Left 4 Dead - A la caza del zombie


Lista beta de compradores oficiales

Nick MV----------Steam

-piroS- -------------sanxezz
arkoni--------------arkoni <---(yo e probado y este no funciona :S)
Megalomaniac ---- [email protected]
ShAdOw000 ------- [email protected]
n3ptun3r------------n3ptun3r (no es comprador)
[email protected]

Si falta alguien avisad:D si quereis podeis poner vuestro nick en steam para agregarnos ^


#1438 el negro es michael de LOST y ahora es obama xDDD


ami personalmente me molan mas esos, el general ese parece mas fuertote haha

aunque nuestra zoey ta mejor


#1443 Y mola más tener a Obama que a Michael, al segundo no todo el mundo le conoce.


hombre a mi me gustan mas como han quedado ahora , son mas normales, no se xD los otros parecen super dopados


y tienen menos calidad


la tia enseña menos carne, ya no la salvare tanto, yo que siempre estaba pendiente de ella...


ake hora podremos empezar a jugar los q lo tenemos por steam?Hoy alas 12 de la noxe,6 de la mñn,9 de la noxe?
Q ganitas de ver los nuevos mapas...


La verdad que el jevi motero sí que molaba más antes xD.

Bill, que se supone que es un veterano de vietnam está mejor ahora. Antes parecía que la plaga le pilló en plena guerra, ahora tiene más pinta de veterano retirado que estaba dando de comer a las palomas en el parque cuando empezó a pasar todo el asunto.


el tipico viejete que juega a la petanca y te dice : "Pues aqui, antes, todo esto era campo"

en realidad los personajes son to tipicos xD pero molan; pondran mas ?


en verdad tendrian que haber creado 8 personajes creo yo, y que se pudieran hacer partidas de 4 o de 8, pero dudo de que hagan más personajes


no habia 5 campañas? alomejor las otras tienen diferentes personajes xD


la fecha OFICIAL del lanzamiento mundial del juego, sera el próximo 18 de Noviembre a las 6 y 1 minuto de la mañana para la hora local española. (en un principio pusieron que iba a ser a las 9:00pm=21:00 pero finalmente lo han cambiado).

Asi que ya sabeis: 6:01 am go!!!!


¿Alguien me puede decir en qué parte del thread o en dónde puedo leer una descripción / review? Que no lo tenía controlado y quizás lo pille xD


#1452 son los mismos en todas.

Pero bueno siendo de Valve y con la plataforma Steam me imagino que irán sacando cosas nuevas :S


#1454 si corres aun podras pillarte la demo


Haber la hora de la salida de L4D la pone en el steam, solo hay que contar un poquito.
Por cierto cada vez que intento entrar en un server, me hecha de L4D y me sale al escritorio sin cerrar el steam, y hay mas gente.

nick MV Djey5 nick steam eXpainESP

hace dias que lo tengo comprado


Alguien sabe si comprando por Play.com el día 20, que es cuando sale el juego. Puedes hacer que te envien un mail con la clave de tu juego como pasó con el Warhammer ?



Se me acumulan juegos que ludar pero a este le voy a dar caña mañana

nick MV m0rris -> nick steam MoRr][s




Dead Teammates:
-Dead teammates must be dead for at least one minute before being able to be rescued.

-You must be at least 4500 units away from a survivor corpse before the game will consider triggering a closet to respawn them. So, I will say this now: DO NOT STAND AROUND AND WAIT FOR A TEAMMATE TO RESPAWN, THEY WILL NOT RESPAWN EVER. GET MOVING THROUGH THE MAP, THEY WILL SPAWN LATER.

-A respawn entity within 2000 units RADIALLY of the LEAD SURVIVOR will be considered for useage of rescue. (EXCEPTION: Finale will double this to 4000 units)

-A Rescue Entity will be considered in a higher priority than the regular 2000 units if within 400 units of the natural flow of movement of the lead character.

-Once a living survivor makes it within 1000 units of an Entity which can be triggered to rescue a survivor, and the previous parameters are met, then the person shall be spawned and begin calling for help.

