HoN: Warchamp7 deja el puesto de Moderador Global


As of yesterday, I am no longer a global moderator for Heroes of Newerth, I was forcefully removed from the team without even getting to post a goodbye. After 3 years or more of volunteering my free time to a game I loved, I eventually became too disinterested and inactive to warrant maintaining the status. As such, I think it's time for a nice big post. I warn you now I'm a terrible writer so I'm probably just gonna toss out a wall of rambling.

The Beginning
When HoN first entered beta, I got in relatively early through a friend. I was never a big dota player but I had played it ocassionally and had heard about LoL being in development (And expected terrible things simply because of the name). I enjoyed the game and ended up participating on the forums, including making a big mega thread at one point filled to the brim with hero information.
Eventually, as I do with most games, I started tinkering with the game files and I created a simple mod that put all the DotA names for items next to the HoN one in-game. It was crude and imperfect, but it got the job done. With that, mods for HoN were born and an incredible and talented community began to thrive, leading to the later creation of the mod manager. Shortly after I made that first mod and released it in the "Interface" section of the forums, it was altered into a modding section with me as the moderator in charge. Around this time, S2 was still a small indie company, with only 20 - 30 people total with nearly half of those being the artist team.
I joined a moderator team along with a number of other really cool people that I'm friends with still to this day. Most of them are listed on the credits page in the 'Moderators' section.
Looking at that list, I wanna quickly go over a couple of them.

The Cool People
Nome was one of the first global mods and a great contributor, eventually getting hired by S2 to work on design. He later brought his girlfriend who we all know as MsPudding on board. Both of them are amazing people that I am proud to call friends. As most of you should know however, they no longer work at S2.
China was a moderator for balance and rightfully so as capable of a player as he was. He was opionated though and as anyone might have learned, including myself, that's not generally too welcome in the HoN community, more on this in a bit.
ElementUser, my god what an amazing fellow. He's made so many improvement to HoN and supplied so many fixes to hero glitches it's absurd. HoN would probably be so much more worse off than it is without him.
Sucker is the worst ever, gggg.
Other people that deserve mentions:
Idejder, who was at first a forum admin and was later hired. He does an insane amount of things for HoN that really don't get recognized.
Maide, another global moderator who got hired and another very cool guy.
Bangerz, a fantastic modder for HoN who was eventually made a global mod, and then like others before him, hired at S2.
SoundWizard, the man with the most fitting name, he's a sound design wizard that S2 was smart to hire, the work he does is fantastic.
A recurring theme with a lot of these people is that they were community contributors who eventually got hired. For a short time, S2 even had a junior staff role, which existed solely to recognize some of the moderating team that weren't actually employees. It gave them status as S2, but they weren't on payroll. I believe Tobias and another member of the tech support team were the first to earn that rank, with me being next after them. Eventually though, the rank was being thrown around too easily, and it was nuked.
A lot of you reading this probably recognize most if not all of those people I mentioned, and rightfully so, they're some of the greatest people working at S2. Well, actually, they're about all the great people working at S2.
That's not to say the other members are bad, but they are not as involved as the above were, because the above were all originally part of the community and stayed as that. I'm not trying to overlook people like Fielding, Brad, Gogo or the art team who are all fantastic people, but they along with my above mentions get horribly overshadowed by the "bad seeds" of S2.

The Problems
You know, there isn't really a number of problems with HoN. I have my rather infamous grudge with Diva and I really dislike his design decisions, but ultimately he was not the only person deciding everything. When Diva took over, there was a distinct change in direction for HoN, not controlled by him or any other designer. This change was shortly after the HoN store was implemented. Something that was created for one reason and one reason alone: Money. There is someone at S2 very obsessed with the acquisition of the stuff and I don't doubt it's any surprise to anyone who that is.

The Addendum
Since I'm under NDA from my fleeting time as Junior S2, I can't speak on certain things I know of internal S2 things and HoN, which is why this is all more of an opinion piece. It's come to light however that Diva might very well be as guilty as Maliken for HoN turning into what it has.

