Esperemos a que los analistas expertos de MV hagan una interfaz gráfica con visual basic para analizar el acierto o error con el precio.
Joder no es mucho pedir, malo seria que Nintendo no hiciera mas colores o ediciones limitadas de este estilo.
#2650 Pues yo la veo horrible... Encima hemos de estar hypeados con un juego de una generacion pasada... Esperemos que tengan de verdad un buen catalogo para empezar la cnosola porque sino... Menuda tela.
En cualquier caso que ganas de saber mas... Mas que nada porque me niego a ser estafado comprando una WiiU ahora.
#2654 Pues si no te mola esa, ten esta:
Yo me iría de cabeza a esta aunque costase 50 € más. Es muy muy muy bonita y mola mucho. XD
#2655 Pues el mando esta mejor en la version Taxi que la intento de deluxe... De hecho la plataforma es chula, pero vamos, yo veo el mando super horrible. Aunque bueno, creo que el mando me parece bastante feo pongan el color que pongan.
Rumor: Breath of the Wild will not be released in March.
Breath of the Wild is one of the largest games — if not the largest game — that Nintendo has ever developed. It’s probably larger than Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and Wind Waker combined.
In early September, I heard rumblings that the localization for the game was becoming more work than anyone had anticipated. They have to localize all of the game’s text, NPCs, quests, etc. Then, around October, I received another update that Zelda’s localization was still not going as smoothly as planned. “A very ambitious game, maybe even too much” claimed one particular source.
That brings us to the month of November. More sources have now come forward and corroborated my information. They’ve told me that localization for Breath of the Wild might not be finished until the end of December. After localization is completed, this game will require between (at least) four-to-six months of testing. As I mentioned earlier, this is one of Nintendo’s largest and most ambitious games ever. The amount of testing required for a huge open-world game like this is enormous. Nintendo’s intention is to have the game as bug free as possible.
On an unrelated note, I’ve also heard whispers of the Switch version of BoTW running more smoothly than the Wii U version. Furthermore, I hear the final version of the game is a bit harder than what the press and media played at E3. Actually, I hear they toned down the E3 demo’s difficulty a tiny bit because they wanted journalists and press members at E3 to have fun exploring.
Ademas Nintendo nunca ha dicho que el juego iba a salir en Marzo, puso que en 2017. Entonces no se puede tomar como un retraso en si, pero es muy mala opción no sacar el Zelda de salida con Switch, pero es un rumor, en Enero seguramente lo sepamos 100%.
Esa ya me la sé.
Pasó hace casi 20 años y nos dieron una mierda de librito con los textos en castellano.