-You must be within 2000 units of a person that needs rescuing to hear their calls for help. (EXCEPTION: During finales, this is doubles to 4000 units.

-A dead survivor is checked every two seconds to be within the aforementioned parameters for rescue.

-A survivor will begin calling for help 1 second after put into a Rescue Entity, and will call for help every six seconds until rescued.

Bot actions:

-If a human holds their position for 4 seconds, bots will reconsider their battlestations and actions.

-Bots will never walk in Versus mode.

-On Expert, bots will instantly note a survivor immobilized by Tounge or Pounce. Hard, one second after, and Normal, two seconds after. Versus will always default to a zero second reaction time.

-Bots will never give friendly fire. They will always opt out of shooting if you or another player are in the way of their line of sight.

-Bots will never wander more than 750 units from a player.

-Bots instantly notice when someone is looking at them.

-Bots will never scavenge items farther than 750 units from the human players.

-sb_move_to_target will force bots to move to place where your cursor (crosshair) is pointing. Can be used in conjuntion with the "HURRY!" command on a bind to make them go to a certain place, maybe.

-Bots will be less alert if you or another bot are within 300 units of them and the are unthreatened. ("Feel Safe")

-Bots will attempt to stay within 200 units of you.

-Bots are considered "straying" at 500 units and "lost" at 600 units.

-Bots consider something a serious threat and will open fire immediately if encountered at 150 units or closer. They will consider something a threat at 600 units away if that threat is near several other threats (such as mobs), and will open fire, otherwise they are ignored until closer. They will examine something as a threat and attempt to open fire at 300 units, even if the threat is currently neutral towards them. Even boss infected are considered unneeding of consideration at 1500 units, if the NPC is neutral to them at the moment, although, I do not believe any NPC can successfully pose a threat at 1500 units, anyways.

-Boomer vomit/gore will blind Bots for 5 seconds before they return to active fighting.

Automated Voice Messages:

-A person injured and "Dying" (whitescreen'd) will shout a message that they are, in fact, dying, every twenty seconds. This applies to every survivor, not just bots.

-A survivor will shout to "Make Way" every two seconds. This does not seem to have any need, and may just be there from before Player to Player Noclip was implemented.

-A survivor will warn the other survivors of a special threat (boss zombie) if the threat is within 2000 units of the person warning.

-The survivors, one at a time, will warn each other of a special threat at least every five seconds. All other threats will be a minimal of every ten seconds. Special threats probably pertain to active flashlights when witches are around, and things of the like.

-Survivors will let other players know they are doing something (pills, med kit, Molotov) if they are within 200 units of the player.

-Survivors will shout to other survivors of a threat if the threat is within 500 units. This is different than the 2000 unit warning, in that this one pertains to active threats, and not just things they notice. Example would be "I hear a Hunter" within 2000 units of it wandering about and "Jesus, HUNTER!" within 500 units and it being a direct threat (targeting a survivor).

-Survivors will immediately shout at the sight of movement of a threat or of seeing it as a target. This overrides the other two parameters, which deal with the hearing of the sounds a threat makes.

-These special threat messages apply to mainly only large mobs and boss infected.

Intensity Levels:

-The director measures the "Intensity" of the game from 0.0 to 1.0. The actions of each individual survivor raises each survivors "Intensity" rating separately. One survivor can be completely calm, and the other can be considered completely stressed out.

-When a player is "calm", their intensity levels will gradually decrease, over thirty seconds (from 1.0, respectively), to 0.0.

-After a Panic event is triggered because of Intensity levels, their Intensity level will eventually drop after the event is over, regardless of current at the moment actions. Basically, it overrides all things that delay calmness.

-Setting off Forbidden Targets (like the car on the street) immediately rockets every player to 1.0, causing the panic event.

-Players are never considered calm when their flashlights are on, under the rationality that their gun must be constantly raised to point the beam. Only a panic event can lower it back down. Maybe we shouldn't run around with the flashlights constantly on?

