Version 0.5.43
Add 2 new ways to level up skills using the keyboard:
Alt+Z (ability 1), Alt+X (ability 2), Alt+C (ability 3), Alt+V (ability 4), and Alt+O (stats) to level up
Hit L to go into level up mode when you have available points. In level up mode, hitting Q/W/E/R/O will level that ability up.
Double Damage, Regeneration, and Illusion will no longer spawn at the 0:00 rune
Added a new "Watch Game" fearure that lets you get ingame stats from friends and clanmates that update every minute
Sand Wraith illusions will now die when Manifest is used
Tweaked armor of the old dodge neutrals
Y como 30 fixes de bugs de los otros 3 patchs -.-"