The One Problem
Maliken. This man is the poison that has killed HoN and ruined something that really could have been great. Nothing is changed in HoN without Maliken being okay with it and that's probably the worst thing in the world. It's a wonder HoN isn't worse off than it is right now and that's purely because people were able to talk him out of some really horrible ideas. He's a poor decision maker with a temper and he loves to kick down the doors of his employees who are doing their damnedest to create great things and instead have them do something to make him more money. Unfortunately, S2 wouldn't exist without him, since he's the man funding it all from the beginning, and also now pocketing the profits. You'd probably think it a great thing to be working at S2 but Maliken is probably the only one getting anything decent from HoN's success.
If I had to name anything else wrong with HoN, it would most definitely be HoNcast. Breaky and Phil are poor excuses for casters and their partnership with S2 impedes the rise of anyone else who might try to step into the light. Why should anyone try to became a great caster for HoN when S2 has an official outlet for it. To top things off, HoNcast is terrible, they're poor casters and it shows every single time they go live. If you don't watch competitive Starcraft 2, you should know that all of the big name casters for it are actually very capable players themselves, a couple of which were even professional players during the prime of Starcraft 1. Phil and Breaky are not on that same level when it comes to HoN.

Over the last many months, I've slowly lost interest in HoN, and it showed in my activity, thus the reason I was removed from the moderating team. HoN is not the game it used to be, it's devolved into a cash grab, and the passion everyone used to have for it seems to be fading. HoN has lost it's flair, LoL is a thrown together mess that doesn't feel like it meshes, and DotA 2 is plagued by nearly decade old mechanics and design choices that do not play well after the improvements HoN/LoL brought to the table. In the end, I feel like my time contributing to this genre is over. I will still probably play all three at various times, but I think all of them are too far gone for me to ever have the passion for them I once had for HoN.
To Fielding, Jason, Ikkyo, Jamestown, Shawn, Mercenary, Slacker, KingKtulu, Gogo, Phlogiston, Jesse, Shippy, Ari, Cracky, Konran, Chavo, Nome, Idejder, Pudding, Maide, Bangerz, SoundWizard, I give you my thanks for providing me with the game that I had a passion for unlike anything else before and for generally being great people. It has been a horrible experience watching such a fantastic product fade into what it has become; a shadow of it's former self and a mere glimmer of what it had the potential to be.
On the plus side though, I'm sure Maliken's got a fleet of ferrari's at this point, and that's what truly matters.

Fuente: http://www.reddit.com/r/HeroesofNewerth/comments/oa4sp/well_i_guess_thats_that/


Es tremendo el puto hilo xD
Hay un momento en el que se les va la puta pinza xD


Que forma de poner a caldo a Maliken xD


Menudo culebrón !_!

Cuando lo sacan para televisión en España? Será interesante de ver ;)

1 respuesta

#4 e?


AL principio deja muy mal a maliken y le hecha mucha culpa de que HoN se esta yendo a la mierda , pero luego veo que le da un pequeño piropo , o es que estaba siendo sarcastico ? xD , no me entero...

Aunque la parte en que dice: "Maliken. Este hombre es el veneno que ha matado a HoN" madre mia xD...


Sinceramente estos que se quejan de la cash shop son los primeros en decir que Riot games lo han hecho de p madre, los primeros que envidian las 32 millones de accounts de lol.

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#7 Y es que ellos lo han hecho de puta madre. No te permite comprar lo que aquí viene siendo alts avatars pero echándote 10 partidas puedes pillarte un Campeón o dos de los baratos muy muy fácilmente. Y la verdad es que están baratos los que no son de 6k.


Dice verdades como puños. La verdad, entre Maliken, Diva y su séquito se han cargado (y se lo siguen cargando) el HoN a base de bien.


Menudo SUBNORMAL metiendole mierda a honcast, Breakycpk y Phil.

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Rapapolvo a Maliken y a los enchufaos de Breaky y Phil en todo su esplendor xD.


#10 Pero es que tiene razón con lo de Honcast. Es como el niño mimado de S2.
Obviamente el breaky te dirá: "y que quieres que haga gañan! que rechace la pasta y la fama?" Breaky se lo ha montado bien, pero gracias a él todos los demás que son mil veces mejor casters que él se han ido a tomar por culo.
Sólo hay que ver quién está en hontv y quién no.

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#12 Lo peor es si has visto torneos de starcraft 2 y te pones a compararlos con los del hon, es como la noche y el dia el nivel de casters.

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#13 Es lo que decía el Warchamp, que en los cast del Starcraft, los que castean, saben jugar... :(
#15 Se, incluso poniéndolo todo en minúsculas se hubiera interpretado como irónico xD

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#14 Pero si breacky es too PRO !! Epic farmer THE BEST KD !! hombreee !! ( se nota la ironia ? )

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breaky tenía 10 veces más viewers que la competencia antes de que S2 hichese nada por nadie. Podrá no gustaros, pero siempre ha sido el más popular desde la web negra de honcast y sus primeros casts.

