Mario Strikers Charged


A mí tampoco es que me haya gustado mucho lo de parar los supertiros así, como bien comenta thrazz ralentiza mucho el sistema de juego, al igual que los videos por cada supertiro, que terminan siendo cansinos al final. Pero bueno en general me gusta, principalmente por el multi y puede ser muy bueno con el añadido del online.

Estos juegos cuanto más frenéticos son mejor.

24 días después

El último número de la revista alemana N-zone llega con nuevos detalles sobre el modo online de Mario Strikers Charged: Football para Wii, para mayor seguridad, recordamos que esta noticia no se trata de ninguna broma de April Fool’s, a continuación os dejamos los detalles...

  • El equipo de N-zone a tenido la oportunidad de probar las características Wi-Fi de Mario Strikers Charged: Football para Wii.

  • Habrá 3 modos online: Partida amistosa, partida regular y partidos de área específica (Este modo nos permite jugar con gente de todo el mundo).

  • También dispondremos de un modo "Temporada" en que ganaremos puntos por cada partido ganado que se almacenarán en un ranking, en este modo usaremos a nuestro Mii para representarnos.

  • La revista N-zone preguntó al equipo de desarrollo si existe la posibilidad de organizar torneos mundiales, el equipo respondió que tecnicamente es posible, pero que eso es una decisión de Nintendo.



se sabe la fecha de este juego?=)


#63 Pues mira justo ahora acabo de leer en neogaf que la fecha podría ser aquí en Europa el 25 de Mayo, siendo en principio el primer juego con opciones online para nosotros.

De todas formas si no recuerdo mal por diversas noticias y entrevistas, etc, creo que la fecha de salida estimada estaba a finales de junio, es decir, que más o menos sería un mes después de la fecha que han puesto en neogaf.

Pero de todas formas dejo el extracto que ponen de una noticia de hoy:

3 April 2007- Now’s your chance to bend it like Beckham, score like Shevchenko (WHAT? Like not at all??) and hit it like Henry or, failing that, floor the opposition with a well aimed Blue Shell! What’s more, with Mario Strikers: Charged Football you really can compete in a world cup, thanks to the multiplayer mode via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Make sure you’re wearing your team colours as ‘Mario Strikers: Charged Football’ kicks off across Europe on Wii on 25th May 2007.

Nintendo has taken one of the world’s most popular sports and made it even better by throwing in some of Nintendo’s most popular characters, 5-a-side teams and well and truly throwing out the rulebook! What’s more now it is available on Wii! The innovative Wii Remote will allow players to immerse themselves deep into the action translating real movement into on-screen action.

Mario Strikers: Charged Football is different from the average football game and is even more exciting and engaging than ever before, with a strong emphasis on each team’s captain. These star players each have unique abilities and enhanced skills, which allow them to really influence the outcome of a game. The team captains all feature a Super Ability which can be used to devastate their opponents, ranging from Mario growing to giant proportions and trampling other players, to Peach taking a photo and freezing the entire opposing team on the spot. Tactical use of these super abilities can break down even the most stubborn defence. To top this off, in Mario Strikers: Charged Football players can choose 3 side-kicks (from a total of 8) who each have their own unique features which allows for tactical team customisation.

The Wii Remote brings a dynamic new element to Mario Strikers: Charged Football, encouraging the player to make instinctive physical movements to achieve the desired effect within the game. Basic movement and strikes are executed using the analogue stick and buttons on the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, but when the pressure is on, players can use their instinctive movements to affect the gameplay. Flicking the Wii remote will cause the character to check their opponent, hopefully stealing the ball in the process. Players can also use the Wii Remote to perform cat-like saves, defending their goal from MegaStrikes by grabbing the balls out of the air.

In Mario Strikers: Charged Football the sense of fair play is thrown out the window along with the rulebook. Fouled players get special treats with which to avenge themselves, ranging from Red Spiky Shells, which knock everything out of their path, to the Chain Chomp that chases players from the opposing team around the pitch.

