HotS: Parche del RPP de D.Va 8 de Mayo


Habemus notas del parche (cuando estén en español las pongo).
Destacable D.Va, añadidos de comentaristas D.Va y Genji, y algunos nerfeos y pequeños buffos.

Algunas capturas de algunos cambios 'menores':

The “Role” column in the Stats tab on the in-game score screen has been split into “Healing/Shielding” and "Damage Taken" columns.

Notable, reworks de Alarak y Tyrande:


Sadism (Trait)
    New Functionality:
        Alarak now gains 3% Sadism per enemy Takedown, up to 30%.  This bonus is lost on Death.
        Now also affects self-healing vs. enemy Heroes.
​Discord Strike (Q)
    Now has Double Cross functionality baseline.
    Mana cost reduced from 55 to 45
Lightning Surge (E)
    Mana cost reduced from 30 to 25
    Damage reduced from 100 to 62
    Adjusted Functionality:
        Enemies hit by the center of the beam now take 100% bonus damage
        Healing is no longer based on the amount of damage done to enemy Heroes
            Enemy Heroes hit now heal Alarak for 70 Health


Level 1
    Power Conduit (E)
    Without Effort (W)
    Sustaining Power (E)
        Moved from Level 16
        Bonus Healing reduced from 30% to 25%
    Extended Lightning (E)
        Moved from Level 4
        Adjusted functionality:
            Reduce the damage bonus of Sadism by 10%. 
            !Quest: Hit 5 enemy Heroes with the center portion of Lightning Surge. 
                Reward: Increase the range of Lightning Surge by 20%. 
            !Quest: Hit 15 Heroes with the center portion of Lightning Surge. 
                Reward: Enemy Heroes hit with the center portion of Lightning Surge are slowed by 50% for 2 seconds. 
            !Quest: Hit 3 enemy Heroes with the center portion of Lightning Surge in a single cast. 
                Reward: Gain 10 Sadism and complete all quests on this talent.
    New Talent: Ruthless Momentum (Passive)
        While above 80% Health, your Basic Abilities cooldown 20% faster.
Level 4
    Double Cross (Q)
    Reckless Strike (Q)
    Cycle of Discord (Q)
    Negatively Charged (E)
        Moved from level 16
        New functionality:
            Increases the bonus damage from hitting the center portion of Lightning Surge to 200%
            Quest: Each time you hit an enemy Hero with the center portion of Lightning Surge, increase the center damage bonus by an additional 5%
    Chaos Reigns (Q)
        Moved from Level 7
        New Functionality:
            !Quest: Hit 15 enemy Heroes with Discord Strike. 
                Reward: Increase Discord Strike's damage by 60. 
            !Quest:  Hit 2 enemy Heroes with Discord Strike in a single cast. 
                Reward: Increase Discord Strike's damage by 60. 
            !Quest: Hit 3 enemy Heroes with Discord Strike in a single cast. 
                Reward: Increase Discord Strike's damage by 60 and complete all quests on this talent.
    New Talent: Show of Force (Passive)
        Hitting an enemy Hero with 3 abilities within 2 seconds causes them to take an additional 70 damage.
Level 7
    Endless Energy (E)
    Thunderstruck (E)
    Dissonance (Q)
        Moved from Level 13
        No longer reduces Sadism by 10%.
    Hindered Motion (W)
        Moved from Level 13
        No longer reduces Sadism by 10%
        Slow amount reduced from 40% to 25%
    Applied Force (W)
        Moved from Level 1
        Added functionality:
            Reduce the damage of Sadism by 10% but Telekinesis’s range is increased by 20% and it pushes 20% further.
​Level 13
    Psychokinesis (W)
    Pure Malice (Passive)
        Sadism bonus reduced from 8% stacking up to 40% max to 6% stacking up to 30% max.
        Hasty Bargain can now reduce this Sadism bonus
    New Talent: Blade of the Highlord (Passive)
        Your Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes grant you 6% Sadism for 4 seconds, stacking up to 30%.
    New Talent: Rite of Rak’Shir (Active)
        Activate to mark an enemy Hero.
            Using Discord Strike on your marked target increases your Sadism by 3%
            Killing the enemy Hero gives you 6% bonus Sadism and sets the cooldown of Right of Rak’Shir to 10 seconds
            Dying removes all bonuses from this talent
            300-second cooldown and duration
Level 16
    Projected Force (W)
    Quick Mind (W)
    New Talent: Lethal Onslaught (Q)
        For 4 seconds after hitting an enemy hero with Discord Strike, your Basic Attacks gain 50% of Sadism’s benefit.  Attacking enemy Heroes refreshes the duration of this buff.
    New Talent: Lightning Barrage (E)
        If Lightning Surge hits an enemy Hero with its center portion, then it can be cast again with no Mana cost or cooldown within 2 seconds of being cast.  This second cast cannot target the same enemy.
    New Talent: Mocking Strikes (Passive)
        Your Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes who are Stunned, Slowed, Rooted, or Silenced reduces your Basic Ability cooldowns by 2.5 seconds
Level 20
    Last Laugh (Active)
        Cooldown increased from 20 to 30 seconds
        Range decreased by 15%
        Adjusted functionality:
            Activate to remove all roots, slows, and damage over time effects and teleport to the chosen location
            After 4 seconds, reduce Alarak’s Health to 1
            If Alarak damages 3 enemy Heroes with Basic Abilities within 4 seconds after teleporting, his Health is not reduced


