KHIII-Famitsu entrevista a Nomura


-There have been reports from foreign media that Kingdom Hearts III co-director Tai Yasue mentioned the Disney film Frozen [being in Kingdom Hearts III], but these are false, as it was never denied nor confirmed, and was misinterpreted as being a fact.

-Choosing new worlds for Kingdom Hearts III is also proving to be a difficult task for Square Enix.

-The conversation between the two mysterious characters heard during the Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix trailer from E3 is actually longer, at around two minutes.

-With the wait between Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix and Kingdom Hearts III, along with more development for Kingdom Hearts X [Chi], Square Enix want to cut down the waiting time for fans as much as possible.

-Kingdom Hearts X [Chi] and Kingdom Hearts III’s stories are closely related, so they’re being written at the same time.

-Square Enix are putting serious consideration into making an HD version for Kingdom Hearts 3D, as it’s the only one that doesn’t have one.

-The development for Kingdom Hearts III is moving smoothly according to plan.

-Square Enix seem to be having some sort of design problems due to engine-related issues, but currently, they’ve advanced in the scenario writing and world choices, along with designs for Sora and Riku’s new outfits.

-According to the Osaka development team, Sora’s mobility is way too high, and it almost felt like he was invincible at around his end-game level.

-They currently have a great variety of Keyblade transformations, and compare it to Birth by Sleep’s original way of fighting using Keyblades.

-Besides Kingdom Hearts III, Square Enix have various projects [for the series], but at the moment, they have plenty of offers and plan on prioritizing those first.



El Luminous Engine va a acabar con Square Enix, y si no al tiempo.

1 respuesta

#2 Explicate, que no me he leido la interview por ahora.

Hablan de que tienen problemas con el or...?

1 respuesta

Square Enix seem to be having some sort of design problems due to engine-related issues



Oh lo pone arriba, vaya que pena.

Otro para 2018.


#3 Square esta empeñada en tener su propio middleware, y ha dejado patente que son incapaces. La generación pasada se emperro en Crystal Tools, y solo fue capaz de sacar 3 putos juegos basado en el.

Ahora, después de todo el bombo dado al Luminous, resulta que FFXV correrá en un híbrido de Ebony y Luminous, y Kingdom Hearts III que en teoría corre completamente sobre LE, esta teniendo problemas en su desarrollo. De hecho el teaser del E3 era un target render.

Teniendo una licencia de UE4, deberían de dejarse de desarrollos internos, y tratar de ser mas ágiles a la hora de producir títulos, de lo contrario, se verán abocados un desastre que les puede costar muy caro. Como mil duros o mas.


Pero no se les daba nada mal el Unreal Engine. ¿Por qué están tan empeñados?


Porque Unreal Engine es basura


SquareEnix y su incompretencia abrumadora. Y eso que parecían querer levantar el vuelo últimamente.

Se echaban de menos declaraciones como esta.

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