Humble bundle introduce los precios por región


Today, Monday, February 10, 2020, we’re making purchasing more consistent across our store, bundles and Humble Choice by introducing regional pricing for all of our bundles. The following currencies are now supported for bundles: Euro (EUR), British Pound (GBP), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Australian Dollar (AUD), New Zealand Dollar (NZD), Turkish Lira (TRY), Russian Ruble (RUB), and Phillippine Peso (PHP).

Bundle pricing will remain consistent across all currencies supported. Prices are NOT set using a simple “$1 = €1 = £1” ratio. Prices are calculated for each bundle using recent conversion rates near the bundle’s launch so that prices remain fair and consistent for all countries and currencies. For more information, please visit our official Support page here.

Please note, for live bundles launched before today, the currency is still in USD.

We already do this for some Humble Choice currencies. For more info, check out our blog here.

En román paladino: Desde ayer todo los nuevos bundles tendrán una ligera conversión a preciós regionales, algunos ganarán céntimos y otros perderán céntimos. Eso sí, las conversiones están hechas con el ojete (mirad ejemplo de USA)

Ejemplos con el Tier 3 del bundle de VR

Referencia: EU -> 13.50€

UK: £11,50 -> 13,65€
USA: $15 -> 13.73€ | El T1 sale a $1 -> 0.92€
Nueva Zelanda: NZ$23 -> 13.48€ | El T1 sale a NZ$1.50 ->0.88€
Turquía: ₺90 ->13.71 | El T1 sale a ₺5 0.76€

Resumen: usa tu VPN de confianza si vives fuera de la zona EURO o de Nueva Zelanda



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