Minecraft: Problemas residence Instalacion permisos


Pues eso tengo problemas para instalar el residence en mi server bukkit
Estos son los pasos que hago:
1 me lo bajo
2 lo meto en la carpeta plugin arranco el server lo apago y crea la carpeta
3 luego intento crear residence y me da este error:

an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command

debe ser algo de darme permisos uso Managergroup: y esto es lo que tengo:

default: true
- essentials.help
- essentials.helpop
- essentials.list
- essentials.motd
- essentials.rules
- essentials.spawn
- residence.create
- groupmanager.notify.self
inheritance: []
prefix: '&e'
build: false
suffix: ''
default: false
- essentials.afk
- essentials.back
- essentials.back.ondeath
- essentials.balance
- essentials.balance.others
- essentials.balancetop
- essentials.chat.color
- essentials.chat.shout
- essentials.chat.question
- essentials.compass
- essentials.depth
- essentials.home
- essentials.ignore
- essentials.kit
- essentials.kit.tools
- essentials.mail
- essentials.mail.send
- essentials.me
- essentials.msg
- essentials.nick
- essentials.pay
- essentials.ping
- essentials.portal
- essentials.powertool
- essentials.protect
- essentials.sethome
- essentials.signs.use.*
- essentials.signs.create.disposal
- essentials.signs.create.mail
- essentials.signs.create.protection
- essentials.signs.create.trade
- essentials.signs.break.disposal
- essentials.signs.break.mail
- essentials.signs.break.protection
- essentials.signs.break.trade
- essentials.suicide
- essentials.time
- essentials.tpa
- essentials.tpaccept
- essentials.tpahere
- essentials.tpdeny
- essentials.warp
- essentials.warp.list
- essentials.worth
- default
prefix: '&2'
build: true
suffix: ''
default: false
- essentials.ban
- essentials.ban.notify
- essentials.banip
- essentials.broadcast
- essentials.clearinventory
- essentials.delwarp
- essentials.eco.loan
- essentials.ext
- essentials.getpos
- essentials.helpop.recieve
- essentials.home.others
- essentials.invsee
- essentials.jails
- essentials.jump
- essentials.kick
- essentials.kick.notify
- essentials.kill
- essentials.mute
- essentials.nick.others
- essentials.realname
- essentials.setwarp
- essentials.signs.create.*
- essentials.signs.break.*
- essentials.spawner
- essentials.thunder
- essentials.time
- essentials.time.set
- essentials.protect.alerts
- essentials.protect.admin
- essentials.protect.ownerinfo
- essentials.ptime
- essentials.ptime.others
- essentials.togglejail
- essentials.top
- essentials.tp
- essentials.tphere
- essentials.tppos
- essentials.tptoggle
- essentials.unban
- essentials.unbanip
- essentials.weather
- essentials.whois
- essentials.world
- groupmanager.listgroups
- groupmanager.mandemote
- groupmanager.manpromote
- groupmanager.manselect
- groupmanager.manuadd
- groupmanager.manudel
- groupmanager.manwhois
- groupmanager.notify.other
- builder
prefix: '&5'
build: true
suffix: ''
default: false
- -essentials.backup
- -essentials.essentials
- -essentials.setspawn
- -essentials.reloadall
- -essentials.plugin
- essentials.*
- groupmanager.mantogglevalidate
- groupmanager.mansave
- groupmanager.mangcheckp
- groupmanager.manglistp
- groupmanager.manucheckp
- groupmanager.manulistp

- moderator
  prefix: '&c'
  build: true
  suffix: ''

default: false
- '*'
- admin
prefix: '&4'
build: true
suffix: ''

El residence.create que hay lo puse por poner pero no funciona sigue dando el fallo.
Porfavor ayudarme a que esto vaya pls un saludo y muchas gracias


El group manager da muchos problemas con las tabulaciones, abrelo con notepad++ y mira si te salen en rojo las lineas. Los espacios en blanco mira bien que lo hayas puesto con espacios y no hayas tabulado.

