Planetary Annihilation - Trailer de la Beta


Tiene muy buena pinta, me alegro que se dejen ya de sacar mobas, mmorpg's.


#1 Feedback del foro:

Beta Build: 54382

  • SMASH PLANETS. Build on other planets. This is still work in progress, and you will see a great deal of iteration in the coming weeks and months. Go forth, Commanders, take over the solar system, fling asteroids at your enemies, dominate the skies.

  • Borderless full screen now supported! Alt-Enter (rebindable) to enter the mode. The game will now remember window position and what mode you're in - full screen, windowed, window-maximized, etc.

  • Significant changes to client performance. If you haven't been able to play much, now is a good time to try again and post in our beta forums with details about your experiences, ESPECIALLY if it's worse for you now.

  • Major overhaul to metal density and clustering. Still very work in progress. Reduces overall metal. The actual placement still needs more iteration, as the current system results in too many unusable metal spots.

  • Overhaul of the system editor. Play around with it. Much improved flow, saving, loading and customization of planets and solar systems.

  • Big changes to landing selection. Still a work in progress. Small games should typically guarantee more reliable metal for all. Larger games can still result in limited immediately available metal. This will continue to be iterated.

  • Major changes to how we use video memory. In most cases, you should see a significant improvement in your video cards memory usage. This helps visuals, frame rate, etc.

  • Orbital: In addition to units being fleshed out quite a bit, orbital landers now work. With the lander selected, press L to move it to the ground and "load", select the unit you want to load and right click on the lander to get on board (only some units currently support this - land fabs and the commander), then target another body. Keep in mind, celestial travel isn't fast. Plan accordingly! Also, don't let your commander die while on a lander. Game over man! Game over!

  • Tons of new art. Orbital units, updated land units, Delta V planet movers, and more.

  • The community bug tracker can now be opened in game by selecting Ctrl+F10 (Rebindable)

  • Water shader has more transparency now. Should make it easier to see some of your underwater units.

  • Torpedos work now. However, they don't submerge yet.

  • ENERGY MATTERS. If you are running at an energy deficit, you'll notice stuff that requires energy to work won't, or will work much slower. We don't have specific notifications about this currently, so keep a lot of energy storage or simply don't run negative. You'll regret it.

  • Features are now destructible. Sorry, you can't see them start on fire yet.

  • Reclaim, wreckage and overkill are now all using a dynamic system, rather than hard coded numbers. The amount it will take to reclaim a live unit, or wreckage, are components of their total build cost, health and wreckage stability. Fabbers reclaim at a lower rate than they build at.

  • AI now builds air scouts

  • AI will seek out targets before sending bomber patrols; It will also wait to send a bombing run until it has enough to do an effective run

  • AI now builds radar

  • Significant Balance Changes, most not called out.

  • Tanks currently can't shoot at air. We're testing this change to see how it feels in comparison.

  • More units now can be built on land and water ; We don't have a visual way to show this yet

  • Advanced radar satellite is really worth building now

  • Most orbital units can now move between planets

Aún no tenemos asteroides y los cuerpos celestes siguen siendo pocos, aunque según avance la beta veremos más.
Pd.: Para los que no lo sepan, esta sale un poco más de un año después de que finalizase el kickstarter.
Ya se van acercado bastante al concepto original.


Esperaba que los planetas fueran más grandes.

1 respuesta



#4 Los planetas tienen tamaños variables. Creo que el más grande pueden jugar 10 jugadores en el mismo y estar bastante cómdos y en el más pequeño 2.

Aunque ten en cuenta que ahora solo se pueden mover Sátelites y Planetas, en el futuro se piensan añadir asteroides y más planetas (ahora mismo solo se pueden tener 2 planetas con 2 satélites cada uno).

1 respuesta

#6 Yaya, eso dijeron. Pero otro video nuevo y siguen sin enseñarlo.

1 respuesta

#7 Juega al juego y verás que puedes hacer planetas muy grandes, xd.

Hay un editor de planetas y de sistemas solares para hacer lo tuyos propios y jugarlos luego, en vez de que se genere uno aletorio (que no suelen ser demasiado grandes ni demasiado pequeños).

1 respuesta

#1 Tiene algo que ver con?

Menudo juegaco estaba hecho.

2 respuestas

#9 Si te fijas en el FAQ:

Specifically, what RTS games have you guys worked on?

Team members have worked on the following games, and many others:

Total Annihilation
C&C Generals: Zero Hour
Supreme Commander
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance.
Demigod (MOBA)

Tiene pinta que de dentro de dos o tres años el juego será una pasada, pero yo ya estoy viejo para betas.


#9 Básicamente los mismos creadores. Si ves el traíler de kickstarter, incluso va a ser el mismo narrador.


#8 Perfecto entonces.

Usuarios habituales

  • Danrex
  • kraqen
  • Glicerart
  • Mockba
  • Mkan
  • Dafnext
  • Netzach