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#16 lo unico que atraia de él era la nitidez y potencia de sus cast (se emocionaba, es capaz de seguir una teamfight y describirla casi al completo...) y que tiene una voz de locutor. Pero este tio no ha llegado a 1600 en su vida, y no tiene ni idea de las mecanicas mas avanzadas del juego. Lo k sabe lo sabe por que lo lee.
Si se le hubiera dado mas oportunidad a otros....

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#17 En el futbol pasa lo mismo. Los que retransmiten los partidos no son precisamente futbolistas.

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#18 Sí lo fueran y supieran transmitir partidos seria mejor, fijate en el ciclismo el señor delgado, que fue ciclista y ahora retransmite y lo hace de puta madre porque sabe de lo que habla. Eso sin contar ya el ejemplo del starcraft que ya esta en #1 que una cosa sea buena no quiere decir que no sea mejorable.


Oye, he oído al breaky soltar cada burrada en los cast exagerada... eso queda de putisimo culo y nose... ahora que la revolución ha empezado... xD


Más oportunidades a otros? Los que no han dado oportunidades son ellos mismos. Todo el mundo hypeado por los casts de Nova y Swindle y hacen 2 casts y nada más se supo. Alguien aparte de Honcast se ha mantenido casteando más de un mes en el hon?

Ahora Zyori lo está haciendo y no le esta llendo mal, 2000 viewers en un fbps vs jah (especialmente porque sneakeee es muy mona :3 ), pero eso de dar oportunidades, se les deben dar a los que van en serio, no a los que hacen 2 casts por muy 1900 mmr que sean.

La cosa es que la gente se cree que esto es llegar y besar el santo, que a los 3 casts van a tener 5000 viewers y 40000 followers, y cuando ven que no es así culpan a S2 y a honcast, cuando la realidad es que detrás del éxito de honcast no sólo está la calidad (discutible) de sus casts, ni el dinero de S2 (al menos no hasta que no se lo ganaron) si no la persistencia, la dedicación y el marketing.

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Yo creo que lo que atrae a la gente es el feeling que transmite un caster, creo que es lo principal. Que sepa jugar es un plus por supuesto, pero no lo veo un factor determinante.


#21 Mírate los más de 700 vods de honreplays y a ver que sacas en conclusión.

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#23 Saco en conclusión que el 50% tartamudea, 30% dejaron de castear a los 3 vods y el 20 restante no los veía ni su padre.

A quién le damos el dinero? A honreplays por tener el foro con 700 vods? A quien llevamos a dreamhack? A nuraun (el único que casteó mas de 3 games de los de ahí, y que no lo veía ni dios por que aburría a las ovejas)?


Una pena.

La verdad el HON desde que se hizo CASH CASH CASH murió.
El f2p solo le dió el último empujón... aburria mucho.


Murió, y ayer batió el record de personas online (75k) desde la open beta...Joer macho, no me extraña que no haya comunidad Española, si vosotros mismos pintáis el juego como una pta mierda. Cualquiera va a entrar a jugar si no se ve nada más que posts que dicen que está muerto el juego, cuando es todo lo contrario.

2 2 respuestas

#26 Eso mismo pienso yo, aquí en MV no para de echarsele mierda al hon en ningun momento
y decir que esta muerto.

Que si, lo del f2p os puede gustar o no, los parches os pueden gustar o no, pero decir que esta muerto cuando no hace mas que crecer el numero de gente online es de fanaticos que no quieren ver porque no les da la gana.

Por mi parte si que puede ser que el hon haya empeorado en ciertos aspectos( y en otros mejorado) ahi cada cual sus gustos, pero no digais que esta muerto porque no xD.

Yo por mi parte sigo jugandolo, porque sigue estando a años luz en cuanto a calidad con respecto al lol(en mi opinion) y en cuanto al dota2 ni idea porque no tengo beta, pero por lo que he visto hasta ahora tal y como esta no parace que vaya a ser la panacea aunque espero que en un futuro que si lo sea.


Solo hay que comparar el numero de jugadores del HoN con los mas jugados de Steam para tener claro que esta lejos de estar muerto por ahora.


Que se lo hayan medio cargado con el f2p y los heroes EA pues es otro tema.


#26 Hombre yo no pienso que este muerto , pero de que se a vuelto una mierda si :(

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