no me va ningun streaming de, pero si youtube y En ie y chrome. Estoy con un internet q pasa a través de un proxi... pero xq iban a xapar twitch y no ownedtv?
#919 si no te va ese, ya habría que probar otras cosas e ir mirando.
Si se te dan los ordenadores te pones a investigar en google y vas probando.
Joshua Dentrinos @FXOBoSs
Makes sense why Slayers isn't part of the federation now.
18m KimKaYeon @SlayerS_Jessica
@FXOBoSs Hi.. I am SlayerS_Jessica. Dont say that about Our team's decision.
14m Joshua Dentrinos @FXOBoSs
@SlayerS_Jessica I didn't say anything about your team decision other than it makes sense. You shouldn't assume it as an attack.
12m KimKaYeon @SlayerS_Jessica
@FXOBoSs That decision means slayers is why not federation.
9m Joshua Dentrinos @FXOBoSs
@SlayerS_Jessica Jessica, I have a firm grasp on the english language. What I said states my own personal understanding why you are not 1/2
4m KimKaYeon @SlayerS_Jessica
@FXOBoSs because u dont know the reason. I will soon open it why slayers is not federation. U really know that rea...
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3m Joshua Dentrinos @FXOBoSs
@SlayerS_Jessica Did I say why jessica? Please copy paste me publicly stating why otherwise stop bothering me.
48s KimKaYeon @SlayerS_Jessica
@FXOBoSs Do u really knew that reason? Am i say u?
Joshua Dentrinos @FXOBoSs
@SlayerS_Jessica I am going to choose to ignore you now, because you aren't acting sane. Have a lovely day.
2m KimKaYeon @SlayerS_Jessica
@FXOBoSs Care about Ur team. ignore? that is cool.
1m Joshua Dentrinos @FXOBoSs
@SlayerS_Jessica excuse me, did you just threaten my team in public?
@SlayerS_Jessica excuse me, did you just threaten my team in public?