Nueva info sobre los Clubs


We just had a very interesting chat about clubs in our Discord server!

Here are some of the things that got revealed:

-Clubs will have a size limit of 50 tamers
-Can be formed anywhere, straight from the menu
-Clubs have 1 leader, co-leaders, recruiters and standard
-Clubs will have two names: the long one, up to 25 characters, and an abbreviated version up to 10. Same rules as for character names!
-Clubs can be set to private, only joining with invitation, or public, where everyone can join
-Clubs will have club chat!
-Clubs will have customizable banners! There are many options to choose from to ensure originality Cara aliviada
-Keep in mind that this is the first iteration of clubs, and as such will have no game mechanics yet.
-You can only be in one club at a time


Si alguno quiere entrar en un club, mandarme mp , o decirlo por aquí (hay españoles pero la mayoría guiris , eso si guiris majos y tryhards)

@HYDRAX0N espero que entres cabronazo


Disculpad mi desconocimiento pero ¿de qué va esto de los clubs de discord?

EDIT: No dije nada, no vi que era de TemTem


Pinta bien, a ver si dan fecha de salida pronto.

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