-Survivors will not calm down until 5 seconds have passed since they have taken damage.

-Survivors will not calm down until 2 seconds after switching weapons.

-Survivors are not considered "completely calm" if they are above 0.0 Intensity. Other things are considered "calming down".

-Survivors will not calm down until 5 seconds after seeing a target.

-Survivors will not calm down until 5 seconds after firing a weapon.

-It will take 20 seconds for your "Average Intensity" calculated over time to reach zero, excluding 1.0, which will take 30, since 1.0 is considered a "Panic", instead of just being stressed.

-Killing enemies from near and afar (150 units and 500 units, respectively) have different effects on your intensity levels.

-Intensity, by default, does not increase by itself, and is only increased by player actions, although there is a cvar which can be used to set a predetermined rate of rising intensity.

Survivor behaviors under special conditions:

-Survivors come to a dead halt when hit by Infected.

-Survivor run and walk speed are slowed to 85 when going through fume clouds.

-Fume Clouds disable the ability to vocalize.

-Incapacitated survivors will wobble and sway with their aim.

-Incapacitated survivor's aim will sway a different direction every two seconds.

-It takes twice as long to reload when incapacitated.

-Survivors are knocked to one health whenever on a ledge and slipping. At least, that's what I read from this cvar.

-Survivors are considered "limping" at 40 health.

-Survivor run speed whilst limping is 150. Walk speed is 85.

-Survivors can be incapacitated twice before dying on the third knockdown.

-Survivors will spawn with 30 temp health on revive.

-It takes 5 seconds to revive a teammate.

-Survivors will stagger 30 units or more upon being pounced by Hunters. Watch out on high ledges.

-Smokers will tug survivors toward them at 300 or less units for 200 units or for one full second before staggering them and then dragging them.

-You suffer accuracy penalties whilst the screen in moving when you fire.


-Tanks will swing when within 50 units of a survivor.

-Tanks take this many seconds to die by fire from full health per difficulty:
-Easy: 30
-Medium: 30
-Advanced: 35
-Expert: 40

-A tank will choose a new target if attempting to get to that target gets them stuck in the same location for two seconds.

-A tank will immediately suicide ten seconds after becoming stuck.

-If a tank is stuck and cannot see a target for five seconds , it will choose a new target.

-If a tank cannot see any target for 15 seconds, and is stuck, it will suicide.

-Tanks will smash all zombies in their way to the side in a 180 degree arc in front of them.

-Tanks will swing every second.

-Tanks impart 4 times more force to a physics prop than breaking it regularly.

-The range of a tank swing is 56 units.

-On Easy, tanks have a 100 unit margin of error for debris tosses.

-Tanks will hurl debris from 250 units away.

-Tanks give no lead time to run.

-Tanks will lead you up to thirty degrees when throwing props. Watch out! But, they lead you at least 8 degrees, past the no-loft range. This may be able to be used to your advantage, seeing as they may overcompensate in some cases, because of this.

-Tanks will suicide after 60 seconds of seeing no targets.

-Tanks, by default, instantly swing after the intent to swing has gone through their minds.

Smoker behavior:

-Smokers, by default, cannot release their victims voluntarily, but this can be allowed by changing tongue_allow_voluntary_release to 1.

-Smoker tongues can deflect off of one object up to 5 degrees.

-Smokers automatically release a victim upon receiving 50 damage.

-Every second, whilst being choked, the tongue will do 10 damage.

-Smokers, by default, automatically die when force to release their victim. Essentially, your health gets halved whilst strangulating someone.

-Tongues travel at 1000.

-Smokers that miss must wait 2 seconds before retrieving their tongue.
-Smokers must wait 15 seconds before firing after retrieving their tongue.

-Smokers can shoot their tongues 750 units.

-If victim does not make 25 units of progress in one second, begin hurting the victim.


-Tanks will only do 24 damage per hit on melee hit.


-Attacking zombies will look in a 60 unit radius around them for threats on the way to their chosen or designated victim. They will stop and attack this threat instead, usually. 60 units basically means you have to bump into them.

