Overwatch League: Temporada 1



#120 Hace par de meses en un post sobre él en Reddit el pavo se metió y comentó su situación. La pongo por aquí por si alguno no la ha leído, es interesante lo que dice y yo espero que vuelva a su mejor nivel a lo largo de la temporada

Hey there.

Few things I would like to talk about, some of them completely off the topic, some of them relevant.

I am sure this post will gain some traction, and while there definitely will be comments towards toxicity, being washed up and what not. I figured I would drop in and throw a bone for people to ethier read, or not care about, ethier way works as it doesnt matter to me. To start off, I dont mind people having any opinion whatsoever, its theirs and they are always entitled to it no matter what. There probably will be a mixture of positivity and negativity cause you cant be buddies with them all and thats totally fine, I havent spoken about any of the topics that I am about to, but I think its time. There really isnt ever a good time to adress these issues properly when they occur, but I have been wanting to make a post for a long time and theres not a better time when a thread like this pops up. Anyhow, here it goes //

It sort of happened after Fnatic, and how I departured from it. I was definitely a part of the problem at the time, and with the inexperience of being surrounded by people that depended on you, and that feeling of being semi-important scared me to be quite frank. I did a few major mistakes, and being a bad teammate was one of them. I did learn tons of valuable life lessons from this, and I decided to figure out my issues within myself after my departure with some proper soul searching which really spun me around and helped me out in ways I didnt know was possible. Since no one ever fully knew whether I was kicked or not, I never left Fnatic. The truth is I was originally benched, but then removed, and I have no issues admitting that after understanding what went wrong. Today, I am friends with the former roster we had, and we are all on good terms as I write this which means a lot to me. Afterall, we were a kickass team who had some insane synergy teamwise, and I am still sad that it didnt work out in the end.

Fast forwarding a couple of weeks, even months I made a horrible decision, an attempt to stream a certain bronze challenge which gained a ton of traction (should had understood this from the get-go) - obviously the way I acted in that matter and how I thought it be a cool idea wasnt really the smartest move, especially not after the departure of my former team Fnatic at the time. I regret what I did, and if I could turn the time around and take that decision back, I would. This also enforced some of the toxic rumours on the way I acted, and memed while doing so. Again, this is my own fault and I owe up to it fully, huge screw up on my part.

Onto my stream, I know I havent had the best of attitudes and I somewhat come across as a little bit of a crybaby at times. I think we all have this within us, maybe I do it a tad bit too much on average, and I have come to understand that I have. I made myself a promise moving forward to care less about the number, and more about focusing on what I can do better, this was a plan set in motion couple days ago only and I am actively working to be more positive. Working on it, and it will change. Again, how I am on stream, is completely different from how I am in other enviroments. Please do not get them mixed up.

I do not really want to comment on the NRG scenario where.. the roster was critically acclaimed for not living up to the hype, and while I did well in Fnatic and thats where people know me from and they expected me to be the same caliber player in NRG, and I can only speak for myself in this regard, but I felt like I disappointed a lot of people, and could had done better regardless of the unfortunate circumstances that surrounded that roster, but I am not gonna let that be used as an excuse. I am infact, more motivated than ever.

And while I have been gone for quite some time, and most of you strongly disagree with me deserving to be in the OWL. I ask for not only your forgiveness on some of the stupid decisions I have made in the past, but also the opportunity to prove you wrong that is all I ask for. and if I were to fail by all means pitchfork me on the holy cross - but that doesnt go without saying; I havent been this motivated in my life ever to not only be a better version of myself, but also to come back with a dominating swing.

To the people who have supported me throughout the hard times, much love to you and I hope you will continue to be a supporter. To the ones who doesnt believe in me, thats fine. I ultimately am the one to turn your opinion around, just give me the chance to do so.

Thank you. Sorry for the massive wall of text, figured it was necessary to get my feelings / thoughts out.

tl dr, give me another shot, sorry for the stupid stuff I have done in the past. Id like to proove people wrong in the OWL about belonging or not.


1 respuesta

#120 Es que su fuerte no es Tracer, tracer va a ser Sinatraa y junto con el y babybay, son los mas fuertes, solidos y "shot callers" del equipo. Iddqd habra rendido mas o menos en la preseason pero es un jugador bestial por cualidades de base fuera de la mecanica que mas quisieran muchos, incluido Nevix y Dante. Ese equipo en el momento en que coja confianza y empiecen a salir las cosas con tranquilidad y estén todos los menores actuales jugando, va a ser un puto desfase y se ve desde lejos.
PD: Cuando los supports no tengan que sacrificarse y jugar Mercy y puedan jugar Lucio/Ana vamos a ver cositas bastante heavy metal.