One of the many modes this game features is the multiplayer mode which can see up to four players in any one game (players must split between two teams). Players can also utilise Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to take on players from across the globe! Multiplayer modes include Ranked mode where players can compete to climb up leaderboards and Unranked mode where they can quickly select and play friends.

The game’s main mode, Road to the Striker Cup, pits players against increasingly difficult opposition as they compete to win three different cups. For quicker pick-up and play action the game’s Domination Mode allows players to set-up a game to suit them, defining the rules as well as selecting stadium and cheats. With an in-depth main mode and a plethora of extra features you won’t take your eye off the ball in Mario Strikers: Charged Football. There is a wide and varied choice of 17 stadiums in which to defend your crown. Many of them have varying features and characteristics to put you off your game and challenge you to even greater heights.

With its fun and tactile controls, online multiplayer gaming and addictive gameplay, Mario Strikers looks certain to score when it launches across Europe on Wii on the 25th May 2007 for the estimated retail price of around 50 Euros (£35 in the UK) (Cheaper than normal).

Edit: Pues esto es más que un rumor, porque ese artículo es de la página de Nintendo en su versión del Reino Unido:


ok, pues si sale x junio, tngo tiempo suficiente para dedicarme al sonic y l aVC antes de q salga =)


Acabo de ver la fuente y era la página de Nintendo en la versión del Reino Unido, además noticia de la primera página salida hoy, así que habrá que tomarla como fecha oficial xD.

Por tanto, fecha oficial de salida 25 de Mayo y será el primer juego de Nintendo en Europa que tendrá modo online, y además a 50€ de P.V.P. según ponen en el artículo.


Un Mario football con online y con la opción de temporada tiene que ser la caña, este cae fijo y más a 50 €.

Esta claro que tenemos que organizar partidas entre los del foro :D



#66 en vandal ya corroboran tu informacion xd


Está confirmado:

Get Ready For Kick Off!

Wii shoots and scores with Mario Strikers: Charged Football

3rd April, 2007- Now’s your chance to bend it like Beckham, score like Shevchenko and hit it like Henry or, failing that, floor the opposition with a well aimed Blue Shell! What’s more, with Mario Strikers: Charged Football you really can compete in a world cup, thanks to the multi-player mode via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Service. Make sure you’re wearing your team colours as ‘Mario Strikers: Charged Football’ kicks off across Europe on Wii on 25th May 2007.

Nintendo has taken one of the world’s most popular sports and made it even better by throwing in some of Nintendo’s most popular characters, 5-a-side teams and well and truly throwing out the rulebook! What’s more now it is available on Wii! The innovative Wii Remote, will allow players to immerse themselves deep into the action translating real movement into on-screen action.

Mario Strikers: Charged Football is different from the average football game and is even more exciting and engaging than ever before, with a strong emphasis on each team’s captain. These star players each have unique abilities and enhanced skills, which allow them to really influence the outcome of a game. The team captains all feature a Super Ability which can be used to devastate their opponents, ranging from Mario growing to giant proportions and trampling other players, to Peach taking a photo and freezing the entire opposing team on the spot. Tactical use of these super abilities can break down even the most stubborn defence. To top this off, in Mario Strikers: Charged Football players can choose 3 side-kicks (from a total of 8) who each have their own unique features which allows for tactical team customisation.

The Wii Remote brings a dynamic new element to Mario Strikers: Charged Football, encouraging the player to make instinctive physical movements to achieve the desired effect within the game. Basic movement and strikes are executed using the analogue stick and buttons on the Wii Remote and nunchuk, but when the pressure is on, players can use their instinctive movements to affect the gameplay. Flicking the Wii remote will cause the character to check their opponent, hopefully stealing the ball in the process. Players can also use the Wii remote to perform cat-like saves, defending their goal from Megastrikes by grabbing the balls out of the air.

