Y no son buenas noticias. Los creadores de Resogun, Alienation y el inminente Nex Machina han dado una entrevista en la que admiten que se han visto obligados a incluir el PC entre sus plataformas de desarrollo por la cada vez peor acogida que tienen los juegos digitales en la PStore. Así mismo, añaden que debido a que sus juegos son bastante nicho, están comenzando a reconducir sus títulos hacia otra vuelta de tuerca para que tengan una mayor acogida.
Aprovecho para recordaros que Nex Machina sale el mes que viene y va a ser la hostia y debéis comprarlo. Feliz lunes a todos.
"There is now a bigger audience for digital games in general, but not exactly on the console platforms," he says. "Steam and PC are offering great success stories. The audience on PC is much more willing to try out different stuff than the console audience. I don't know if that's more demand or supply, but that's what has happened."
Ultimately, that could mean a change in direction for the studio, the details of which Kuittinen is not yet ready to discuss. "The next games that we are working on are not really that kind of game," he says, referring to the top-down shooters for which Housemarque is known. "It's going to be something different from us, after the games we're getting out now... In general terms, the problem might be that the bigger audience might be expecting something else than a top-down or side-scrolling game - let's put it that way.