-There have been reports from foreign media that Kingdom Hearts III co-director Tai Yasue mentioned the Disney film Frozen [being in Kingdom Hearts III], but these are false, as it was never denied nor confirmed, and was misinterpreted as being a fact.
-Choosing new worlds for Kingdom Hearts III is also proving to be a difficult task for Square Enix.
-The conversation between the two mysterious characters heard during the Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix trailer from E3 is actually longer, at around two minutes.
-With the wait between Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix and Kingdom Hearts III, along with more development for Kingdom Hearts X [Chi], Square Enix want to cut down the waiting time for fans as much as possible.
-Kingdom Hearts X [Chi] and Kingdom Hearts III’s stories are closely related, so they’re being written at the same time.
-Square Enix are putting serious consideration into making an HD version for Kingdom Hearts 3D, as it’s the only one that doesn’t have one.
-The development for Kingdom Hearts III is moving smoothly according to plan.
-Square Enix seem to be having some sort of design problems due to engine-related issues, but currently, they’ve advanced in the scenario writing and world choices, along with designs for Sora and Riku’s new outfits.
-According to the Osaka development team, Sora’s mobility is way too high, and it almost felt like he was invincible at around his end-game level.
-They currently have a great variety of Keyblade transformations, and compare it to Birth by Sleep’s original way of fighting using Keyblades.
-Besides Kingdom Hearts III, Square Enix have various projects [for the series], but at the moment, they have plenty of offers and plan on prioritizing those first.
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2014/09/24/square-enix-considering-kingdom-hearts-3d-hd-remaster/#jlrZoPR6zbeUHhGQ.99