#6 Viendo esto: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/starcraft-2/477801-kespa-to-exercise-caution-in-online-tournament-participation es mas que probable que pase eso, pero a lo mejor tiene alguna clausula especial en el contrato que le permita salir fuera de corea mas a menudo que el resto.
edito: sacado de la entrevista http://www.goodgamers.us/2015/02/11/esports-daily-interview-lee-life-seung-hyun-following-his-move-to-kt-rolster-translation/
It seems like you’ll no longer be able to participate in foreign competitions as freely as before.
I need to accommodate for the Proleague schedule, but just like before my thirst for foreign competitions isn’t that big. There are now two solo-leagues in Korea, as well as competitions like the KeSPA Cup etc. which I can participate in, so it looks like as long as I get good results I can still earn WCS points. I know that the association gives you the chance to go play in foreign competitions if you’re chosen as Round MVP in Proleague, so I think I will try to aim for that.
Aunque al final diga que lo intentará, parece ser que no veremos mucho Life fuera de corea (aunque a mi eso no me importa tanto).