#1 Fijate que tienes puesto en el rango builder 2 guiones en los permisos del essentials cuando solo debe ir uno.


esta cambiado ya pero sigue dandome el mismo problema, que me aconsejais para poder poner el residence? es que me es imposible xD

Esto es lo que tengo ahora:

default: true
- essentials.help
- essentials.helpop
- essentials.list
- essentials.motd
- essentials.rules
- essentials.spawn
- residence.create
- essentials.home
- essentials.balance
- essentials.afk
- essentials.depth
- essentials.ignore
- essentials.msg
- essentials.pay
- essentials.sethome
- essentials.suicide
- essentials.tpa
- essentials.tpaccept
- essentials.tpahere
- essentials.tpdeny
– lwc.protect
inheritance: []
prefix: '&e'
build: true
suffix: ''
default: false
- ''
- admin
prefix: '&4'
build: true
suffix: ''
default: false
- essentials.afk
- essentials.back
- essentials.back.ondeath
- essentials.balance
- essentials.balance.others
- essentials.balancetop
- essentials.chat.color
- essentials.chat.shout
- essentials.chat.question
- essentials.compass
- essentials.depth
- essentials.home
- essentials.ignore
- essentials.kit
- essentials.kit.tools
- essentials.mail
- essentials.mail.send
- essentials.me
- essentials.msg
- essentials.nick
- essentials.pay
- essentials.ping
- essentials.portal
- essentials.powertool
- essentials.protect
- essentials.sethome
- essentials.signs.use.

- essentials.signs.create.disposal
- essentials.signs.create.mail
- essentials.signs.create.protection
- essentials.signs.create.trade
- essentials.signs.break.disposal
- essentials.signs.break.mail
- essentials.signs.break.protection
- essentials.signs.break.trade
- essentials.suicide
- essentials.time
- essentials.tpa
- essentials.tpaccept
- essentials.tpahere
- essentials.tpdeny
- essentials.warp
- essentials.warp.list
- essentials.worth
- default
prefix: '&2'
build: true
suffix: ''
default: false
- essentials.ban
- essentials.ban.notify
- essentials.banip
- essentials.broadcast
- essentials.clearinventory
- essentials.delwarp
- essentials.eco.loan
- essentials.ext
- essentials.getpos
- essentials.helpop.recieve
- essentials.home.others
- essentials.invsee
- essentials.jails
- essentials.jump
- essentials.kick
- essentials.kick.notify
- essentials.kill
- essentials.mute
- essentials.nick.others
- essentials.realname
- essentials.setwarp
- essentials.signs.create.*
- essentials.signs.break.*
- essentials.spawner
- essentials.thunder
- essentials.time
- essentials.time.set
- essentials.protect.alerts
- essentials.protect.admin
- essentials.protect.ownerinfo
- essentials.ptime
- essentials.ptime.others
- essentials.togglejail
- essentials.top
- essentials.tp
- essentials.tphere
- essentials.tppos
- essentials.tptoggle
- essentials.unban
- essentials.unbanip
- essentials.weather
- essentials.whois
- essentials.world
- groupmanager.listgroups
- groupmanager.mandemote
- groupmanager.manpromote
- groupmanager.manselect
- groupmanager.manuadd
- groupmanager.manudel
- groupmanager.manwhois
- groupmanager.notify.other
- builder
prefix: '&5'
build: true
suffix: ''
default: false
- essentials.backup
- essentials.essentials
- essentials.setspawn
- essentials.reloadall
- essentials.plugin
- essentials.*
- groupmanager.mantogglevalidate
- groupmanager.mansave
- groupmanager.mangcheckp
- groupmanager.manglistp
- groupmanager.manucheckp
- groupmanager.manulistp
- moderator
prefix: '&c'
build: true
suffix: ''

No sale nada en rojo, guarde los espacios y demas pero nada quite un segundo el residence y puse el lwc y me pasa lo mismo jajajajjajaa


Mirate estos 2 links a ver si te ayudan



Thx por todo, todo eso ya lo he hecho el problemas, es que tengo que dar permisos y no se por que no me deja...... pero ahora tambien, no me funciona el lwc me da el mismo fallo..

an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command lo he probado ya todo :)

1 respuesta

#5 Si tu estas metido en algun grupo , dato que tu vas a ser el que mas permisos tenga , en lugar de ir plugin por plugin , ejemplo : - essentials.ban / essentials.ban.notify , pon un *
y asi tendras todos los permisos de todos los plugins que esten metidos y de los que instalaras mas tarde.
O si no quieres darle el * al grupo prueba a darselo a tu nick

#7 y como asignas los permisos? lo haces desde la propia consola del servidor o desde el archivo de configuracion?


