Al parecer el retraso va mereciendo la pena:
*PS2 quality motion blur has been replaced by high quality motion blur
*Better lod minimal pop ups
*Hard shadows are gone, soft shadows are in
*Ghost cars replaced by actual cars
*Better collision physics/detection compared to the e3 build
*The game sounds a lot better as well
And more!
More improvements coming!
More visual improvements incoming
@AlwayzGaming YES!! Most notably from the video just shared you will see an improvement for the ambient lighting inside the car...
@AlwayzGaming ...and big improvements to the sun, the clouds and the sky overall. When we have that we will show you a full race. :-)
@AlwayzGaming We're about to start optimising the reflections in the mirrors too.
@AlwayzGaming ...also the glass windscreen doesn't sit perfectly with the bodywork of the car. We've already
Los de Evolution se están poniendo las pilas.