Humankind #HG


#270 Pues eso, lo que te he dicho que hicieras xD

1 respuesta

#271 sí, pero había entendido entrar al juego en MS store y ahí no aparecía nada. Gracias ;)


Tenemos nuevo parche 1.3


Joder menudo parchaco xD

1 1 respuesta

#274 Una de las cosas que más me gustan es que han aclarado mucho la tabla de diplomacia cuando tienes que marcar los términos de la rendición. Ahora es más sencillo saber lo que estás marcando.


Aesthete gains now scale quadratically with Eras.

Menos maaaaaaaaaaaal


Buff, me esta encantando.

Lo unico que por ahora me jode es que juego en slowly y no estan las cosas niveladas. Al principio si iba bien la cosa pero luego es brutal lo rápido que me desarrollo, tardo más en hacer un avión que en desarrollar la siguiente tecnología de aviación.


Cuarta partida, dificultad 5/7 y velocidad rápida en parche 1.3:

O juego mal en el early o la IA empieza a estar chetada. En realidad nunca miro los objetivos de fama ni de pasar eras, voy jugando a lo mio, y siempre empiezo por lo bajo remontando...

Supongo que de seguir jugando terminare ganando. Estoy por dejar el juego en stand by hasta que añadan la automatización, con el pedazo parche que se han marcado ya podría estar...

Veo que en cosa de 10-20 turnos me pongo en 8-9 ciudades y festival de la microgestión (más aun). Tengo un despliegue militar en el norte dpm o bien para reventar a los mongoles o hacerlos vasallos (todavía no he probado esta opción), además de una ciudad de barbaros tanto al norte como al sur a mano.

1 respuesta

#278 qué microgestion? Si agrupando ciudades tienes un continente de 3 ciudades easy

1 respuesta

#279 Ni tengo esas tech todavia ni influencia ni en velocidad rápida es la panacea ni siempre sale a cuenta al irse la estabilidad a la mierda. Esa mecánica junto a la liberación de ciudades esta pensada para no exceder el limite de ciudades, no para reducir la micro gestión. Cada turno tengo que estar añadiendo a la cola de construcción 3-5 cosas y no he llegado ni al ecuador de la partida.


Pero lo de automatizar se puede hacer ya no?, Tu puedes poner varias cosas a construir/unidades sin problemas.

1 respuesta

Estoy jugando en dificultad 6/7 y me han declarado la guerra en un turno 2 a la vez (sin alianza entre ellos), seguidos de un tercero. He ganado las 3 guerras jugando muy defensivo, pero uno de ellos me la ha vuelto a declarar y la he vuelto a ganar, total he tenido que cargar la partida, porque si mientras estaba en la re-guerra y movía un grupo de tropas, me declaraban de nuevo la guerra también otros y así evitaba meterme en una guerra a 2 bandas.

He ganado unas 6 guerras, pero es que son capaces de darte la paz y declararte la guerra en 1-2 turnos tras finalizar, todo esto en velocidad lenta, literal. Y todo por no darles uno de los puestos de avanzada (sin estatus de ciudad siquiera) que te han tenido que dar para la paz.

La paz de firmo en el 152 si no me equivoco, y antes de terminar el 153 guerra.

Ya me extenderé más, pero es un sin sentido, se pasan el apoyo bélico por los cojones, a parte, que al declárate entre tantos la guerra te ahogan, van con bonus en combate, en lo económico y en todo.

#281 No, eso es una cola de construcción/producción. Lo que si tiene automático es la auto-exploración y la asignación de población/trabajadores con diferentes opciones, y ambas cosas van de aquella manera.

Lo raro es que en un juego de este tipo no haya auto-gestión de asentamientos. Distant Worlds Universe puede poner prácticamente TODO automático y es un juego bastante más complejo que este:

Mírate un minuto de video, no el inicial, a saltos, y flipa con los sub menús que tiene.


