Mass Erect 2 hype thread | 29/01/2010


#207 Masterpiece. Estos tíos son unos cachondos mentales.


Spoiler del 1:

Alguien sabía que


#212 eso no lo sabia jaja


#212 Pasa lo mismo, solo que Shepard en vez de convencerle lo trata de cobarde al rendirse al adoctrinamiento


Para los valientes Preview de Mass Effect 2, yo paso.

Otra más


Pues si, todas las previews que han salido hoy están hasta el culo de spoilers. Se las va a leer su padre.


Ya me lei un spoiler de como se situa el principio del juego y no vuelvo a abrir una web con referencias al juego...

En casi todos los lados estan de acuerdo en que es más y mejor :P


#216 Séptima foto....¿Shepard Renegado?

No pienso leer ni ver nada que no sean imagenes y el trailer del 22 hasta que salga xD


Droid Battle Gameplay

  • Blow up droids and put your weapon down in this action-packed cinematic gameplay.

Station Evacuation Gameplay

  • Get the hell off this station in this cinematic and battle gameplay from Mass Effect 2.


En determinados momentos los personajes te preguntarán que ocurrió en Mass Effect (1); en algunos casos te preguntarán ¿qué recuerdas de tal? ¿qué recuerdas de cual? así que vas decidiendo sobre la marcha.

En esencia, puedes tomar decisiones sobre ciertas partes de Mass Effect que afectarán a tu actual savegame en Mass Effect 2 pero no es así en todo y lo mejor para obtener la experiencia de juego completa es importar un save (o 4 como es mi caso xD)

It's likely that many gamers who pick up Mass Effect 2 in January will have played the original Mass Effect and still have a save file on their hard drive. Some of them will choose to import that save, bringing their decisions (and consequences) from Mass Effect into the sequel -- but you don't have to. You can start fresh in Mass Effect 2. But how does the game determine what happened in Mass Effect, then? Some massively important choices were left to the player in the original game.

"There's a variety of ways we can make the decision of what happens in Mass Effect 2 if you've chosen not to import a save game from Mass Effect 1," explained BioWare co-founder and CEO Ray Muzyka during an interview with me at a Mass Effect 2 event in San Francisco this week. During my hour spent with Mass Effect 2, I didn't have my hard drive with me, so I was forced to create a character from scratch, a Commander Shepard without a history. At one point, characters started asking me about events that occurred in Mass Effect. When it happened, I wondered if the game was giving me an opportunity to pick and choose how the original played out. Turns out, I was right.

"In some cases," said Muzyka, "you get asked a question -- 'What do you remember about that? What happened at this point in time?' -- and you get to decide on the fly. You actually do get a bit of a choice still. In other cases, we make assumptions based on what the majority of fans are going to find really compelling and what we think is the best artistic choice, the most emotionally engaging way to have the story unfold."

Essentially, you can pick and choose how certain parts of Mass Effect will affect the events and characters in Mass Effect 2, but that's not the case for every situation. In order to have a completely personalized experience, that means using a save file or tracking down a copy of Mass Effect.

"Ether way, it's a great experience," he concluded, "whether it's a personalized, customized experience reflecting your choices from the first game or whether it's one one where you start fresh in a new game in Mass Effect 2 right off the bat."

I didn't take the decisions in Mass Effect that seriously. I'm tempted to revisit Mass Effect to give those moments more pause, but I know I won't have time. Now, I need to decide if I use my save.


  • Esta noticia va dedicada a Vegon.

BioWare Already Looking Forward to Mass Effect 3

After the exhausting effort that went into developing Mass Effect 2 it would be reasonable to expect the team was ready for a break. Not BioWare, or at least not Project Director Casey Hudson. Speaking to the press before showing off the game at a recent event in Edmonton Hudson said, "We're looking forward to it [Mass Effect 3] and it should be more fun for us."

This comment came after Hudson went into some detail about the challenges faced during development with perfecting the system for carrying over saves from the first game. Managing all the potential player choices and their outcomes took such a commitment to making it work that he said, "I'd be really surprised if anyone else tried to do it."

"Mass Effect 3," Hudson said, "will be easier because we don't have to worry about continuity into the next one." While no one ever expected the Mass Effect world to go away after the Shepard trilogy, it sounds like they're pretty dead set to wrap the current story arc up in the third game.

Ya me voy, ya me voy xD


Aviso ya, no leais el avance de meristation contiene spoilers por lo menos a mi me han jodido el principio del juego..aunque ya me lo suponia..

#223 Cruel :( :( :( :(


Eso te pasa por no hacerme caso.


#220 A grandes rasgos, como el kotor2

Aunque tenía muy poco impacto en el juego


Lo que mola de meristation esque


No sé si lo han hecho a posta o que, pero bueh


Infiltrator up

Sooooo gooood, le han dado un poder cojonudo. Parece que habrá que jugar un run con cada clase :D!

Remember: Mañana en el Xbox Live el trailer CG completo.


Joer, se están currando las clases. Eso del camuflaje mola de de veces que he querido colocarme justito detrás de los geth y reventarles a tiros xD


Este es el trailer extendido que sacaron hoy:

Editada la URL del video, para introducir uno más nitido y en 720p.


se acabo la diplomacia, siendo heroe espectro y mas basto que chuck norris me da que vamos a tener mucha accion x'D


El de la chaqueta es un crack.


wowowow ese trasto enorme del final....


Dios, es increible, tanto el infiltrator como el trailer. No tenía un hype asi por un juego desde la epoca "pokemon plata" hara ya sus 8 años.

no se si debe ser spoiler pero por si las moscas

INVITO a una ronda!!

la nave brutal!!

PD: #232 lo han dado en el cine el trailer'??'


si, cuando fui el Domingo a ver Avatar, en los anuncios pusieron un trailer de ME2


alguien ha hecho la preorder fuera de españa ya ? este juego va a ser muy grandee


#234 Yo tambien lo vi antes de ver avatar :D


También está en la web de previa instalación del MS Silverligh >


Entrevista sobre el nuevo estilo gráfico y la mejora gráfica general:


Trailer epic. Ganas de comprarlo diosss xD


GOTY 2010 en enero!
Estas navidades empezare mi 9ª partida para tener fresco lo máximo posible (e intentar conseguir los logros de compañeros, q es lo q me falta del 1 xDDD)

Tema cerrado