Nuevo parche Dota2


This week we're shipping an embarrassing lack of content. We're saving it all for next week.


  • Fixed Illuminate going 400 further than intended.
  • Fixed Psi Blades being slightly too wide in its spill.


  • Fixed range cursor always using the player's main hero instead of the currently casting unit.
  • Fixed bug where connecting during CM pick stage resulted in a broken pick/ban view.
  • Added control groups 7, 8, 9, and 10.
  • Enabled equipped Pennants showing up in your base.


  • Added custom sounds when Tiny has an ultimate scepter equipped and is attacking with a tree.


  • Added Luna bot.
  • Added Dazzle bot.
  • Only use suggested heroes if we have bot implementations for them.
  • Lich bot will now use Frost Nova when laning to harass, if he has plenty of mana.
  • Fixed bug that would cause Viper to use Poision Attack on creeps when laning.
  • Bots will now sell TP scrolls if they need the inventory space to buy an item from the Secret Shop.
  • Made Bane bot less likely to use abilities when doing a mild retreat.
  • Fixed Razor's Plasma Field usage in-lane which was just completely broken. He should spam it less now.
  • Tiny will now Avalanche at a slightly further distance when trying to do his combo.
  • Windrunner will try to Shackleshot when retreating less now, and only when Windrun isn't active.
  • Bots will no longer want to do Roshan when they aren't sufficiently tanky.
  • When buying TP scrolls, bots will now try to purchase two of them since they tend to run around without any too often
  • Fixed bug where bots wouldn't lower their farm desire when they reached enough money to make a big purchase, resulting in them farming forever.
  • Fixed bug in Armlet toggling.
  • Fixed bug that was causing bots to use Mekansm when no one needed healing.
  • Fixed bug that was causing bots to incorrectly extrapolate movement positions (breaking abilities that need to lead their targets like Torrent or Light Strike Array).

Segun he podido saber se ve que la semana que viene actualizan el DotA1 a la versión 6.75. Y lo que ponen en el changelog es que se reservan todo para la semana que viene. Haber que nos tienen preparados.



No se sabe que la 6.75 sea la semana que viene; se sospecha porque Icefrog dijo que era para finales de mes o principios de Octubre. Veremos si es así ...



2 1 respuesta

Para mi el parche perfecto seria Centaur, Magnataur, Tauren Chieftain, Abbadon, Pit Lord y Terrorblade!

Ojala metan mas de 3 heroes :S


- Fixed Psi Blades being slightly too wide in its spill.

Ya era hora joder


Todas las TA al pozo mhuahahahaha!

No hay parche pero nos meteran parchazo con la 6.75 la semana que viene wohooo


el unico parche perfecto es el que meta a techies

2 2 respuestas

#3 te juro que me reido mucho con tu imagen xDDDD

#8 Que jodida mierda es esa me quedado igual al verlo xD


#8 Ostia que puntazo jajaja

Lo he visto 3 veces y las 3 me he descojonado xD


Ojala quiten los anuncios de cuando se hacen double, triple, killing spree etc que han puesto arriba en el medio >.<

1 respuesta

#11 Da rabia cuando no los haces tu eh? :D

1 1 respuesta

#12 no creas, pero IMO queda demasiado mal, vamos una mala copia de los mensajes del HON...


Pues a mi me gustan, mejor que en vez de quitarlos pongan una opción para verlos o no verlos.


Usuarios habituales

  • nakaz
  • MegalomaniaC
  • Kaneas
  • Uzran
  • Site
  • JonaN
  • Misantropia