Estoy llegando al final de mi partida después de haber hecho una nueva con el parche y sigo teniendo bugs:

  • La música se jode de forma random de vez en cuando y tengo que cerrar y abrir el juego.
  • He llegado al turno 295 y se ha quedado ahí cargando y no puedo avanzar. Cargando de nuevo el turno o incluso yendo a turnos anteriores hace que pase igual.
  • No puedo disparar los misiles nucleares a ningún objetivo ni ciudad y el mensaje de error que me pone es que el enemigo tiene que estar en una casilla (no lo entiendo).
  • Los proyectos avanzados de investigación nuclear (ICBM) no me deja hacerlos, pone que debo usar una casilla dentro de las fronteras de mi imperio y no me deja en ninguna casilla mía incluso cumpliendo que no haya nada construido alrededor.
  • No sé si esto es bug, pero en la descripción del submarino nuclear pone que puede lanzar misiles nucleares y no encuentro la forma de mover los misiles nucleares (ni los termo nucleares) de los silos a un submarino.
1 respuesta

#283 Lo de los proyectos de ICBM a mi me pasó también, y es que el área tiene que estar completamente dentro de los límites del territorio, y a la vez sin tocar ninguna construcción, es un poco absurdo, por que los límites son un poco trambolicos y cuesta cuadrarlo.

1 respuesta

#284 pensaba que el mar no contaba porque hay territorios de mar sin tierra alguna que no se pueden reclamar. Pues sí que es absurdo, sí...

¿Y cómo lanzas los misiles? No he podido.

1 respuesta

#285 Tetris, mira si eso en algún lugar dentro del continente, o elimina algún distrito. Este aspecto lo tienen que modificar por que no tiene mucha lógica y tampoco está muy bien explicado.

16 días después

Este mes se viene otro parche gordo, a ver si tocan el late

7 días después

Hago reflote y doble post del hilo.

El 28 de octubre viene gran parche que soluciona los problemas para llegar al end game y muchas mas cosas.

Finally, some news we know many of you have been waiting for: We are aiming to release the next big update on October 28th. This patch will improve your options when creating your game with new settings for resource abundance and end conditions and try to address the rapid increase in the game’s pace in the mid to late game discussed by the community as well as some of the most discussed concerns about balance between cultures, among other things. We’ll talk about this update in greater detail next week.


Joder, da gusto que escuchen de verdad a la comunidad.

17 días después

Esta semana sale el parche, se ha retrasado pero esta disponible ya la beta del parche, viendo las notas del parche le han metido unos cuantos nerfs a muchas cosas, sobre todo al empezar el juego.

Added a color picker to the game settings allowing to adjust the color of the subtitles and the available Empire colors.
Added options to the World Generation list to allow Players to choose how many Strategic and Luxury Resources should spawn in their world.
Added a “random AI Persona” option when picking opponents.
Added illustrations variations for Common Units.
Added support for in-game browsing (Modding Tools to be available soon).
Flat bonuses given to AIs in difficulties higher than normal were not scaling with game speed - this caused Hard AIs to be weaker on longer speeds and stronger on shorter speeds. Flat FIMS bonuses given out to AIs are now scaled by game speed factor.
Increased Main Plaza's Influence output from 3 to 6.
Lowered Influence from Population bonuses from 2 to 1 in "Wireless Telegraphy" and "Mass Entertainment" Technologies.
Modified the enacting Civics cost formula to make it scale faster with the amount of enacted Civics.
Aesthete Empires can spend Money on state propaganda in order to push back foreign Influence or increase their prestige.
Improved Local Pollution effect display on tooltip
Lake Baikal tiles now cost 1 to move through.
Improved Shamanism Tenet choice (Now +2 Faith on Administrative Centers and Main Plazas)
The number of Territories needed for each Expansionist Era Stars has been adjusted depending the number of Territories on the map and which Era the Empire is (the lower the number of Territories on the map, the lower the number of Territories needed). Furthermore, the Era Star goals are the same for Ancient Era regardless to the size of the map.

Culture Balancing
Turks: Adjacency bonus is now correctly set at +5% of District Science output per adjacent Research Quarter (instead of 300%). District now generates 1 Science per Food Workplace instead of 1 Science per City Population.
French: French Emblematic District now only applies their "Science per Population" bonus when the City is in Science Mode.
Huns and Mongols: Increase production cost of raising a 4-Unit horde to match cost of 4x production of a single Unit (converted to Influence through buyout formula). Horde Units require 2 Horse resources (instead of 1).
Harappans: Lowered Emblematic District adjacency bonus to +2 per Food District (was +3).
Khmer: Removed 1 Industry per Population effect on Emblematic District. Khmer Baray now receives +4 per adjacent River.
Franks: The Scriptorium's synergy bonus now only applies for adjacent Research Quarters, instead of adjacent District.
Phoenicians: The Legacy Trait now includes a -25% research cost on "Fishing" and "Sailing" Technologies.
Romans: the Legacy Trait now includes a -25% research cost on "Imperial Power" Technology.