-Smoke Clouds do not make you cough after 14 seconds.

-Smoke Clouds make you cough within 175 units of the center of them.

-You will keep coughing for 5 seconds after you exit the cloud.

-Coughing does 3000 points of fatigue to a player.

-Coughers cough every twenty seconds. Or, at least, restart coughing. But, clouds disappear after 14 seconds, so, yeah.

-Zombie that wander too far from targets are given 5 seconds before they are culled from existence.

-z_debug_spawn_ahead will force the director to spawn ahead of the survivors, for all of you .cfg modders.

-z_debug_spawn_set can be used to specify where zombies will be spawned.
3=Specials in Front
4=Specials anywhere
5=Far Away

-Frustration in tanks can exist for twenty seconds before an AI takeover of the Tank.

-25 damage to a limb at once will dismember it.

-Zombies do not damage downed survivors on Easy.

-Hunters have 250 health.

-Miniguns do 48,000 damage per minute.

-Miniguns overheat after 20 seconds, and take three seconds too cool down to fire again.

-Player zombies must wait 2 seconds before respawning.

-50 damage interrupts Hunter Pounce attempts.

-Hunters pouncing doors do 500 damage.

-Shotgun pellets that hit zombies within 100 units do 5 times more damage!

-Tanks take 750 damage from grenades.

-Tanks start with 4000 health, then reset to 5000 during their death throes, and lose 1 health every update.

-Grenades stagger and blind tanks for 6 seconds.

-Boomers can puke up to 350 units away.


-The Witche's "Personal Space" is 100 units around them, get in this, and you start annoying her.

-Witches have 1000 health, and die after 15 seconds of burning.

-Witches do 100 damage per hit, and then hit for 30 damage when incapacitated.

-Withces become angry at flashlight at 400 units away.

-Witches can, indeed, change their victim. Watch out.

-Witches will Berserk at 200 units away. Watch it.

-Witches will instantly attack at 60 units away.


-50 Health

-Boomers will make a splat and die after taking 50 points of falling damage.

-Boomers that explode have a 200 unit radius to hit survivors with gore.

dice un monton de cosas q no hacen mas q darme mas ganas de jugar!!!!!!!!!!!!

leed sobre todo lo del director q me parece muy interesante en el apartado de la intensidad del juego :D tambien lo de cuandoe stas en humo no peudes usar la comunicacion vocal lol, bueno leedlo vosotros :O


Por cierto he tenido que quitar la demo de L4D y bajarmela de nuevo para poder jugar, lo digo por lo que puse mas arriba. o sea aquí #1457


Con un poco de esfuerzo se entiende aunque no tengas ni papa de Inglés :/


Seguro que ahora mismo hay un empleado de Valve con su puntero encima de un botón que pone "Unlock Left 4 Dead"... pero no le dejan hacer click :(


Este juego se desbloqueará aprox. en 12 horas


Venga, todos llevamos tiempo leyéndonos y nos conocemos bastante bien, ¿quien se va a levantar antes mañana o no va a dormir esta noche?

yo reconozco que mañana me levantaré más pronto de lo normal xD


Dios cada vez que juego me entran mas ganas de comprarlo.
sabéis si para navidad hacen algún descuento o algo?


El post de #1460 es basicamente un "Los Reyes magos son los padres" :\


#1465 sólo te digo que he quedado con 3 amigos más para empezar de buena mañana xD

Lo que pasa que somos ese grupo de amigos en el cual uno se cree el héroe del equipo, la mayoría ni oyen los ruidos del juego, nos matamos entre nosotros y en definitiva, en modo experto salimos del apartamento del principio casi sin vida.

Eso sí, el día que nos pasamos la demo en experto fuimos a cenar fuera para celebrarlo xDDDD


hoy me acostare prontito pa catarlo mañana antes de ir al currele :D


Pues yo digo que el juego se desarrolla en España.

(Mapa del Cercanias de Madrid se encuentra dentro del juego)

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