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#121 rpv? XD
edit: vale nada lo pone al final xD


#122 Soy plenamente consciente de que iddqd no es un jugador de Tracer, sino más bien hitscanner, de igual manera, la preseason no fueron sus mejores matches

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Hace no demasiado estaba viendo a iddqd en su stream y tras perder un par seguidas decidió dejar de jugar más ranked, anunciándolo por stream en ese mismo momento. Sabe dios cómo estará de motivación y quizá eso le influya.



te pasteo la tabla donde describe las pulse pistols de tracer en la wiki.

Pulse Pistols

Icon	Stats	Official Description
Rapid fire [i]hitscan[/i]
3 - 12 per shot
1.5 - 6 per bullet
Falloff range
11 to 30 meters
Num. of pellets
2 bullets per shot
Rate of fire
20 shots per second
Ammo usage
2 rounds per shot
Reload time
1.25 second

Tracer rapid-fires both of her pistols.

para más duda consulte a su farmacéutico: https://overwatch.gamepedia.com/Tracer


sin conocerte de nada (ni ganas) me recuerdas a esos chavales que hablan de jugavilidaz y no saben ni lo que significa xD

1 respuesta

#126 Me lo tomaré como un bait y ni te voy a responder, tampoco tengo ganas, supongo que te habrá dejado la novia hace poco.


El equipo de Londres y no tiene a ningún europeo xD


Empieza a aburrir siempre los mismos mapas.


Son los mismos 3 mapas en cada categoria siempre, la siguiente semana seran otros.
#124 Tracer es hitscan si, por eso la juega bien pero no es sinatraa ni dante ni por asomo y por eso la juega con mucha cabeza, defensiva pero contra animales como los que hay en la OWL eso no es suficiente.
Esto dura 5 meses, ya veremos como acaba, que hasta Fuel ha pillado un 0-2 fresco y los que están en el equipo no son mancos precisamente.

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Qué significa el número que tiene cada jugador?

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#130 Fuel quedo 1-2

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#132 Eh no, me refiero al computo de partidos 0 ganados 2 derrotas.


Londres se están merendando a Philly, esperaba que pusieran un poquito más de resistencia al menos.

#131 Es simplemente el número que elijan los jugadores, para vender camisetas.


en numbani aún no pusieron leyes antiviolación aún porque vaya desguace les han dejado en el culo


Bridring jugando con Soldier parece como si tuviera el visor activo en todo momento, menudo tracking que se marca el hamijo.


A poco que Spitfire vaya mejorando el teamplay entre los miembros de los dos equipos que lo conforman (KDP y GC Busan), van a ser el rival a batir con casi toda seguridad en el campeonato.


Philly no ha hecho ni un cambio no? En plan vamos a jugar los mejores que es un partido serio, y un así les han pintado la cara? o es que no pretenden hacer cambios nunca entre mapas?


En tema de tanques y support Seoul Dynasty son puros animales pero es que para DPS, los que llevan London Spitfire son perros de presa vamos, se te echan encima y ni con acido te los quitas vamos.
El enfrentamiento Fissure+Gesture vs Miro+Zumba y luego Rascal/Birdring+Profi intentando cascar a Ryujehong y tobi .... telita del telar. Cuando salga ese partido la peña va a necesitar medicacion porque van a haber infartos seguro.


Estos Outlaws son los que quería haber visto antes de ayer.


¿Hay algún personaje que aún NO se haya jugado?

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#141 Symmetra tal vez

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#142 Ya me contestaron por Twitter, 21 de 26. Ahora me faltaría saber cuales no. De todos modos ese % tan elevado habla MUY bien de Blizzard

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#143 Solo falta el nerf a mercy y perfecto :shutup:


P I N E parfavar para ya.


Pine vs Linkza. ME cago en mi vida


PINE la lleva arrastrando pero brutalmente xD


Muy bruto Pine. Fue el factor diferencial ayer y lo ha vuelto a ser hoy.


menuda locura Pine, espectáculo asegurado


#143 Pues el otro día lei o escuché que se había utilizado 25 de 26 y era Symmetra, y me suena a que es así xD

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