Neolithic Era balancing
Reduced Animal Lair Food gain from 20 Food to 5 Food.
Increased Mammoth Combat Strength from 13 to 14.
Increased Scout, Harappan Runner and Scout Cavalry Upkeep from 0 to 1.
Added a small 5 Money buffer to Unit Upkeep to give Players breathing room in early Ancient Era.

Civics Balancing
"Scientific Facts" choice effects: 1% Science per Holy Site or +1 Faith / Stability per Research Quarter. Added "have 1 Holy Site" to event prerequisites.
"Religious Minorities": Raised Stability bonus per Territory under foreign Religion Influence to +10.
"Slaves": "War Slaves" gives bonus Influence and Production on Military Districts.
"Nuclear Weapons": "Nuclear Disarmament" now reduces your relation's base War Support against you by 20, making it harder for people to accumulate War Support against you. +10% Fame gain bonus.
"Cultural Blessing": Added some Influence on all Cities and Administrative Centers OR a bigger amount on assimilated people's City and Administrative Centers.
"Artistic Expression": Changed effects of unlocked Infrastructures to be per adjacency instead of flat.
"Press Freedom": Choice effects now either slow down or hasten the speed of Stability changes on all Cities.
"Political Entitlement": "Aristocracy" now provides +1 Combat Strength bonus on Emblematic Units.
"Political Influence": Choices now provide cost reductions either for Emblematic Districts, Units or Cultural Wonders.
"Monarchy Power": Choices now provide buyout cost reductions either for Units or Districts.

Late-stage snowball slowdown
Reinforced strength of quadratic Growth portion of Population consumption and lower the linear cost increase.
Added a second exponential factor to grow District construction costs faster when reaching higher numbers.
Applied a different scaling factor based on already researched Technologies on Tech Tier costs for Medieval Era and above.
Unit Upkeep allowance uses game speed scale.
Moved Upkeep Reduction to be visible regarding money impact.
Removed Upkeep reduction for full Armies.

Fixed an issue where a stuck situation during end turn was encountered during multiplayer gameplay under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered during battle due to some narrative events.
Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered when having a hostile Unit on the Territory of player's first Outpost.
Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered due to the destruction of a Nuclear Test District.
Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered during end turn due to Pollution under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered during end turn due to the destructions of Ruins under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered on the end game screen under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered on unassigned Population under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where using a nuclear weapon in a multiplayer session causes the game to crash for all players viewing the cinematic under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated for all Human Empires when ending a turn under specific conditions related to the use of Nuclear Weapons.
Fixed an issue where game crashed when upgrading Districts into or from Artificial Deposits under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where a series of errors occurred due to the "Concede" option of the "The Hard-Knock Life" narrative event.


Fixed an issue where Siege Units cannot attack empty fortified Tiles.
Fixed an issue where players can't siege a City surrounded by Ruins, making Cities immune to the Siege mechanic.
Fixed an issue where errors were generated with Naval Units being deployed on land.
Fixed an issue where the "Dug-In" status can be gained by Embarked Units during a naval battle.
Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when retreating from a Siege during a multiplayer session.
Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when the player transfers Units from an army to another under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when an Empire is eliminated by using a bomb from a "Nuclear Strike".
Fixed an issue where the sound effect that triggers after using the "Instant Resolution" option to fight a battle is not affected by the master volume.
Fixed an issue where errors receive when opening the battle screen under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when accessing an ongoing Siege battle under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where elements in battle mode were flickering under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where an annexation can be interrupted by turning the target into a City.
Fixed an issue where battle round automatic ending is not prevented if deploying Units are remaining.
Fixed an issue where elimination countdown can cause infinite siege.
Fixed an issue where Embarked Gunships become way stronger when embarked.
Fixed an issue where "Fields of Gold" Legacy Trait caused an amplifying negative Growth.
Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed in the Evolve Outpost tooltip when a hostile Army is annexing the Outpost.
Fixed an issue where debug text was present in the Siege panel when Siege Weapons are not researched.

