom dust damage scaling from 40/60/80/100 to 25/50/75/100


  • Terrorize cooldown increased from 8s to 10s
  • Vampiric Flight cooldown increased from 20/16/12/8 to 22/18/14/10


  • Lightning Rod area of effect reduced from 1000 to 800


  • Vision on wards reduced from 1400 to 300

Voodoo Jester

  • Base damage decreased from 51-61 to 46-56

  • Gust now has a 0.1 second ministun

Cambios bastante buenos y justificados, a ver cuando acaban con el blood chalice.

Igual faltaba tocar un poco el mana cost de q/w de myrm pero bueno...

1 respuesta

no dejan de salir nuevas actualizaciones eh


A mi el primer cambio de todos es el que me parece el mejor y era crítico.

Ver como tu heroe se daba la vuelta por mucho que clickearas en un sitio que sabias que había alguien era frustrante.



  • Gust now has a 0.1 second ministun

zephyr is back baby


zephyr stuneando con gust de nuevo xD

1 respuesta

#6 eso no es un stun lol, son solo 0.1 seg
#2 opino lo mismo, mas manacost y cd para myrm i seguira muy OP, stunlockeandote hasta la muerte


es un ministun para cortar channelings como antes.

1 respuesta

cambios muy buenos y necesarios :D


#8 0.1.66 Patch Notes
Leap removed, replaced with Gust

  • Manacost is 120 at all levels
  • Target a position and click/drag the mouse in a any direction to release the gust of wind from the point you click in the direction the mouse is dragged
  • Enemies in the cone are pushed in the direction specified, stunned for 1 second and dealt 75,125,175,250 Magic damage

Antes era stun (cortito pero stun), despues no-stun, y ahora mini-stun


geniales los balanceos de los heroes, me parecen perfectos.

Alguien me explica el nuevo geometre?

1 respuesta

#11 Igual y cuesta 1200 el recipe en vez de 500, lo que pone básicamente.

1 respuesta

#12 te olvidas de lo importante, el disjoint >.<


Cuándo saldrá la Empath esta?

1 respuesta


  • Fixed building attack and building destroyed announcer messages

#14 pues me imagino que en una update un poco mas grande, sera o en la 2.0.9 o en la 2.1
esperate 1-2 semanas como mucho y la tendras ;)

  • Units in the fog of war will no longer block pathing
  • This means that if you are clicking to move through a juke spot and an enemy is in the fog, blocking that path, your hero will still attempt to follow that path until you see the enemy hero, rather than run around the long way

era hora.

Usuarios habituales

  • l3l3l3
  • ReloaD1010
  • zildjian
  • danao
  • BaZoKo
  • DaRk-eXe
  • Skelus
