Lucasfilm declara que ningún juego de Star Wars es canon


All Star Wars games, comics, novels and other expanded media have been designated non-canon by Lucasfilm.

In a newly published statement on the matter, Lucasfilm makes it unequivocal that there are only seven products in the Star Wars universe that should be considered canon; the six films, along with The Clone Wars TV show.

It means that the dozens of Star Wars games and their stories are not considered integral to the overall plot. Games such as BioWare's seminal Knights of the Old Republic, along with LucasArts' own The Force Unleashed, are categorically disconnected to the films.

Technically it also means the movie tie-ins, such as Star Wars Episode I: Racer, are not officially part of the overarching story. All non-canon media belongs to the expanded universe (EU), Lucasfilm said.

"While Lucasfilm always strived to keep the stories created for the expanded universe consistent with our film and television content as well as internally consistent, Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon," reads an official blog post on the matter.

"This includes the six Star Wars episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in The Clone Wars. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align."

However, the corporation has pledged to draw a line under the matter, claiming that future expanded media will be better integrated with the future films. That could include the upcoming games in development across EA.

"Now, with an exciting future filled with new cinematic instalments of Star Wars, all aspects of Star Wars storytelling moving forward will be connected," the corporation said.

"Under Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy's direction, the company for the first time ever has formed a story group to oversee and coordinate all Star Wars creative development."

Kennedy said the company has "an unprecedented slate of new Star Wars entertainment on the horizon".

She added: "We're set to bring Star Wars back to the big screen, and continue the adventure through games, books, comics, and new formats that are just emerging. This future of interconnected storytelling will allow fans to explore this galaxy in deeper ways than ever before."

The statement also claimed that previous expanded universe content has "enriched" the franchise, adding that some aspects will continue to shape the canon going forwards.

"When he created Star Wars, George Lucas built a universe that sparked the imagination, and inspired others to create. He opened up that universe to be a creative space for other people to tell their own tales."

A seventh Star Wars film is expected to air in 2015. Star Wars Episode VII, directed by JJ Abrams, will mark the first film of a new trilogy.

Lucasfilm says Abrams' trilogy will not sync with previous stories set after Return of the Jedi.

"In order to give maximum creative freedom to the filmmakers and also preserve an element of surprise and discovery for the audience, Star Wars Episodes VII-IX will not tell the same story told in the post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe," it said.

Disney acquired Licasfilm for $4 billion in October 2012. Months later the corporation closed down LucasArts.

EA secured exclusive rights to develop "core" Star Wars games in May 2013. Visceral and BioWare are working on unannounced Star Wars games, while Battlefield developer DICE is resurrecting Star Wars Battlefront.

Noticia traducida via google


Fuente :


Vamos que hara lo que le salga de la polla y si vuelve maricon a Han Solo y lo casa con Luke pues lo hara asi.


Reunión en Disney/Lucasfilms:

  • ¿Y que coño hacemos ahora para vender más, si hay ya un montón de historia escrita entre videojuegos, comics y libros?
  • [Becario]: decir que ahora nada de eso vale.

El resto ya lo sabeis.


Sabeis qué es lo mejor?

Que yo considero canon lo que me salga de los cojones.

Deal with it LucasFilms.


Ufff, podemos esperar lo peor :qq:


Y ahora qué. Porque los productos que expandían el universo y estaban aceptados por los seguidores dejan de tener el apoyo oficial. Ese contenido ya no va a ser diferente al que no ha sido "aceptado".

Lo que me pregunto es, cómo reaccionan "las instituciones" de fans? Las editoriales de manuales?

1 respuesta

En South Park ya lo dijeron hace tiempo:


Vamos que nos olvidemos de saga de kyle katarn... vaya chusta :(


La noticia está mal.

Oficialmente se han cargado todo lo que sea post episodio VI y todo lo que haya durante las películas menos las series (Star Wars: The Clone Wars).

Aquí tenéis lo que dice Jennifer Heddle que me parece es una de las implicadas en el canon:

@joeyintucson Movies, Rebels, Clone Wars, and all content (books, games, etc) moving forward. But EU still exists as a resource.

Ahí le preguntan por Revan y Heddle responde que "The Old Republic" es un area borrosa para ella.

Para #6

Ahora lo que pasa es que todo lo que habia existe en un universo llamado "Legends". Legends no existe en la realidad pero la realidad puede coger cosas de Legends, las publicaciones activas de Star Wars seguirán en Legends hasta que se acaben y entonces supongo que finiquitan el asunto.

Un ejemplo:

Mara Jade ahora mismo no existe en el Episodio VII pero puede aparecer en la nueva trilogia, en ese caso no significa que todo lo que sabemos de ella sea verdad, re-escribiran su historia. Lo mismo con Thrawn.

Otro caso:

Republic Commando, el videojuego ya no existe, nunca ha pasado pero los personajes sí que existen.

Darth Bane existe.

Como de KOTOR, TOR, Edad Dorada de los Sith y Guerra Hyperespacial aún no se sabe nada si sigue existiendo o no voy a dejar mi comentario para la posteridad, en mi opinion un error grandísimo si se lo cargan pues es lo más interesante de Star Wars, pero por si acaso.

QUE TE DEN POR CULO DISNEY. Por mi parte no váis a ver un duro más.


Lo de los juegos lo puedo entender, pero novelas y comics... madre mia xd



Ya podían dejar de considerar canon lo que viene en los juegos del Episodio I, II y III.


Nunca pensé que diría esto....pero quiero que George Lucas vuelva

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