Fixed an issue where the texture of the City wild life from the Industrial Era started to flicker after a period of time.
Fixed an issue where narrator voicelines looped after building an Infrastructure and an Emblematic Unit.
Fixed an issue where an error was generated when selecting one of the "Independent People" Resource from the "Resources and Trade" tab under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where the player was able to use "Buyout with Population" on Shared Projects in the City Constructions panel with no result under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where Empires can generate Pollution from the Ancient Era onward.
Fixed an issue where the World Wrap setting affected Trade links, causing them to wrap around the map.
Fixed an issue where an error was generated when hovering the mouse over the "Fission Test" Shared Project under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where multiple errors were generated after placing an Outpost in the Industrial Era under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where an error was generated when attempting to Claim Territory under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when clicking on the "Independent People City" pin under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where debug text appears inside the tooltip of the "Buyout" button for Nuclear Missiles if the Silo was destroyed then rebuilt in the same turn.

Fixed an issue where AI Empires attacked other Empire's Army while the Peaceful Mode is activated.
Fixed an issue where AI was ransacking its own District while its City is occupied.

Fixed an issue where Empires in an Alliance lose War Support each turn below the base value.
Fixed an issue where an error was generated when opening the "Treaties" tab while being at war with another empire under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where the "Oppressing My People" grievance never expired, always displaying 10 turns remaining.
Fixed an issue where an error was generated when an Empire accepts the player's surrender terms under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where the "surrender terms" locate buttons lost functionality for proposed terms.
Fixed an issue where an error was generated when the player clicked on the "Acknowledge" button to a "Demand Received" notification under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where debug text was present in the tooltip for the diplomatic history close button.
Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed when hovering over the Empires listed under the Peace category in the "Their Relations" panel from the Diplomatic Relations screen.
Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed in the "Set us Free" Grievance demand for Vassals.
Fixed an issue where rapid hair movement glitched on some of the hairstyles for a particular Avatar.
Fixed an issue where the diplomatic log entries only contain information about one Empire War Support.
Fixed an issue where Treaties highlight stayed displayed even after accepted.

Fixed an issue where the "War Slaves" Civics choice is not functional.
Fixed an issue where the Religion mode information is not displayed when accessing the Religion panel using Alt+5.
Fixed an issue where the "Cultural Blessing" Civic doesn't unlock after completing its prerequisites.
Fixed an issue where debug text was present in the Confirm Religion rename tooltip in a certain situation.

Fixed an issue where there is no way to disable the World Wrap setting of the Map Editor.
Fixed an issue where Spawn Points are already set on new maps after previously loading a saved map with Spawn Points.
Fixed an issue where player created maps have a fixed number of 8 Empires.
Fixed an issue where no tooltip is displayed for the "Open destination folder" button in the "Save as" section.
Fixed an issue where there is no clear overview of placed Resource Deposits.
Fixed an issue where the highlight of Rivers in Map Editor will remain displayed after the player uses the Undo option.
Fixed an issue where the Natural Wonders texture will be partially displayed if the player places Natural Wonders over each other.
Fixed an issue where the RMB will copy the texture of one Tile instead of the whole Natural Wonder.
Fixed an issue where the player is able to place terrain features over the Tiles containing Natural Wonders.
Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed for player created maps when there are invalid Starting Points, not enough Territories and no Continent.
Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the map warning tooltip for multiple validation failure flags.

Fixed an issue where graphical corruption is displayed on the terrain Tiles which contain tree 3D models.
Fixed an issue where severe graphical corruption is displayed for the Avatar movement and background in the Empire and Diplomacy screens.
Fixed an issue where graphical corruption is present for displayed Trade Routes in the Diplomacy mode.

Fixed an issue where "A Hollow Victory" narrative event incorrectly triggered for the player when an AI Empire succeeds in a Siege against an Independent People.
Fixed an issue where the Empire name was displayed instead of the Natural Wonder and City name in the description of the "Based on a true story" I and II events.
Fixed an issue where some narrative events could point to variables with null targets ("The Darkest Depths II" for instance).
Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the "Envious Eye" event description.
Fixed an issue where Natural Wonder names were not displayed in narrative events.

