MEGATEN: Sega adquiere a Index (Atlus)


¿Por qué me siento indignado? ¿Por qué tengo ganas de darle un rodillazo a Goly? :mad: :mad:


#60 El sueño ha terminado, deja de darle más vueltas

1 respuesta

Pos vaya..... Es posiblemente una de las peores opciones q habia. :qq:



Que salga alguien de ATLUS y lo diga, hasta entonces ME NIEGO xD

EDIT: Tu cambio de avatar es por lo de este thread? xD. Muy adecuado


Game brand "Atlas" is now carried to the business continuity at Sega Sammy group from the 1st November. All employees of the consumer game business, we are working to concentrate on the development of the title to be released in the future. Thank you very much in the future.


A ver, desde el comunicado de #1 está "claro" que era así, pero luego he visto a gente en /v/ negándolo y poniendo el link que he puesto en #60 y ya no sabía que estaba pasando xD.

#66 Todo claro entonces. Me voy a mi cuarto a llorar.

2 respuestas

#64 Ese denial, hazle un google translate a esto:

1 respuesta

#64 Lo que te ponen allí es que Atlus no ha sido comprada por Sammy Holdings (conglomerado al que pertenece Sega) sino que ha sido comprada por la propia Sega subsidiaria de Sammy Holdings y ahora Index pasa a formar parte de Sega. Lo que viene a ser el peor escenario dentro del peor escenario.

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Para gustos colores, en este caso, azul.

Chúpate esa nintendo.


¿con esto nos podemos olvidar de ver smt4 por estas tierras?




SEGA confirmed its upcoming acquisition of Index Corporation and subsidiary Atlus last night. Following the official announcement, Atlus prepared a few comments of its own.

Consumer software director Naoto Hiroaka passed along the following:

  • After thanking the customers for their support, and apologizing for the concern caused, Hiroaka-san explains that Atlus has a very good relationship with Sega and a considerable business synergy. By using Sega’s solid distribution network he expects the company to expand further.
  • This new relationship will allow the two companies to complement each other’s niche in the consumer game business, and Sega’s Know-how will enhance Atlus’ brand.
  • The continuity of Atlus’ business is considered to be in very good shape.
  • At the moment all the employees of the consumer game department of the company are focusing on the development of future titles, and Atlus is looking forward to tackle new challenges in the future.

  • At the moment all the employees of the consumer game department of the company are focusing on the development of future titles, and Atlus is looking forward to tackle new challenges in the future.

P5 Golden Happiness confirmed, only Mobile.


Entonces si que se puede entrar en panic y a meter mierda.


Está ya confirmado que ha sido la propia SEGA? No es Sega Sammy Holdings?


Ahora entonces está clarísimo que P5 no tocará ninguna consola de Sony, o como va esto.


Persona 5 f2p mmo para móviles



Pero que cojones me estas container. Hasta Nintendo estaba bien, pero Sega no por dios. Van a destrozar Atlus.


delicious tears



Shin Megami Tensei Persona 5 confirmado para Windows Phone 8.


Gracias a dios que Nintendo se ha quedado fuera, ya han arruinado a Platinum, que no vayan a por más víctimas...

1 1 respuesta



Shin Megami Tensei Persona 5



vamos a darles una oportunidad.

yo digo que localizan 1 o 2 juegos antes de darnos la espalda.


"Específicamente quiso hacer hincapié en la gran red de distribución de Sega y en cómo puede ayudar eso a Atlus."

Como esa gran red de distribucion sea la misma encargada de traernos los valkyria chronicles, yakuza 5 etc, estamos bien apañados.

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#85 sega es su propia red de distribución y lo deja bien claro.

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Lo dice porque por grande que sea Sega ya no se molesta en localizar y distribuir esos juegos en occidente gañan xD

1 respuesta

#87 pero es que nadie piensa en los japoneses del foro? ninguno ha podido postear para expresar su alegría :(


Presidente de Atlus se pronuncia para calmar a las masas fatlusers!

In the first post-acquisition announcement Atlus president and CEO Naoto Hiraoka indicates that things will be business as usual. The full statement follows.

Dear fans and customers,

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your support of ATLUS products.

As announced Tuesday through various news channels, we are going to continue with our business operations as part of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS effective November 1, 2013.

As you may already know, Index Corporation filed for Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings in Japan on June 27 and since then, has been searching for a solution which would allow us to continue our business of making great games.

ATLUS has consistently received support and praise from our Faithful and our respected customers, and made great progress in recent years. So the recent incident must have surprised and worried all of you dearly. For that, I would like to express my deepest apologies.

We have nurtured a great relationship with SEGA Inc. for a long time, especially concerning our consumer games business in Japan. I believe the collaboration between the two companies at this time will be mutually beneficial for the following reasons:

Sega understands our drive to achieve quality and to expand awareness of the ATLUS brand.

Our respective strengths in game development complement each other well.

We are extremely happy to be able to continue with our business, and be able to report this good news to our fans and customers. Again, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who has supported us.

Currently, we at the Consumer Software Division in Japan are focusing on developing future titles, and are willing to take on new challenges to further achieve growth and success.

Please stay tuned for future updates.

Naoto Hiraoka

President and CEO

"estamos bien"


Nombra dos veces Japon y ninguna a algo tipo "around the world" que se pueda interpretar como que van a sacar algo fuera de alli.

Sabeis que es hora de aprender glifos.

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