El problema es que no se como dar permisos a los usuarios Default para usar el lwc por ejemplo yo como admin si puedo, pero con esto del managergroup no tengo ni idea

2 respuestas

#7 Desde dentro de tu servidor , en el chat escribe esto y luego dime si te funciona:

/mangaddp default lwc.protect


Haz estos dos comandos, el primero en teoria estas asignando al grupo default el permiso de lwc.protect , el segundo comando es para recargar la lista de permisos , una vez echo esto ya deberian tener permiso para usar el lwc

Te dejo aqui la lista de los comandos a nivel consola:



Ok thx eso me va pero me falta hacer funcionar el resince xD


No hay manera ya no se que hacer He vuelto ha cambiar ya que me gusta mas el permission bukkit esto es lo que tengo de su config:

permissions.example: true
- admin
permissions.build: true
lwc.protect: true
essentials.help: true
essentials.helpop: true
essentials.list: true
essentials.motd: true
essentials.rules: true
essentials.spawn: true
residence.create: true
essentials.home: true
essentials.balance: true
essentials.afk: true
essentials.depth: true
essentials.ignore: true
essentials.msg: true
essentials.pay: true
essentials.sethome: true
essentials.suicide: true
essentials.tpa: true
essentials.tpaccept: true
essentials.tpahere: true
essentials.tpdeny: true
CanCreate: true
MaxResidences: 5
MaxAreasPerResidence: 2
MaxEastWest: 40
MaxNorthSouth: 40
MaxUpDown: 70
MinHeight: 0
MaxHeight: 127
SubzoneDepth: 3
CanTeleport: false
Unstuck: true
SelectCommandAccess: true
ItemListAccess: true
CanChange: true
defaultEnter: Has entrado a una propiedad de %owner.
defaultLeave: Saliste de la propiedad de %owner.
MaxDays: 16
RenewIncrement: 14
MaxRents: 3
MaxRentables: 3
CanBuy: true
CanSell: true
IgnoreLimits: false
BuyCost: 3.00
RenewCost: 2.00
permissions.: true
: true
iConomy.*: true
CanCreate: true
MaxResidences: 200
MaxAreasPerResidence: 100
BuyCost: 0.00
RenewCost: 0.00
- default
- user
permissions.build: true
coolplugin.item: true
- default
build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.'

Y el config de residence es:

#These are Global Settings for Residence.

This loads the <language>.yml file in the Residence Language folder

All Residence text comes from this file. (NOT DONE YET)

Language: English

Wooden Axe is the default selection tool for Residence.

You can change it to another item ID listed here: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Data_values

SelectionToolId: 271

This determins which tool you can use to see info on residences, default is String.

Simply equip this tool and hit a location inside the residence and it will display the info for it.

InfoToolId: 287

The interval, in milliseconds, between movement checks.

Reducing this will increase the load on the server.

Increasing this will allow players to move further in movement restricted zones before they are teleported out.

MoveCheckInterval: 500

The interval, in minutes, between residence saves.

SaveInterval: 10

The default group to use if Permissions fails to attach or your not using Permissions.

DefaultGroup: Default

Enable / Disable the Lease System.

UseLeaseSystem: false

The interval, in minutes, between residence lease checks (if leases are enabled).

LeaseCheckInterval: 10

Allows leases to automatically renew so long as the player has the money, if economy is disabled, this setting does nothing.

LeaseAutoRenew: true

Whether or not to use the Permissions system in conjunction with this config.

EnablePermissions: true

Set to true if NOT using Permissions or PermissionsBukkit, or using a really old version of Permissions

LegacyPermissions: false

Enable / Disable Residence's Economy System.

EnableEconomy: true

The economy system to use (iConomy, MineConomy, Essentials, BOSEconomy, and RealEconomy supported).

EconomySystem: iConomy

Enables or disables the Rent System

EnableRentSystem: false

The interval, in minutes, between residence rent expiration checks (if the rent system is enabled).

RentCheckInterval: 10

Enable or disable residence chat channels.

ResidenceChatEnable: true

Color of residence chat.

ResidenceChatColor: DARK_PURPLE

Whether or not to ignore the usual Permission flags and only allow OPs and groups with 'residence.admin' to change residences.

AdminOnlyCommands: false

Setting this to true makes server OPs admins.

AdminOPs: true

This is the name of the plugin you use for multiworld, if you dont have a multiworld plugin you can safely ignore this.

The only thing this does is check to make sure the multiworld plugin is enabled BEFORE Residence, to ensure properly loading residences for other worlds.

MultiWorldPlugin: Multiverse-Core

Setting this to true causes subzones to inherit flags from their parent zones.