Basic Attack damage reduced from 87 to 82


Light of Elune (Q)
    Adjusted functionality:
        No longer heals yourself while healing allies
        The cooldown is now lowered by 2 seconds every time you land a Basic Attack
    Heal amount reduced from 320 to 270
    Cooldown increased from 8 to 12 seconds
    Mana cost reduced from 45 to 25
Sentinel (W)
    Added functionality:
        !Quest: Hit heroes with Sentinel
            Reward: Every 8 Heroes hit with Sentinel allows it to pierce one target and lowers the Mana cost by 10 
Shadowstalk (R)
    New functionality:
        Tyrande gains stealth and 30% Movement Speed. When stealth is lost, she keeps her Movement Speed and gains 50% Attack Speed for 5 seconds
    Cooldown reduced from 60 to 30 seconds
Starfall (R)
    Radius reduced from 6 to 5


Level 1
    Ranger’s Mark (D)
        New functionality:
            !Quest: Basic Attacks lower the cooldown of Hunter’s Mark by 1 second
                Reward: For every 60 Basic Attacks against Heroes, increase the duration of Hunter’s Mark by 1 second
    Lunar Blaze (E)
        Moved from Level 7
        New functionality:
            !Quest: Every Hero hit by Lunar Flare increases its damage by 3%
                Reward: After hitting 10 Heroes, remove the Mana Cost
                Reward: After hitting 20 Heroes, increase the range by 40%
    Ranger (W)
        Moved from Level 16
        Adjusted functionality:
            Sentinel deals up to 75% more damage based on distance traveled
            !Quest: Hit Heroes with Sentinel
                Reward: Every enemy hit with Sentinel increases the damage at maximum range by 3%
    Seasoned Marksman (Passive)
Level 4
    Pierce (W)
    Focused Attack (Passive)
    Protective Shield (Active)
    Healing Ward (Active)
    Searing Arrows (Active)
    Celestial Attunement (Q)
        Moved from Level 1
        New functionality:
            Light of Elune removes stuns. If a stun is removed this way, Light of Elune can be recast for free within 3 seconds.
    New Talent: Moonlit Arrows (Q)
        Basic Attacks reduce the Cooldown of your Light of Elune by an additional .75 seconds
    New Talent: Kaldorei Resistance (Q)
        Light of Elune grants 15 Spell Armor for 6 seconds. This can stack up to 4 times
Level 7
    Trueshot Aura (Active)
        Moved from Level 16
        Adjusted functionality:
            Nearby allies have 10% increased Basic Attack damage
            Activate: Double this bonus for 5 seconds
    Huntress’ Fury (Trait)
        Moved from Level 13
        New functionality:
            Basic Attack’s against targets with Hunter’s Mark will damage all nearby enemies
    Lunar Momentum (Passive)
    Calldown: MULE (Active)
    New Talent: Darnassian Archery (Passive)
        Each consecutive attack against an enemy Hero deals 5% more damage. This lasts for 4 seconds or until you target a non-Heroic unit
Level 13
    Empower (W)
        Moved from Level 1
        New functionality:
