Nintendogs y Advance Wars en IGN y Gamespot


IGN y Gamespot ya han analizado 2 de los lanzamientos mas importantes para Nintendo DS en USA, con los que deberian reflotar un poco sus ventas combinando el lanzamiento de estos juegos con la rebaja de precio.

Gamespot Nintendogs:

GameSpot Score9.1
Gameplay - 9
Graphics - 9
Sound - 8
Value - 8
Tilt - 10

Resumiendo -> Just about anyone who enjoys the adorable antics, manic activity, and the tender nurturing that is central to raising a happy, healthy puppy should certainly give Nintendogs a look. Its simple interface, appealing subject matter, and its friendliness to multiple short sessions, with plenty of items and animals to unlock, makes it easy to recommend to a wide variety of gamers and nongamers alike.

Gamespot Advance Wars:

GameSpot Score9.2
Gameplay - 10
Graphics - 8
Sound - 8
Value - 10
Tilt - 9

Resumiendo -> In short, the latest Advance Wars game somehow succeeds at making a well-worn formula as fresh and exciting as ever. Intelligent Systems, the developer of the series, deserves tremendous credit for crafting such a deep yet approachable gameplay experience. Those who haven't yet played an Advance Wars game shouldn't hesitate to start with this one, while the series' dedicated fans will find that there's lots of great, new stuff here to play around with, get really into, and share with their friends.

IGN Nintendogs:

9.0 Presentation
Though the whole "virtual pet" thing has been done before, it's never been so embellished upon as it has been in Nintendogs.
9.5 Graphics
The artists keep a stylized look for the environments in favor of making the dogs look and move as real as possible. The game really does look stunning on the DS.

9.0 Sound
Dogs bark realistically with varying pitches for the different breeds. The game also uses the DS audio for custom player samples that can be transmitted to other systems.
8.5 Gameplay
Adorable and inventive virtual pet game that will melt all but the most rockhard of hearts. There's a cap on the variety of things you can do, but within those limitations is a lot of fun to be had.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Unless you take advantage of the "bark mode" function, Nintendogs peters out quickly since there's only a finite amount of things to experience.
(out of 10 / not an average)


¿se sabe para cuando estaran aqui? joaz, sin puntuacion que van, la leche.

PD: Gracias por la info, kyoto


El advance War el 30 de Septiembre.

Los Nintendogs ( salen en 3 versiones ) el 7 de Octubre.

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