ResidenceFlagsInherit: true

Setting this to false will allow rented residences to be modified by the renting player.

PreventRentModify: true

Setting this to false will cause residence to continue to load even if a error is detected in the save file.

StopOnSaveFault: true

This is the residence name filter, that filters out invalid characters. Google "Java RegEx" or "Java Regular Expressions" for more info on how they work.

ResidenceNameRegex: '[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]'

Setting this to true sends a message to the console every time Residence does a rent expire check or a lease expire check.

ShowIntervalMessages: false

These are world flags that are applied when the player is NOT within a residence.

Global: #these are default for all worlds unless specified below, they can be overridden per group
use: true
build: true
ignite: true
firespread: true
damage: true
creeper: true
tnt: true
pvp: true
WorldNameHere: #here you can set flags for individual worlds, these override Global
#build: true

This gives permission to change certain flags to all groups, unless specifically denied to the group.

move: true
build: true
place: true
destroy: true
use: true
container: true
pvp: true
tp: true
ignite: true
firespread: true
bucket: true
flow: true
lavaflow: true
waterflow: true
creeper: true
tnt: true
monsters: true
animals: true
subzone: true
healing: true
piston: true

These are default flags applied to all residences from any user group.

build: false
use: false
container: false
pvp: false
tnt: false
creeper: false
flow: false
piston: false
ignite: false
firespread: false
piston: false

These are default flags applied to the residence creator of any group.

build: true
move: true
use: true
ignite: true
container: true

These are default group flags applied to a residence made by a user of any group.

#default: #group name
#build: true

These groups correspond to the Permissions groups defined in your '<worldname>.yml'

Default: #group name

Information about the Residence zone that the player can define.


Determins if this group can create residences or not. This option can be overriden with the permissions node 'residence.create'

CanCreate: true

The maximum number of Residences a player can have.

MaxResidences: 3

The maximum number of physical areas a residence can have.

MaxAreasPerResidence: 2

The maximum number of blocks a Residence can be, East to West (X).

MaxEastWest: 16

The maximum number of blocks a Residence can be, North to South (Z).

MaxNorthSouth: 16

The maximum number of blocks a Residence can be, High to Low (Y).

MaxUpDown: 128

The lowest altitude this group is allowed to protect.

MinHeight: 0

The highest altitude this group is allowed to protect.

MaxHeight: 127

The maximum recursive depth that subzones can go.

A subzone within a subzone within the Residence zone would be a depth of 2.

Set to 0 to disable subzones.

SubzoneDepth: 3

Whether or not to allow teleporting to Residences.

CanTeleport: true

Allow or Disallow the use of /res unstuck, to get yourself out of a residence if stuck in one somehow

Unstuck: true

Allow or Disallow the use of the /res select command, if disabled they can only use the selection tool.

SelectCommandAccess: true

Allow or Disallow the group to access the Blacklist/Ignorelist for residences they own.

ItemListAccess: true

Options relating to enter and leave messages on the residence.


Whether or not the player can change the Residence enter and leave messages.

CanChange: true

The default enter message to apply to new Residences created by players in this group.

Leaving the message blank will disable it.

DefaultEnter: Welcome %player to %residence, owned by %owner.

The default leave message to apply to new Residences created by players in this group.

Leaving the message blank will disable it.

DefaultLeave: Now leaving %residence.

Options relating to the Lease system.


The maximum number of days to allow leases.

MaxDays: 16

The number of days to add to the lease following a '/res lease renew' command.

RenewIncrement: 14
#Options related to the rent system
#determines how many residences can be rented by players of this group at once
MaxRents: 3
#determines how many residences can be set for rent by players of this group at once
MaxRentables: 3

Options relating to the Residence Economy.


Whether or not players in this group can buy other Residences that are for sale.

CanBuy: true

Whether or not players in this group can sell their Residences.

CanSell: false

Whether or not to ignore the Residence size/count limits when buying a residence.

IgnoreLimits: false

The cost, per block, of making a new Residence or adding a area to it.

BuyCost: 0.05

The cost, per block, of renewing a Residence lease (if the lease system is enabled).

RenewCost: 0.02

Flags are checked in the order:

1: Player

2: Group

3: Owner

4: If all others are undefined, reverts to default value (usually true).

Flag permissions default to false.

These flags settings override the globals.


Specifically allow or deny this group from changing certain flags.

#build: true

Specifys the flags that are applied at residence creation for players of this group.

