#7229 prefiero ser impaciente, que demasiado permisivo o conformista xD.
No, en serio, antes hacia las SFU por diversion, y porque representaba un pico en las ventas, ahora como estara liado con los bugs, y todo lo de la empresa no lo hace, ademas, ya no necesita ese pico de 400-600, en un dia normal vende mas que en toda una semana de esa epoca.
Una duda que me corroe. De donde saca la gente oro y diamantes pseudo-infinitos, o fuentes de agua y lava y ese tipo de cosas en el multi?
Hay algún tipo de bug o algo?
A lot of stuff happened this week! On Monday, we tried negotiating the office we wanted, but they refused to sign it for less than three years. Signing for three years as an upstart is a bit scary, as that’d mean we could neither grow nor shrink during that time. So we’re still looking for an office.
I was supposed to go and talk to Ericsson about some things they’re developing that could be interesting for Minecraft, but I had to cancel it. They called me yesterday and gave me some more details, and it sounded really interesting!
Me and ez went and looked at a location for our wedding next year, and fell in love with the place. It’s got a great view of the water, is fairly central in Stockholm, and has two freaking saunas! TWO! What’s even cooler is that they’ve got space for all guests to spend the night if they want to.
We met and spoke with two different artists about possibly hiring them. Both are really talented and seem eager to get involved. Hopefully we can get this sorted as soon as the company is in place.
For the company, we’ve spoken to lawyers and are currently working on getting it all actually registered and in place so we can start paying salaries and so. Transferring everything I made in my own private company over is going to require some paperwork to get correct.
I also participated in a podcast or two, and did a couple of interviews via email. I had to cancel a real-world interview yesterday morning because I had to catch up on sleep.
Usually, I make sure not to work on weekends as much as possible, but I’m making an exception to talk to a game developer/backend guy tomorrow. I’ve met him a couple of times before, but I won’t say that I think he’d be a great fit, as that’d give him a really good position when negotiating .
I probably forgot a few things..
Menuda pesadilla
#7236 Existe un bug para duplicar items con los baúles.
Pues yo tengo la agenda más atareada que esa , me levante a las 12 , vi que no habia update y me puse a hacer el mono en el pc ... y no por eso he dejado la cama sin hacer .... puto notch
Yo sólo espero que Notch nos invite a la pedazo boda que le estamos pagando.
Si encuentro un vuelo a un precio razonable yo iría.
#7238 Gracias. Osea que se usa un bug del juego mismo, no una herramienta externa. Curioso.
Pero y lo de las fuentes de agua y lava? Con calderos y luego mecánica o también se saca de la manga?
#7244 Thx boss
Thousand Sunny, Impel Down, Marine HQ... hay montón de estructuras que se podrían hacer XD
El thousand sunny es el más chungo probablemente.
#7228 Despues de "templo en su honor" te falto un..... "oh.. wait..." y hubiera quedado de puta madre... xD
Yo cada vez que destruia mas de 5 cosas o ponia 5 cosas se petaba, y ahora ya se ha caido del todo,xD
#7254 Volviendo a leer tu comentario, no se porqué, pensé en otra cosa.
Los que pensaban que iba actualizar esta semana... Los reyes magos son los padres, lo siento xDD
Hola, acabo de comprarme el minecraft ! A ver si alguien me ayuda, estoy intentado entrar al server y nada. !
Es el que hay en #1 no?
Me pone Internet Exception: Java.socket.exception.etc etc
Mi nick de Mv: Sheldon
Nick Minecraft: MaTrAx