Fixed an issue where Era Star achievement progress is reset if the session is interrupted.
Fixed an issue where no image is displayed in the Community screen for the AI personas added to the G2G account.
Fixed an issue where an error message is generated when closing the Humankind Encyclopedia under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where the "Humankind Encyclopedia" feature can no longer be accessed if the player has previously lost the internet connection while in a session.
Fixed an issue where false information was present in the "Construction Cost" tutorial if the players first construction is not a District.
Fixed an issue where false information was displayed in the "Tutorial Videos" tutorial.
Fixed an issue where an error message was generated when the "Rail Travel Unlocked" tutorial is triggered.
Fixed an issue where an error message was generated when the "Cities" tutorial is triggered.
Fixed an issue where the "Exit Game" button from the Tutorials menu of the FTUX screen is not functional.
Fixed an issue where an error was generated when dismissing the Game options menu under specific conditions.
Fixed an issue where a text error is displayed for the "Exclusive Fullscreen" option in the Settings screen.
Fixed an issue where a text error is displayed in the Evolve Outpost tooltip when a hostile Army is annexing the Outpost.

Fixed an issue where the "Locate event" button from the "Territory Stealing" notification has no functionality.
Fixed an issue where the Backspace will delete only one character in the World Generation Seed text field.
Fixed an issue where End Game screen's summary remains stuck on the Era in which the player has received a Competitive Spirit Era Star.
Fixed an issue where collected Curiosity pins were no longer shown after a zoom/dezoom during the collected animation.
Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed for the Persona collection refresh button tooltip and status notifications.
Fixed an issue where several text errors were displayed in the Games2Gether Share tools description and the share button tooltip.
Fixed an issue where text error was displayed in the Upload button tooltip for Your AI Persona in the Community screen.
Fixed an issue where no audio feedback is present for when interacting with the chat button.


Joder nerf a haraposos y khemers, puta vida que civs cojo yo ahora?

Con harapanos importa poco por que egipto también mola pero khemer es que era top.

1 respuesta

#291 a mí los nubios me gustan mucho porque sus edificios hacen boost a finanzas e industria que es un must para empezar. Y que los arqueros no tengan bloqueos de visión es también muy top, porque personalmente nunca entiendo qué les bloquea y qué no a las unidades a distancia.

19 días después

vale la pena el juego?

4 respuestas

#293 está chulo si te gustan los civ. Aquí la mayoría lo ha jugado por el gamepass así que si lo tienes pruébalo.


#293 como te mencionan en el otro comentario es un juego al estilo CIV, la mayoría de cosas son iguales, la IA es algo mejor, más agresiva y el sistema de guerras diferente, dale un tiento en el Game pass


#293 A mi la fórmula no le convenció mucho.


Tras el último parche me he puesto a jugar hoy y llevo una profunda desilusión con este juego.

En una partida se me ha quedado bug una ciudad tras finalizar una batalla cerca y me dejaba construir de todo menos unidades. Empiezo partida nueva y otro bug. He desinstalado el juego por cabreo y luego lo he vuelto a instalar para darle última oportunidad.

Nueva partida y bug de los gordos. Las unidades de una facción son invisibles. Si hago clic en la casilla en la que hay una unidad me lo indica, pero no se ve. A tomar por culo y probaremos tras el siguiente parche.

1 respuesta

#297 Joder, llevo 140 horas y 4 o 5 partidas acabadas (algunas en la velocidad mas lenta) y ni un solo bug que no se resolviese cargando la partida (alguna unidad que se quedaba atascada en una batalla y cosas asi...

Es la versión de steam o la de gamepass, es lo unico que se me ocurre?

1 1 respuesta

Yo tuve bugs desde la primera partida (jugué la release y un poco tras el primer parche), de no poder conquistar ciudades que estaban en una pequeña isla de 1-2 casillas en el mar, de ninguna forma. Quitando eso, de cuando en cuando empezaba a ir raro/lento el juego como con retraso, y tocaba reiniciarlo.

En general ninguno fue para manda el juego a la mierda, pero lo de la ciudad me toco mucho los huevos por estar varios turnos haciendo los preparativos, dispuestos a borrar una facción del mapa, y terminar cargando un savegame anterior.

#293 A mi el juego me pareció que tenia una base bastante maja cuando lo probé, cuando este pulido merece la pena sin dudas.


#298 gamepass.

De todos modos no me apetece estar cargando partidas.

1 respuesta