In Mario Strikers: Charged Football the sense of fair play is thrown out the window along with the rulebook. Fouled players get special treats with which to avenge themselves, ranging from Red Spiky Shells, which knock everything out of their path, to the Chain Chomp that chases players from the opposing team around the pitch.

One of the many modes this game features is the multiplayer mode which can see up to four players in any one game (players must split between two teams). Players can also utilise Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Service to take on players from across the globe! Multiplayer modes include Ranked mode where players can compete to climb up leaderboards and Unranked mode where they can quickly select and play friends.

The game’s main mode, Road to the Striker Cup, pits players against increasingly difficult opposition as they compete to win three different cups. For quicker pick-up and play action the game’s Domination Mode allows players to set-up a game to suit them, defining the rules as well as selecting stadium and cheats. With an in-depth main mode and a plethora of extra features you won’t take your eye off the ball in Mario Strikers: Charged Football. There is a wide and varied choice of 17 stadiums in which to defend your crown. Many of them have varying features and characteristics to put you off your game and challenge you to even greater heights.

With its fun and tactile controls, online multiplayer gaming and addictive gameplay, Mario Strikers looks certain to score when it launches across Europe on Wii on the 25th May 2007 for the estimated retail price of around 50 Euros (£35 in the UK).
Wii console is available at the estimated retail price of around €249 (approximately £179 in the UK) and comes bundled with Wii Sports.

For further information please contact the Nintendo Press Office on 020 7307 3103.

Click onto for all of the most up to date official information on Wii.

About Wii
Nintendo’s new system, Wii, will feature a controller designed to be used with either one hand or two - a first in the video game industry. When picked up and pointed at the screen, the controller gives a lightning-quick element of interaction, sensing motion, depth, positioning and targeting dictated by movement of the controller itself.

Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection – FREE, SIMPLE & SAFE

The Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service launched globally in November 2005 and to date has a staggering 3.5 million unique users and over 100 million online gameplay connections. . The Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service allows you to play games over the Internet, wirelessly, at home or at a public Wi-Fi (wireless internet) hotspot provided by BT OpenZone and The Cloud, using a Nintendo DS and a Nintendo Wi-Fi compatible Nintendo DS software.

The Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service is free* - there are no fees or subscriptions to pay (usual broadband line rental costs apply when accessing the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection at home). It’s simple to use - you simply turn it on and select Wi-Fi. There are no complicated menu screens or confusing instructions to follow. It’s safe for everyone – you currently do not have direct communication with other players when playing anonymously and therefore personal details or inappropriate comments can’t be exchanged. For further information on Nintendo’s Wi-Fi Connection service visit

About Nintendo
The worldwide innovator in the creation of interactive entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd., of Kyoto, Japan, manufactures and markets hardware and software for its Wii™, Nintendo DS™, Game Boy® Advance and Nintendo GameCube™ systems. Since 1983, Nintendo has sold nearly 2.2 billion video games and more than 387 million hardware units globally, and has created industry icons like Mario™, Donkey Kong®, Metroid®, Zelda™ and Pokémon®. As a wholly owned subsidiary, Nintendo of Europe, based in Grossostheim, Germany, was established in 1990 and serves as headquarters for Nintendo’s operations in Europe.


Digan lo que digan, los juegos de Nintendo de éste estilo (vease Mario Party, Mario Kart, Smash Bros....) son increíblemente divertidos para jugarlos con los colegas, yo me quedo 100 veces antes con uno de éstos títulos que con un Tekken por poner un ejemplo.

Y que digan que Nintendo no innova me parece de todo menos serio... Nintendo hoy por hoy es la compañía más innovadora en cuanto a Hardware y Software.


#67 incluso podriamos organizar una liguilla o algo ;D;DD;

que ganas!! xd


Jojoj que ganas de pegaros palizas, mediavideros XD

edit: mierda, ver piratas del caribe, ir a la feria, o mario strikers...uffffffff XD


este juego tiene que estar muy pero que muy guapo!