            Every Hero hit by Sentinel lowers its Cooldown by 4 seconds
    Quickening Blessing (Q)
        Moved from Level 7
    Sprint (Active)
    Shrink Ray (Active)
    New Talent: Harsh Moonlight (W)
        Enemies hit by Sentinel are slowed by 30% and have their damage reduced by 30% for 4 seconds
Level 16
    Mark of Mending (Trait)
        New functionality:
            Tyrande’s Basic Attacks heal her for 2% of her maximum Health
            Allied Heroes Basic Attacks against targets with Hunter’s Mark will heal for 3% of their maximum Health
    Overflowing Light (Q)
        Moved from Level 13
        New functionality:
            While above 60% life, Light of Elune heals for 30% more
    New Talent: Elune’s Chosen (Active)
        Target an allied Hero. For the next 5 seconds, you will heal them for 200% of the Basic Attack damage you deal
​Level 20
    Celestial Wrath (R)
        New functionality:
            Enemy Heroes within Starfall have Hunter’s Mark applied to them
    Shooting Star (E)
        Moved from Level 16
        New functionality:
            Increases Basic Attack range by 20%
            After every 10th Basic Attack against enemies, a Lunar Flare will fire at a nearby enemy Hero
    Hunter’s Swiftness (R)
    Nexus Frenzy (Passive)
    Storm Shield (Active)
    Rewind (Active)
    New Talent: Eyes of the Huntress (R)
        Casting Shadowstalk also reveals the enemy team for 2 seconds.
    New Talent: Iceblade Arrows (Passive)
        Gain 25% Attack Speed. Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes reduces all damage they deal by 5% for 3 seconds. This can stack up to 10 times

(Ya editaré en español)


Nerf tyrande?


Level 20
Last Laugh (Active)
Activate to remove all roots, slows, and damage over time effects and teleport to the chosen location
After 4 seconds, reduce Alarak’s Health to 1
If Alarak damages 3 enemy Heroes with Basic Abilities within 4 seconds after teleporting, his Health is not reduced

Se acercan las risky plays :O

1 respuesta

#3 ¿La gente no quería hacerse plays para mostrar que tienen grande su e-penis? XD Aquí los tienen.
Alarak en las manos perfectas con este personaje se va a marcar unos combos del averno. Y Tyrande ni te cuento.

1 respuesta

#4 para que te digo que no si si.
Veo que me veo a suicidar muy feo algunas veces solo por hacerme el chulo. Aparte me parece interesante hacer una build de autoataques para alarak que antes eras puro hit and run. Pero a simple vista entra a el top 3 de heroes que se hacen sola la partida.


Creo que me mola la nueva tyrande por lo menos así leído, tendría que probarla, claro.

1 respuesta

#6 Tyrande y Alarak se han quedado MUY bien, de más, diría yo.


Alarak no lo controlo mucho, pero Tyrande tiene pintaca xD


Tyrande es una especie de asesina que puede curar. Y la de revelar a todos que la tenia mucho antes se la han vuelto a poner, pero ya no tiene la curación global (a ver si ponen un nuevo support con esa ulti xD).