Mod: Dark Souls Re-remastered


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What does Dark Souls Re-Remastered mod do?

  1. Adds dynamic shadows to every map. Most DS1 shadows were baked, but this mod adds dynamic ones which are far more accurate and include waaaay more objects too
  2. Restores PTDE lighting to every map
  3. Upscales almost every texture, most of which are ported from PTDE
  4. Generates new normal maps for most surfaces
  5. Upscales armor/weapon textures, most of which are ported from PTDE
  6. Adds parallax occlusion mapping to more surfaces (wip)
  7. Better water reflections
  8. Better distant geometry. Replaces the fake distant mappieces and uses the actual mappieces
  9. Blighttown visible from Firelink Shrine. Moonlight Butterfly Castle visible from Undead Burg
  10. More grass added in Undead Burg, Firelink Shrine, and more
  11. Fixes mesh holes that were present in many mappieces
  12. Adjusts the Depth of Field effect so it's closer to how PTDE used it
  13. Shadows are now higher resolution, thanks to DSR Shader Overhaul being built into the mod
  14. Better AO on the player lantern, due to DSR Shader Overhaul

Solo necesitas Dark Souls Remastered y volver a hacerte la build del giantdad. Suerte a todes.


Usuarios habituales

  • Dennn