Nintendo UK ha especificado algo más sobre las funciones online de este juego:

Sigue en pie la fecha del 25 de Mayo, y por desgracia... el juego hará uso de los criticados "códigos amigo" (algo normal si el juego lo desarrolla Nintendo y esa es su política). Pero a su vez tambien existe la posibilidad de jugar contra un desconocido pero solo de tu región (Europa), mientras que por código amigo puedes jugar con cualquier persona del mundo.

El código será propio de cada DVD, Además el juego permite jugar partidos en 2vs2 (multi vs multi) con lo cual dos personas en la misma consola pueden retar a otras dos en otra consola, lo cual es un buen método online en compañia. Además tambien se puede jugar 2vs2 cada uno con su consola en su casa o la combinación que querais imaginar.

Con lo que de momento sabemos que los juegos de Nintendo (por desgracia) llevarán codigos amigo, ya que ya són dos (pokemon y este) que los incluyen.

Una triste noticia. Esperemos las thirds no sigan este camino.
Aunque sabemos que nos tocará crear threads en la sección multiplayer donde pongamos nuestros códigos amigo de cada juego para jugar online entre nosotros :S:S:S

Podrian sacar de periférico un teclado númerico por usb o por bluetooth, no?


entonces me temo que no se podrá jugar online con una backup.... no?


#75 Si realmente es una backup y tienes el original o tienes su código... por supuesto que no necesitarás estropear tu DVD original para jugar online ha este juego ya que tienes su número original.
Si por contra tu backup realmente no lo es tal y no dispones de código amigo espero que no puedas jugar online. Tambien espero que no haya ningún problema en vender el juego y que el código amigo del juego pueda tenerlo hoy una consola, mañana otra...


Os dejo la carátula de la versión PAL, la verdad es que mola bastante, tiene un aire muy mature xD, para que luego digan que la Wii es una consola de gays...



La portada es absolutamente BESTIAL, me encanta.

El juego me va a joder los examenes saliendo en esas fechas, pero bueno, le tengo unas ganas bastisimas ^


#78 Siempre puedes comprártelo un mes después xD.

Muy animalote sale el Mario en esta portada, ¿no? xD, la verdad es que lo han hecho convincente.


La carátula es animal! Simplemente cojonuda! :D


Joder !! Chicos vicios al de Nintendo Gamecube.. este puede ser la reostia también.. caerá caerá!!

La caratula se sale..


Pero bueno, que la caratula tenga ese aspecto.. y luego Mario siga siendo el mismo Mario, no le quita lo infantil ni Cristo.


Lástima que no tenga la wii ni conozca a nadie que la tenga sino me iba a viciar de lo lindo :_


#82 cansas ...


#82 Y a ti quién te lo quitará?


Tranquilo no os comais a #82 , a mi tambien me parece una mierda la portada y en parte tiene razon, cosa que no quita que el juego sea divertido.


Ya tiene que salir el tipico diciendo que la portada es una mierda, pero a ver, que el juego no te guste pase, pero una portadasi esta guapa, esta guapa coño. Para decir gilipolleces mejor no abrais mv.


Defiendo a #82.

#77 ¿ Que tendra que ver una portada con que el juego sea infantil o no ? ¿ Simplemente dices que la Wii no es infantil por esta portada ?

Ahora resulta que calificamos una consola por una portada de un juego...


#88 A ver si leemos, he dicho que la portada tiene un aire mature, no el juego entero.

Y en cuanto a lo que digo a continuación: "para que luego digan que la Wii es una consola de gays...", es simplemente haciendo referencia en tono sarcástico a esta noticia:

En ningún momento he entrado a valorar el juego, tan solo la estética de la portada en particular, desde luego le sacaís punta a todo...



La portada esta wapa , eso es cierto, es un aire diferente a lo que nos tienen acostumbrado estos de Nintendo, pero no es un juego mature señores.


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