#build: true

Specifys the flags that are applied at to the creator at residence creation.

#build: true

Specifys the flags that are applied to other groups for this residence, at creation.

#default: #group name
#build: false
#these flags are applied specifically to this group whenever they are outside a residence
#these flags will override the flags at the top, under the Global section.
Global: #these flags will apply to all worlds
#build: false
WorldNameHere: #or you can apply them by each individual world
#build: false

You can manually specify the group a player is in below, this overrides their permissions group.

bekvon: default
player: default

ItemList: #this is where you can create blacklists / whitelists
DefaultList: #list name is not important, as long as it is unique. Its good to use a descripive name.
#type of the list, can be blacklist, whitelist, or ignorelist
Type: blacklist
#If you want, you can have this list only apply to one world, otherwise it applys to all worlds
#World: world
#You can also have the list apply only to one group, otherwise it applys for all groups
#Group: default
#this is the actual list of material names that this list allows or dissallows
#You can look up the material name by item ID in game by typing /res material <id>
#Alternativly, you can simply use the item ID in the list, but its less descriptive and harder to see what the list allows or dissallows at a glance
- 'LAVA'

Used to determine which major revision of Residence this config is from, dont change this.

ResidenceVersion: 2

Y esotos los logs:

16:50:59 [INFO] [HeroicDeath] 1.11.2 enabled.
16:50:59 [INFO] Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? tr
ue; trace: 10]
16:50:59 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsProtect build 2.7.1 by: essentials team
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - max-jobs property not found. Defaulting to unlimited!
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Woodcutter is missing the max-level property. defau
lting to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Woodcutter is missing the slots property. defaultin
g to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Miner is missing the max-level property. defaulting
to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Miner is missing the slots property. defaulting to
no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Builder is missing the max-level property. defaulti
ng to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Builder is missing the slots property. defaulting t
o no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Digger is missing the max-level property. defaultin
g to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Digger is missing the slots property. defaulting to
no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Farmer is missing the max-level property. defaultin
g to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Farmer is missing the slots property. defaulting to
no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Hunter is missing the max-level property. defaultin
g to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Hunter is missing the slots property. defaulting to
no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Fisherman is missing the max-level property. defaul
ting to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Fisherman is missing the slots property. defaulting
to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Weaponsmith is missing the max-level property. defa
ulting to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job Weaponsmith is missing the slots property. defaulti
ng to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job None is missing the max-level property. defaulting
to no limits !
16:51:00 [INFO] [Jobs] - Job None is missing the slots property. defaulting to n
o limits !
16:51:01 [INFO] [Jobs v2.5.4] has been enabled succesfully.
16:51:01 [INFO] [Jobs] Successfully linked with iConomy 6.
16:51:01 [INFO] LWC: Loaded 137 locale strings (0 overrides)
16:51:01 [INFO] LWC: Permissions API: BukkitPermissions
16:51:01 [INFO] LWC: Currency API: iConomy6Currency
16:51:01 [INFO] LWC: Loading SQLite
16:51:01 [INFO] LWC: Using: Native
16:51:01 [INFO] LWC: Precached 42 protections.
16:51:01 [INFO] LWC: At version: 3.53 (b294)
16:51:01 [INFO] [ChestShop] LWC version 3.53 loaded.
16:51:01 [INFO] [ChestShop] version 3.29 initialized!
16:51:01 [INFO] [ChestShop] iConomy 6 loaded.
16:51:01 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
16:51:01 [INFO] Done (0.462s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
16:51:01 [INFO] / lost connection
16:51:07 [INFO] Atilax [/] logged in with entity id 255 at ([Sk
ynetWorld] 58.875, 64.0, -31.375)
16:51:41 [SEVERE] null
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'res'
in plugin Residence v2.4.2
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:42)
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:16
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:3
at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.
at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:722)
at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:715)
at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(Packet3Chat.java:33)
at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:93)
at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:527)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:425)
at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:457)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/server/FontAllowedChara
at com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence.validString(Residence.java:339)
at com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence.validName(Residence.java:332)
at com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.protection.ResidenceManager.addResidence(
at com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence.onCommand(Residence.java:759)
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:40)
... 12 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.server.FontAllowedCha
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190)
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:248)
... 17 more
16:51:50 [INFO] Atilax lost connection: disconnect.quitting
16:51:50 [INFO] Connection reset

Y me da el famoso error ya no se que hacer haber si podeis ayudarme.

Usuarios habituales